18 research outputs found

    The number of Hamiltonian decompositions of regular graphs

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    A Hamilton cycle in a graph Γ\Gamma is a cycle passing through every vertex of Γ\Gamma. A Hamiltonian decomposition of Γ\Gamma is a partition of its edge set into disjoint Hamilton cycles. One of the oldest results in graph theory is Walecki's theorem from the 19th century, showing that a complete graph KnK_n on an odd number of vertices nn has a Hamiltonian decomposition. This result was recently greatly extended by K\"{u}hn and Osthus. They proved that every rr-regular nn-vertex graph Γ\Gamma with even degree r=cnr=cn for some fixed c>1/2c>1/2 has a Hamiltonian decomposition, provided n=n(c)n=n(c) is sufficiently large. In this paper we address the natural question of estimating H(Γ)H(\Gamma), the number of such decompositions of Γ\Gamma. Our main result is that H(Γ)=r(1+o(1))nr/2H(\Gamma)=r^{(1+o(1))nr/2}. In particular, the number of Hamiltonian decompositions of KnK_n is n(1o(1))n2/2n^{(1-o(1))n^2/2}

    Rainbow Hamilton cycles in random regular graphs

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    A rainbow subgraph of an edge-coloured graph has all edges of distinct colours. A random d-regular graph with d even, and having edges coloured randomly with d/2 of each of n colours, has a rainbow Hamilton cycle with probability tending to 1 as n tends to infinity, provided d is at least 8.Comment: 16 page

    Uncoverings on graphs and network reliability

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    We propose a network protocol similar to the kk-tree protocol of Itai and Rodeh [{\em Inform.\ and Comput.}\ {\bf 79} (1988), 43--59]. To do this, we define an {\em tt-uncovering-by-bases} for a connected graph GG to be a collection U\mathcal{U} of spanning trees for GG such that any tt-subset of edges of GG is disjoint from at least one tree in U\mathcal{U}, where tt is some integer strictly less than the edge connectivity of GG. We construct examples of these for some infinite families of graphs. Many of these infinite families utilise factorisations or decompositions of graphs. In every case the size of the uncovering-by-bases is no larger than the number of edges in the graph and we conjecture that this may be true in general.Comment: 12 pages, 5 figure

    Вклад теплового расширения решетки в температурные изменения ширины запрещенной зоны полупроводника CuGa5Se8

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    KUSCHNER T.L. СHUGUNOV S.V. Contributions of thermal expansion on the changes in temperature of the optical band gap in semiconductor CuGa5Se8Зависимости ширины запрещенной зоны от температуры для монокристаллов CuGa5Se8 были проанализированы с помощью модели, которая учитывает как электрон-фононное взаимодействие, так и тепловое расширение кристаллической решетки. Обнаружено, что на температурные изменения ширины запрещенной зоны влияют в основном оптические фононы с эффективной энергией равной приблизительно 16 мэВ. Из значений параметра Θ была рассчитана температура Дебая, значение которой хорошо согласуется с данными, полученными ранее из температурных рентгеновских измерений

    Backtracking algorithms for constructing the Hamiltonian decomposition of a 4-regular multigraph

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    We consider a Hamiltonian decomposition problem of partitioning a regular multigraph into edge-disjoint Hamiltonian cycles. It is known that verifying vertex nonadjacency in the 1-skeleton of the symmetric and asymmetric traveling salesperson polytopes is an NP-complete problem. On the other hand, a sufficient condition for two vertices to be nonadjacent can be formulated as a combinatorial problem of finding a Hamiltonian decomposition of a 4-regular multigraph. We present two backtracking algorithms for verifying vertex nonadjacency in the 1-skeleton of the traveling salesperson polytope and constructing a Hamiltonian decomposition: an algorithm based on a simple path extension and an algorithm based on the chain edge fixing procedure. According to the results of computational experiments for undirected multigraphs, both backtracking algorithms lost to the known general variable neighborhood search algorithm. However, for directed multigraphs, the algorithm based on chain edge fixing showed comparable results with heuristics on instances with the existing solution and better results on instances of the problem where the Hamiltonian decomposition does not exist.Comment: In Russian. Computational experiments are revise

    Алгоритмы поиска с возвратом для построения гамильтонова разложения 4-регулярного мультиграфа

