52 research outputs found

    Secure Routing Protocol for Integrated UMTS and WLAN Ad Hoc Networks

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    The integrated UMTS and WLAN ad hoc networks are getting more and more popular as they hold substantial advantages by next generation networks. We introduce a new secure, robust routing protocol specifically designed for next generation technologies and evaluated its performance. The design of the SNAuth_SPERIPv2 secure routing protocol takes advantage to the integrated network, maintaining Quality of Service (QoS) under Wormhole Attack (WHA). This paper compares performance of newly developed secure routing protocol with other security schemes for CBR video streaming service under WHA

    Solución de Dos Estudios de Caso Bajo el uso de Tecnología CISCO

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    A continuación, se presentarán los procesos de documentación a la solución, registros de configuración de cada uno de los dispositivos, información detallada del registro de verificación de conectividad mediante el uso de comandos ping, show ip rout, entre otros, con el fin de dar solución al desarrollo del diplomado de profundización Cisco (diseño e implementación de soluciones integradas LAN/WAN). Su finalidad es buscar que como futuro profesional en la rama se obtengan conocimientos y experiencias aplicando soluciones de estudios de caso bajo el uso de tecnología Cisco usando el software de simulación Cisco Packet Tracer. Lo principal es poner a prueba los niveles de comprensión y solución de problemas relacionados con diversos aspectos de networking.Next, the documentation processes will be presented to the solution, configuration records of each of the devices, detailed information of the connectivity verification record through the use of ping commands, show ip routing, among others in order to provide a solution to the development of the Cisco deepening diploma (design and implementation of integrated LAN / WAN solutions). Its purpose is to ensure that as a future professional in the field, knowledge and experiences are obtained by applying case study solutions using Cisco technology using Cisco Packet Tracer simulation software. The main thing is to test the levels of understanding and problem solving related to various aspects of networking

    Solución de Dos Estudios de Caso Bajo el Uso de Tecnología CISCO

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    Escenario1.pkt , Escenario2.pktLa Universidad Nacional Abierta y a Distancia, durante el proceso de aprendizaje del diplomado de profundización CISCO (diseño e implementación de soluciones integradas LAN / WAN) utilizando el software de simulación Cisco Packet Tracer, el cual es un programa que nos permite realizar la simulación de las redes, se busca experimentar los diferentes parámetros de configuración de una topología de red. En el desarrollo de los módulos CCNA1 (CCNA R&S: Introduction to Networks) y CCNA2 (CCNA R&S: Routing and Switching Essentials), se obtiene las bases teóricas y practicas de laboratorio para el aprendizaje de la tecnología. Con los conocimientos obtenidos y puestos en práctica se busca obtener el desarrollo de la actividad final como prueba de habilidades, donde mediante los escenarios propuestos se coloca en habilidad los conocimientos previamente aprendidos realizando configuraciones como: IPv4 e IPv6, seguridad de switches, routing entre VLAN, el protocolo de routing dinámico RIPv2 y OSPF, el protocolo de configuración de hosts dinámicos (DHCP), la traducción de direcciones de red dinámicas y estáticas (NAT), listas de control de acceso (ACL) y el protocolo de tiempo de red (NTP) servidor/cliente, encapsulamiento PPP y su autenticación. Durante la realización de las configuraciones, se probará y registrará la red mediante el uso de comandos en la Interfaz de línea de comandos (CLI) y algunos ajustes usando la interfaz grafica de los dispositivos.The National Open and Distance University, during the learning process of the CISCO in-depth course (design and implementation of integrated LAN / WAN solutions) using the Cisco Packet Tracer simulation software, which is a program that allows us to simulate the networks, seeks to experience the different configuration parameters of a network topology. In the development of the modules CCNA1 (CCNA R&S: Introduction to Networks) and CCNA2 (CCNA R&S: Routing and Switching Essentials), the theoretical and practical bases for learning technology are obtained. With the knowledge obtained and put into practice, the aim is to obtain the development of the final activity as a test of skills, where by means of the proposed scenarios the previously learned knowledge is placed in skill, making configurations such as: IPv4 and IPv6, switch security, routing between VLANs , RIPv2 and OSPF dynamic routing protocol, dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP), dynamic and static network address translation (NAT), access control lists (ACLs), and network time protocol ( NTP) server / client, PPP encapsulation and authentication. During the setup, the network will be tested and logged using commands in the Command Line Interface (CLI) and some settings using the graphical interface of the devices

    A Security Framework for Routing Protocols

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    With the rise in internet traffic surveillance and monitoring activities, the routing infrastructure has become an obvious target of attack as compromised routers can be used to stage large scale attacks. Routing protocols are also subjected to various threats such as capture and replay of packets that disclose the network information, forged routing control messages that may compromise a connection by deception, disruption of an on-going connection causing DoS attacks and spreading of unauthentic routing information in the network. Presently, strong cryptographic suites and key management mechanisms (IPsec and IKE) are available to secure host-to-host data communication but none of them focus on securing routing protocols. Today's routing protocols use a shared secret to perform mutual authentication and authorization, and depend on manual keying methods. For message integrity, they either rely on some built-in or external security feature that uses the same shared secret. The KARP working group of the IETF identified that the work is required to tighten the security of the routing protocols and demonstrated that automated key management solutions are needed for increasing security. Towards this goal we propose the RPsec framework. RPsec provides a common baseline for development of KMPs for the routing protocols, supports both automated and manual key management, and overcomes the weakness of existing manual key methods

    Issues with Existing Cryptographic Protection Methods for Routing Protocols

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    Solución de Dos Estudios de Caso Bajo el Uso de Tecnología CISCO

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    La tecnología va avanzado a pasos agigantados, la actualización que nos permite este curso para estar a la vanguardia de conocimiento en networking es importante para nuestro futuro laboral. Gracias a la empresa Cisco podemos desarrollar y aplicar estos protocolos en su simulador, que permite crear redes de entornos corporativos y crear soluciones a la medida sin tener que afectar la estructura tecnológica de la compañía. Diseñar redes y aplicar es lo más importante que se puede apreciar durante el desarrollo de este diplomado.Technology is advancing by leaps and bounds, the update that this course allows us to be at the forefront of networking knowledge is important for our future work. Thanks to the Cisco company, we can develop and apply these protocols in its simulator, which allows creating networks of corporate environments and creating customized solutions without having to affect the company's technological structure. Designing networks and applying is the most important thing that can be appreciated during the development of this diploma

    Solución de Dos Estudios de Caso Bajo el Uso de Tecnología CISCO

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    Configuraciones, Figuras y Tablas.Este curso introduce en la arquitectura, estructura, funciones, componentes y modelos de Internet. Los principios y estructura del direccionamiento IP, y los conceptos básicos, medios y operaciones de CISCO son el fundamento de este diplomado. Su principal finalidad es construir una LAN simple, realizando configuraciones básicas en enrutadores y switches, además de implementar esquemas de direccionamiento IP.This course introduces you to the architecture, structure, functions, components, and models of the Internet. The principles and structure of IP addressing, and the basic concepts, means and operations of CISCO are the foundation of this diploma. Its main purpose is to build a simple LAN, performing basic configurations on routers and switches, in addition to implementing IP addressing schemes