4 research outputs found

    Radial and axial,segregation of granular mixtures in the rotating-drum geometry

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    We formulate a phenomenological model for the dynamical evolution of granular mixtures in a rotating drum. In particular, we present a dynamical basis for an "effective surface tension," which penalizes sharp interfaces between regions enriched in different components of the mixture. We also present representative results which demonstrate that our model captures many experimental features for this problem


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    We formulate a phenomenological model for the dynamical evolution of granular mixtures in a rotating drum. In particular, we present a dynamical basis for an "effective surface tension," which penalizes sharp interfaces between regions enriched in different components of the mixture. We also present representative results which demonstrate that our model captures many experimental features for this problem.Granular mixtures, rotating-drum geometry, radial and axial segregation


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    Segregation is a major problem for many solids processing industries. Differences in particle size or density can lead to flow-induced segregation. In the present work, we employ the discrete element method (DEM) – one type of particle dynamics (PD) technique – to investigate the mixing and segregation of granular material in some prototypical solid handling devices, such as a rotating drum and chute. In DEM, one calculates the trajectories of individual particles based on Newton’s laws of motion by employing suitable contact force models and a collision detection algorithm. Recently, it has been suggested that segregation in particle mixers can be thwarted if the particle flow is inverted at a rate above a critical forcing frequency. Further, it has been hypothesized that, for a rotating drum, the effectiveness of this technique can be linked to the probability distribution of the number of times a particle passes through the flowing layer per rotation of the drum. In the first portion of this work, various configurations of solid mixers are numerically and experimentally studied to investigate the conditions for improved mixing in light of these hypotheses. Besides rotating drums, many studies of granular flow have focused on gravity driven chute flows owing to its practical importance in granular transportation and to the fact that the relative simplicity of this type of flow allows for development and testing of new theories. In this part of the work, we observe the deposition behavior of both mono-sized and polydisperse dry granular materials in an inclined chute flow. The effects of different parameters such as chute angle, particle size, falling height and charge amount on the mass fraction distribution of granular materials after deposition are investigated. The simulation results obtained using DEM are compared with the experimental findings and a high degree of agreement is observed. Tuning of the underlying contact force parameters allows the achievement of realistic results and is used as a means of validating the model against available experimental data. The tuned model is then used to find the critical chute length for segregation based on the hypothesis that segregation can be thwarted if the particle flow is inverted at a rate above a critical forcing frequency. The critical frequency, fcrit, is inversely proportional to the characteristic time of segregation, ts. Mixing is observed instead of segregation when the chute length L < Uavg*ts, where Uavg denotes the average stream-wise flow velocity of the particles. While segregation is often an undesired effect, sometimes separating the components of a particle mixture is the ultimate goal. Rate-based separation processes hold promise as both more environmentally benign as well as less energy intensive when compared to conventional particle separations technologies such as vibrating screens or flotation methods. This approach is based on differences in the kinetic properties of the components of a mixture, such as the velocity of migration or diffusivity. In this portion of the work, two examples of novel rate-based separation devices are demonstrated. The first example involves the study of the dynamics of gravity-driven particles through an array of obstacles. Both discrete element (DEM) simulations and experiments are used to augment the understanding of this device. Dissipative collisions (both between the particles themselves and with the obstacles) give rise to a diffusive motion of particles perpendicular to the flow direction and the differences in diffusion lengths are exploited to separate the particles. The second example employs DEM to analyze a ratchet mechanism where a current of particles can be produced in a direction perpendicular to the energy input. In this setup, a vibrating saw-toothed base is employed to induce different mobility for different types of particles. The effect of operating conditions and design parameters on the separation efficiency are discussed