559 research outputs found

    Ensemble Pruning for Glaucoma Detection in an Unbalanced Data Set

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    Background: Random forests are successful classifier ensemble methods consisting of typically 100 to 1000 classification trees. Ensemble pruning techniques reduce the computational cost, especially the memory demand, of random forests by reducing the number of trees without relevant loss of performance or even with increased performance of the sub-ensemble. The application to the problem of an early detection of glaucoma, a severe eye disease with low prevalence, based on topographical measurements of the eye background faces specific challenges. Objectives: We examine the performance of ensemble pruning strategies for glaucoma detection in an unbalanced data situation. Methods: The data set consists of 102 topographical features of the eye background of 254 healthy controls and 55 glaucoma patients. We compare the area under the receiver operating characteristic curve (AUC), and the Brier score on the total data set, in the majority class, and in the minority class of pruned random forest ensembles obtained with strategies based on the prediction accuracy of greedily grown sub-ensembles, the uncertainty weighted accuracy, and the similarity between single trees. To validate the findings and to examine the influence of the prevalence of glaucoma in the data set, we additionally perform a simulation study with lower prevalences of glaucoma. Results: In glaucoma classification all three pruning strategies lead to improved AUC and smaller Brier scores on the total data set with sub-ensembles as small as 30 to 80 trees compared to the classification results obtained with the full ensemble consisting of 1000 trees. In the simulation study, we were able to show that the prevalence of glaucoma is a critical factor and lower prevalence decreases the performance of our pruning strategies. Conclusions: The memory demand for glaucoma classification in an unbalanced data situation based on random forests could effectively be reduced by the application of pruning strategies without loss of performance in a population with increased risk of glaucoma

    Ensemble diversity for class imbalance learning

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    This thesis studies the diversity issue of classification ensembles for class imbalance learning problems. Class imbalance learning refers to learning from imbalanced data sets, in which some classes of examples (minority) are highly under-represented comparing to other classes (majority). The very skewed class distribution degrades the learning ability of many traditional machine learning methods, especially in the recognition of examples from the minority classes, which are often deemed to be more important and interesting. Although quite a few ensemble learning approaches have been proposed to handle the problem, no in-depth research exists to explain why and when they can be helpful. Our objectives are to understand how ensemble diversity affects the classification performance for a class imbalance problem according to single-class and overall performance measures, and to make best use of diversity to improve the performance. As the first stage, we study the relationship between ensemble diversity and generalization performance for class imbalance problems. We investigate mathematical links between single-class performance and ensemble diversity. It is found that how the single-class measures change along with diversity falls into six different situations. These findings are then verified in class imbalance scenarios through empirical studies. The impact of diversity on overall performance is also investigated empirically. Strong correlations between diversity and the performance measures are found. Diversity shows a positive impact on the recognition of the minority class and benefits the overall performance of ensembles in class imbalance learning. Our results help to understand if and why ensemble diversity can help to deal with class imbalance problems. Encouraged by the positive role of diversity in class imbalance learning, we then focus on a specific ensemble learning technique, the negative correlation learning (NCL) algorithm, which considers diversity explicitly when creating ensembles and has achieved great empirical success. We propose a new learning algorithm based on the idea of NCL, named AdaBoost.NC, for classification problems. An ``ambiguity" term decomposed from the 0-1 error function is introduced into the training framework of AdaBoost. It demonstrates superiority in both effectiveness and efficiency. Its good generalization performance is explained by theoretical and empirical evidences. It can be viewed as the first NCL algorithm specializing in classification problems. Most existing ensemble methods for class imbalance problems suffer from the problems of overfitting and over-generalization. To improve this situation, we address the class imbalance issue by making use of ensemble diversity. We investigate the generalization ability of NCL algorithms, including AdaBoost.NC, to tackle two-class imbalance problems. We find that NCL methods integrated with random oversampling are effective in recognizing minority class examples without losing the overall performance, especially the AdaBoost.NC tree ensemble. This is achieved by providing smoother and less overfitting classification boundaries for the minority class. The results here show the usefulness of diversity and open up a novel way to deal with class imbalance problems. Since the two-class imbalance is not the only scenario in real-world applications, multi-class imbalance problems deserve equal attention. To understand what problems multi-class can cause and how it affects the classification performance, we study the multi-class difficulty by analyzing the multi-minority and multi-majority cases respectively. Both lead to a significant performance reduction. The multi-majority case appears to be more harmful. The results reveal possible issues that a class imbalance learning technique could have when dealing with multi-class tasks. Following this part of analysis and the promising results of AdaBoost.NC on two-class imbalance problems, we apply AdaBoost.NC to a set of multi-class imbalance domains with the aim of solving them effectively and directly. Our method shows good generalization in minority classes and balances the performance across different classes well without using any class decomposition schemes. Finally, we conclude this thesis with how the study has contributed to class imbalance learning and ensemble learning, and propose several possible directions for future research that may improve and extend this work
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