4,757 research outputs found

    Visual Entailment: A Novel Task for Fine-Grained Image Understanding

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    Existing visual reasoning datasets such as Visual Question Answering (VQA), often suffer from biases conditioned on the question, image or answer distributions. The recently proposed CLEVR dataset addresses these limitations and requires fine-grained reasoning but the dataset is synthetic and consists of similar objects and sentence structures across the dataset. In this paper, we introduce a new inference task, Visual Entailment (VE) - consisting of image-sentence pairs whereby a premise is defined by an image, rather than a natural language sentence as in traditional Textual Entailment tasks. The goal of a trained VE model is to predict whether the image semantically entails the text. To realize this task, we build a dataset SNLI-VE based on the Stanford Natural Language Inference corpus and Flickr30k dataset. We evaluate various existing VQA baselines and build a model called Explainable Visual Entailment (EVE) system to address the VE task. EVE achieves up to 71% accuracy and outperforms several other state-of-the-art VQA based models. Finally, we demonstrate the explainability of EVE through cross-modal attention visualizations. The SNLI-VE dataset is publicly available at https://github.com/ necla-ml/SNLI-VE

    Visualizing and Understanding Convolutional Networks

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    Large Convolutional Network models have recently demonstrated impressive classification performance on the ImageNet benchmark. However there is no clear understanding of why they perform so well, or how they might be improved. In this paper we address both issues. We introduce a novel visualization technique that gives insight into the function of intermediate feature layers and the operation of the classifier. We also perform an ablation study to discover the performance contribution from different model layers. This enables us to find model architectures that outperform Krizhevsky \etal on the ImageNet classification benchmark. We show our ImageNet model generalizes well to other datasets: when the softmax classifier is retrained, it convincingly beats the current state-of-the-art results on Caltech-101 and Caltech-256 datasets

    Detecting Oriented Text in Natural Images by Linking Segments

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    Most state-of-the-art text detection methods are specific to horizontal Latin text and are not fast enough for real-time applications. We introduce Segment Linking (SegLink), an oriented text detection method. The main idea is to decompose text into two locally detectable elements, namely segments and links. A segment is an oriented box covering a part of a word or text line; A link connects two adjacent segments, indicating that they belong to the same word or text line. Both elements are detected densely at multiple scales by an end-to-end trained, fully-convolutional neural network. Final detections are produced by combining segments connected by links. Compared with previous methods, SegLink improves along the dimensions of accuracy, speed, and ease of training. It achieves an f-measure of 75.0% on the standard ICDAR 2015 Incidental (Challenge 4) benchmark, outperforming the previous best by a large margin. It runs at over 20 FPS on 512x512 images. Moreover, without modification, SegLink is able to detect long lines of non-Latin text, such as Chinese.Comment: To Appear in CVPR 201

    3D Shape Segmentation with Projective Convolutional Networks

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    This paper introduces a deep architecture for segmenting 3D objects into their labeled semantic parts. Our architecture combines image-based Fully Convolutional Networks (FCNs) and surface-based Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) to yield coherent segmentations of 3D shapes. The image-based FCNs are used for efficient view-based reasoning about 3D object parts. Through a special projection layer, FCN outputs are effectively aggregated across multiple views and scales, then are projected onto the 3D object surfaces. Finally, a surface-based CRF combines the projected outputs with geometric consistency cues to yield coherent segmentations. The whole architecture (multi-view FCNs and CRF) is trained end-to-end. Our approach significantly outperforms the existing state-of-the-art methods in the currently largest segmentation benchmark (ShapeNet). Finally, we demonstrate promising segmentation results on noisy 3D shapes acquired from consumer-grade depth cameras.Comment: This is an updated version of our CVPR 2017 paper. We incorporated new experiments that demonstrate ShapePFCN performance under the case of consistent *upright* orientation and an additional input channel in our rendered images for encoding height from the ground plane (upright axis coordinate values). Performance is improved in this settin
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