8 research outputs found

    Random subcube intersection graphs I: cliques and covering

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    We study random subcube intersection graphs, that is, graphs obtained by selecting a random collection of subcubes of a fixed hypercube QdQ_d to serve as the vertices of the graph, and setting an edge between a pair of subcubes if their intersection is non-empty. Our motivation for considering such graphs is to model `random compatibility' between vertices in a large network. For both of the models considered in this paper, we determine the thresholds for covering the underlying hypercube QdQ_d and for the appearance of s-cliques. In addition we pose some open problems.Comment: 38 pages, 1 figur

    Connectivity of the Uniform Random Intersection Graph

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    A \emph{uniform random intersection graph} G(n,m,k)G(n,m,k) is a random graph constructed as follows. Label each of nn nodes by a randomly chosen set of kk distinct colours taken from some finite set of possible colours of size mm. Nodes are joined by an edge if and only if some colour appears in both their labels. These graphs arise in the study of the security of wireless sensor networks. Such graphs arise in particular when modelling the network graph of the well known key predistribution technique due to Eschenauer and Gligor. The paper determines the threshold for connectivity of the graph G(n,m,k)G(n,m,k) when nn\to \infty with kk a function of nn such that k2k\geq 2 and m=nαm=\lfloor n^\alpha\rfloor for some fixed positive real number α\alpha. In this situation, G(n,m,k)G(n,m,k) is almost surely connected when lim infk2n/mlogn>1, \liminf k^2n/m\log n>1, and G(n,m,k)G(n,m,k) is almost surely disconnected when lim supk2n/mlogn<1. \limsup k^2n/m\log n<1. Comment: 19 pages New version with rewritten intro, and a discussion section added. The results and proofs are unchanged from the previous versio