3 research outputs found

    Comparison of REST and GraphQL web technology performance

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    The aim of the study was to compare the performance of two data exchange styles commonly used in web applications, i.e. REST and GraphQL. For the purposes of the study two test applications were developed containing the same functionalities, one of which was REST and the other one was GraphQL. They were used for performance tests done with the help of the JMeter tool, during which measurements of the total processing time of requests and the volume of data downloaded and sent were performed. An experiment was developed that tested the basic operations found in most network services: display, add, update, and delete data. The most attention was devoted to the information display operation in the case of which load tests were done. On the basis of performed studies and obtained results, no differences in performance during the operation of adding, editing and deleting data by applications based on REST API and GraphQL were found. During the display operation under heavy load conditions and while downloading small portions of data, the service using GraphQL had a better performance. When downloading large portions of data, the REST-based service exhibited a higher performance


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    Today, the need to fill information as data is increasing rapidly. At the past, fill many forms in the format of papers. But now, the forms are changing to paperless format. This can be achieve by making an application capable of data input, edit the data, and post the data across all computing/technological platform available these days. The need for this application can communicate with each other. Related to this, there are many things needed, to achieve unlimited data transfer in various applications. One of the most important aspect that can make seamless communication/integration across applications is web service. Keywords: REST API, SOAP, Semanti

    Avaliação da Framework gRPC

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    A arquitetura e construção de software pode ser descrita como um processo evolutivo que, através de constantes iterações, conduz ao desenvolvimento de melhores tecnologias, abordagens, processos, entre outros. Esta evolução nasce devido à necessidade de mudança – necessidade esta que pode surgir devido a novas tecnologias, métodos, objetivos ou outra qualquer alteração no ambiente. A arquitetura baseada em microsserviços pode ser vista como um dos resultados deste processo evolutivo – trata-se de uma abordagem à construção de aplicações complexas, onde a aplicação é dividida num conjunto de elementos de menor tamanho, autónomos, e que comunicam entre si. Embora a adoção desta abordagem traga consigo uma série de vantagens que lhe são associadas, – agilidade de desenvolvimento, eficiência de recursos e manutenibilidade, para nomear algumas – a comunicação entre os vários serviços continua a mostrar-se relativamente desafiante. gRPC, desenvolvido pela Google em 2015, é uma framework RPC que pode servir de alternativa a outras abordagens à comunicação entre microsserviços (como é o caso do estilo REST) que constituem uma aplicação, e que foi introduzida com o objetivo de promover o desenvolvimento de soluções baseadas em microsserviços e simplificar a troca de mensagens entre sistemas. Dada a juventude desta framework existe alguma dificuldade em compreender as ideias por trás da mesma e como esta pode ser adotada. Este documento apresenta os conceitos que compõe esta framework e descreve, resumidamente, a abordagem REST – a principal abordagem ao desenvolvimento de comunicação (síncrona) entre microsserviços. Para além disso, é também proposto e apresentado o desenvolvimento de aplicações protótipo com o objetivo estudar a adoção destas abordagens. O documento termina com uma avaliação ao desempenho dos protótipos desenvolvidos e com uma conclusão que tem como objetivo ajudar a perceber como gRPC se compara com a adoção de REST quando aplicada a diversos cenários de comunicação entre microsserviços.Software architecture and construction can be described as an evolutionary process that, through constant iterations, leads to the development of better technologies, approaches, processes, among others. This evolution arises due to the need for change - a need that can arise due to new technologies, methods, goals, or any other change in the environment. The microservices-based architecture can be seen as one of the results of this evolutionary process - it's an approach to building complex applications, where the application is divided into a set of smaller elements, that are autonomous, and that communicate with each other. While adopting this approach brings with it several advantages associated with it - development agility, resource efficiency, and maintainability, to name a few - communication between the various services still proves to be relatively challenging. gRPC, developed by Google in 2015, is an RPC framework that can serve as an alternative to implementing communication between microservices that constitute an application, and that was introduced with the goal of promoting the development of microservices-based solutions and simplifying the exchange of messages between systems. Given the youth of this framework there is some difficulty in understanding the ideas behind it and how it can be adopted. This paper presents the concepts that make up this framework, and briefly describes the REST approach - the main approach to the development of (synchronous) communication between microservices. In addition, the development of prototype applications is also proposed and presented in order to study the adoption of these approaches. The document ends with an evaluation of the performance of the prototypes developed and with a conclusion that aims to help understand how gRPC compares to the adoption of REST when applied to several scenarios of communication between microservices