20 research outputs found

    Invariant measures concentrated on countable structures

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    Let L be a countable language. We say that a countable infinite L-structure M admits an invariant measure when there is a probability measure on the space of L-structures with the same underlying set as M that is invariant under permutations of that set, and that assigns measure one to the isomorphism class of M. We show that M admits an invariant measure if and only if it has trivial definable closure, i.e., the pointwise stabilizer in Aut(M) of an arbitrary finite tuple of M fixes no additional points. When M is a Fraisse limit in a relational language, this amounts to requiring that the age of M have strong amalgamation. Our results give rise to new instances of structures that admit invariant measures and structures that do not.Comment: 46 pages, 2 figures. Small changes following referee suggestion

    Multigraph limit of the dense configuration model and the preferential attachment graph

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    The configuration model is the most natural model to generate a random multigraph with a given degree sequence. We use the notion of dense graph limits to characterize the special form of limit objects of convergent sequences of configuration models. We apply these results to calculate the limit object corresponding to the dense preferential attachment graph and the edge reconnecting model. Our main tools in doing so are (1) the relation between the theory of graph limits and that of partially exchangeable random arrays (2) an explicit construction of our random graphs that uses urn models.Comment: Some of the results of this submission already appeared in an older version of arXiv:0912.3904v3, "Time evolution of dense multigraph limits under edge-conservative preferential attachment dynamics." Accepted for publication in Acta Mathematica Hungaric

    Multigraph limit of the dense configuration model and the preferential attachment graph

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    The configuration model is the most natural model to generate a random multigraph with a given degree sequence. We use the notion of dense graph limits to characterize the special form of limit objects of convergent sequences of configuration models. We apply these results to calculate the limit object corresponding to the dense preferential attachment graph and the edge reconnecting model. Our main tools in doing so are (1) the relation between the theory of graph limits and that of partially exchangeable random arrays (2) an explicit construction of our random graphs that uses urn model