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    We consider a Hamiltonian decomposition problem of partitioning a regular graph into edge-disjoint Hamiltonian cycles. It is known that verifying vertex non-adjacency in the 1-skeleton of the symmetric and asymmetric traveling salesperson polytopes is an NP-complete problem. On the other hand, a suffcient condition for two vertices to be non-adjacent can be formulated as a combinatorial problem of finding a Hamiltonian decomposition of a 4-regular multigraph. We present two backtracking algorithms for verifying vertex non-adjacency in the 1-skeleton of the traveling salesperson polytope and constructing a Hamiltonian decomposition: an algorithm based on a simple path extension and an algorithm based on the chain edge fixing procedure. Based on the results of the computational experiments for undirected multigraphs, both backtracking algorithms lost to the known heuristic general variable neighborhood search algorithm. However, for directed multigraphs, the algorithm based on chain fixing of edges showed comparable results with heuristics on instances with existing solutions, and better results on instances of the problem where the Hamiltonian decomposition does not exist.Рассматривается задача построения гамильтонова разложения регулярного мультиграфа на гамильтоновы циклы без общих рёбер. Известно, что проверка несмежности вершин в полиэдральных графах симметричного и асимметричного многогранников коммивояжёра является NP-полной задачей. С другой стороны, достаточное условие несмежности вершин можно сформулировать в виде комбинаторной задачи построения гамильтонова разложения 4-регулярного мультиграфа. В статье представлены два алгоритма поиска с возвратом для проверки несмежности вершин в полиэдральном графе коммивояжёра и построения гамильтонова разложения 4-регулярного мультиграфа: алгоритм на основе последовательного расширения простого пути и алгоритм на основе процедуры цепного фиксирования рёбер. По результатам вычислительных экспериментов для неориентированных мультиграфов оба переборных алгоритма проиграли известному эвристическому алгоритму поиска с переменными окрестностями. Однако для ориентированных мультиграфов алгоритм на основе цепного фиксирования рёбер показал сопоставимые результаты с эвристиками на экземплярах задачи, имеющих решение, и лучшие результаты на экземплярах задачи, для которых гамильтонова разложения не существует

    Achieving the Optimal Steaming Capacity and Delay Using Random Regular Digraphs in P2P Networks

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    In earlier work, we showed that it is possible to achieve O(logN)O(\log N) streaming delay with high probability in a peer-to-peer network, where each peer has as little as four neighbors, while achieving any arbitrary fraction of the maximum possible streaming rate. However, the constant in the O(logN)O(log N) delay term becomes rather large as we get closer to the maximum streaming rate. In this paper, we design an alternative pairing and chunk dissemination algorithm that allows us to transmit at the maximum streaming rate while ensuring that all, but a negligible fraction of the peers, receive the data stream with O(logN)O(\log N) delay with high probability. The result is established by examining the properties of graph formed by the union of two or more random 1-regular digraphs, i.e., directed graphs in which each node has an incoming and an outgoing node degree both equal to one

    Edge-colorings of 4-regular graphs with the minimum number of palettes

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    A proper edge-coloring of a graph G is an assignment of colors to the edges of G such that adjacent edges receive distinct colors. A proper edge-coloring defines at each vertex the set of colors of its incident edges. Following the terminology introduced by Hor\u148\ue1k, Kalinowski, Meszka and Wo\u17aniak, we call such a set of colors the palette of the vertex. What is the minimum number of distinct palettes taken over all proper edge-colorings of G? A complete answer is known for complete graphs and cubic graphs. We study in some detail the problem for 4-regular graphs

    Hamilton cycles in graphs and hypergraphs: an extremal perspective

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    As one of the most fundamental and well-known NP-complete problems, the Hamilton cycle problem has been the subject of intensive research. Recent developments in the area have highlighted the crucial role played by the notions of expansion and quasi-randomness. These concepts and other recent techniques have led to the solution of several long-standing problems in the area. New aspects have also emerged, such as resilience, robustness and the study of Hamilton cycles in hypergraphs. We survey these developments and highlight open problems, with an emphasis on extremal and probabilistic approaches.Comment: to appear in the Proceedings of the ICM 2014; due to given page limits, this final version is slightly shorter than the previous arxiv versio