5 research outputs found

    The Chronicle [August 1, 1984]

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    The Chronicle, August 1, 1984https://repository.stcloudstate.edu/chron/3444/thumbnail.jp

    Hospital of Saint Raphael Annual Report, 1913

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    Sixth Yearhttps://elischolar.library.yale.edu/hospital_st_raphael_annual_reports/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Fifty-Third Annual Report of the Directors of the General Hospital Society of Connecticut

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    For the year 1879, presented at the Annual Meeting, January 29, 1880. This report includes lists of Officers of the General Hospital Society of Connecticut, members of the Medical Board, Board of Visitors, Vice-Presidents for Life, and other members. There is also a list of past officers and their terms, including corporators, presidents, vice presidents, treasurers, and secretaries. There is a list of Free Beds in Perpetuity including the Free Bed Fund and the Permanent Fund. The report of the Directors is given by the Prudential Committee. Medical statistics include medical and surgical cases from January 1, 1879 through January 1, 1880, lists of operations, number of births, and causes of death. Within the Report of the Superintendent there are general statistics related to finances, admissions, nativity of patients, age, occupation, and town of patients. There are also reports for Donations Received, Hospital Sunday Contributions, and the Treasurer’s Account. The report concludes with the Report of the Board of Visitors, guidelines for the Admission of Patients, and an Appendix regarding the Connecticut Training School for Nurses.https://elischolar.library.yale.edu/ynhh_annual_reports/1104/thumbnail.jp

    Sintomatología y calidad de vida tras colocación de bandas hemorroidales para la patología hemorroidal (Banding)

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    La enfermedad hemorroidal constituye uno de los trastornos benignos del tracto gastrointestinal inferior más comunes, pudiendo ocasionar un impacto significativo en la calidad de vida de los pacientes. En las enfermedades benignas, la calidad de vida es una medida importante, pero a menudo no se informa de ella. Actualmente, el manejo de esta patología debe tener como objetivo encontrar los métodos que causen menos dolor con un corto período de recuperación y una adecuada preservación de la función anorrectal además de la resolución de los síntomas a corto y largo plazo. La ligadura con banda elástica (banding) es uno de los tratamientos mínimamente invasivos más popular y eficaz para las hemorroides internas. Es un procedimiento relativamente sencillo con pocas complicaciones. Debido a la escasez de estudios realizados respecto a la calidad de vida tras el banding, se implementó este estudio, con pacientes que acudieron a Consultas Externas de Cirugía (Sección Colorrectal) con hemorroides sintomáticas grado II y III. A su vez, debido a la falta de uniformidad de criterios en la evaluación de las hemorroides, se requiere una herramienta de medida validada específica, que tenga en cuenta tanto la naturaleza polisintomática de la enfermedad como el efecto de estos síntomas en la calidad de vida, y que permita guiar la terapia óptima, comparar tratamientos, monitorizar la enfermedad y ayudar a la toma de decisiones. En nuestro estudio, hemos seleccionado las escalas HDSS y SHS dado que ya han sido validadas y se han convertido en instrumentos fiables para los cirujanos, ofreciendo una visión global de la sintomatología experimentada por el paciente, incluyendo tanto aspectos objetivos y medibles, como otros más subjetivos. El objetivo principal de este estudio, por tanto, es valorar el impacto en la calidad de vida tras banding en hemorroides sintomáticas grado II-III que no responden al tratamiento médico sintomático, empleando puntuaciones obtenidas en escalas de calidad de vida

    Empathetic Consultation Skills in Undergraduate Medical Education: A Qualitative Approach.

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    The practice of medicine involves caring for patients on many levels, which range from the scientific inquiry and administration of treatment, to the interaction and communication that occurs in consultations. The requisite for care in medical practice has been widely documented, and the role of empathy is acknowledged and recognised in this process; however, it is often difficult to express in a communicative framework. Previous research has tended to focus on measuring empathy, with little consideration given to how empathy is realised within interaction. Where attempts have been made to document these communicative acts, deductive approaches have generally been prevalent. This thesis reports on an inductive approach used to explore how empathy is perceived to be expressed in undergraduate medical education. The methodology used consisted of two phases. The first phase is described as a quasi-grounded theory approach, which utilised member coding in the categorisation of empathetic strategies. The second phase adopted tools from the field of sociolinguistics, and examined the categories derived from the first phase to build toward a paradigm of interactional empathy in medical consultations. Three primary findings arose from the data. Two of these were sociolinguistic in nature, and related to the elicitation of patient experiences, and the initiation of empathetic opportunities in the consultation. The other main finding concerned the administrative aspect of empathy, and how this can be vital to the establishment and preservation of an empathetic ethos throughout the healthcare process. The results augment and support the current methods of teaching at the University of East Anglia via the Calgary-Cambridge guide, and reflect empathy as an integrative practice rather than an individual skill in medical communication