2,626 research outputs found

    SkiMap: An Efficient Mapping Framework for Robot Navigation

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    We present a novel mapping framework for robot navigation which features a multi-level querying system capable to obtain rapidly representations as diverse as a 3D voxel grid, a 2.5D height map and a 2D occupancy grid. These are inherently embedded into a memory and time efficient core data structure organized as a Tree of SkipLists. Compared to the well-known Octree representation, our approach exhibits a better time efficiency, thanks to its simple and highly parallelizable computational structure, and a similar memory footprint when mapping large workspaces. Peculiarly within the realm of mapping for robot navigation, our framework supports realtime erosion and re-integration of measurements upon reception of optimized poses from the sensor tracker, so as to improve continuously the accuracy of the map.Comment: Accepted by International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) 2017. This is the submitted version. The final published version may be slightly differen

    Topomap: Topological Mapping and Navigation Based on Visual SLAM Maps

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    Visual robot navigation within large-scale, semi-structured environments deals with various challenges such as computation intensive path planning algorithms or insufficient knowledge about traversable spaces. Moreover, many state-of-the-art navigation approaches only operate locally instead of gaining a more conceptual understanding of the planning objective. This limits the complexity of tasks a robot can accomplish and makes it harder to deal with uncertainties that are present in the context of real-time robotics applications. In this work, we present Topomap, a framework which simplifies the navigation task by providing a map to the robot which is tailored for path planning use. This novel approach transforms a sparse feature-based map from a visual Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) system into a three-dimensional topological map. This is done in two steps. First, we extract occupancy information directly from the noisy sparse point cloud. Then, we create a set of convex free-space clusters, which are the vertices of the topological map. We show that this representation improves the efficiency of global planning, and we provide a complete derivation of our algorithm. Planning experiments on real world datasets demonstrate that we achieve similar performance as RRT* with significantly lower computation times and storage requirements. Finally, we test our algorithm on a mobile robotic platform to prove its advantages.Comment: 8 page

    Robots for Exploration, Digital Preservation and Visualization of Archeological Sites

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    Monitoring and conservation of archaeological sites are important activities necessary to prevent damage or to perform restoration on cultural heritage. Standard techniques, like mapping and digitizing, are typically used to document the status of such sites. While these task are normally accomplished manually by humans, this is not possible when dealing with hard-to-access areas. For example, due to the possibility of structural collapses, underground tunnels like catacombs are considered highly unstable environments. Moreover, they are full of radioactive gas radon that limits the presence of people only for few minutes. The progress recently made in the artificial intelligence and robotics field opened new possibilities for mobile robots to be used in locations where humans are not allowed to enter. The ROVINA project aims at developing autonomous mobile robots to make faster, cheaper and safer the monitoring of archaeological sites. ROVINA will be evaluated on the catacombs of Priscilla (in Rome) and S. Gennaro (in Naples)

    Past, Present, and Future of Simultaneous Localization And Mapping: Towards the Robust-Perception Age

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    Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM)consists in the concurrent construction of a model of the environment (the map), and the estimation of the state of the robot moving within it. The SLAM community has made astonishing progress over the last 30 years, enabling large-scale real-world applications, and witnessing a steady transition of this technology to industry. We survey the current state of SLAM. We start by presenting what is now the de-facto standard formulation for SLAM. We then review related work, covering a broad set of topics including robustness and scalability in long-term mapping, metric and semantic representations for mapping, theoretical performance guarantees, active SLAM and exploration, and other new frontiers. This paper simultaneously serves as a position paper and tutorial to those who are users of SLAM. By looking at the published research with a critical eye, we delineate open challenges and new research issues, that still deserve careful scientific investigation. The paper also contains the authors' take on two questions that often animate discussions during robotics conferences: Do robots need SLAM? and Is SLAM solved

    Brain-Computer Interface meets ROS: A robotic approach to mentally drive telepresence robots

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    This paper shows and evaluates a novel approach to integrate a non-invasive Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) with the Robot Operating System (ROS) to mentally drive a telepresence robot. Controlling a mobile device by using human brain signals might improve the quality of life of people suffering from severe physical disabilities or elderly people who cannot move anymore. Thus, the BCI user is able to actively interact with relatives and friends located in different rooms thanks to a video streaming connection to the robot. To facilitate the control of the robot via BCI, we explore new ROS-based algorithms for navigation and obstacle avoidance, making the system safer and more reliable. In this regard, the robot can exploit two maps of the environment, one for localization and one for navigation, and both can be used also by the BCI user to watch the position of the robot while it is moving. As demonstrated by the experimental results, the user's cognitive workload is reduced, decreasing the number of commands necessary to complete the task and helping him/her to keep attention for longer periods of time.Comment: Accepted in the Proceedings of the 2018 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automatio
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