2,193,857 research outputs found

    REST in Practice

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    An Investigation of the Influence of Varying Lengths of Rest Following Differential Amounts of Practice on the Practice Effect in Tachistoscopic Word Recognition

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    An experiment was carried out to investigate the influence of varying rest periods after three different amounts of practice on the practice effect in word recognition. Analysis of the data revealed: (1) rest resulted in a sharp increment in recognition thresholds except at short rest intervals after a brief practice period, (2) the threshold scores immediately after rest were found to be an inverse function of the length of the rest period, and (3) larger threshold increments were observed following greater amounts of practice than after lesser amounts. The results were discussed in terms of two interpretations of the practice effect in word recognition, that is response probability and the development of a tachistoscopic skill

    Lung Rest During Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Neonatal Respiratory Failure-Practice Variations and Outcomes.

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    OBJECTIVE: Describe practice variations in ventilator strategies used for lung rest during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for respiratory failure in neonates, and assess the potential impact of various lung rest strategies on the duration of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and the duration of mechanical ventilation after decannulation. DATA SOURCES: Retrospective cohort analysis from the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization registry database during the years 2008-2013. STUDY SELECTION: All extracorporeal membrane oxygenation runs for infants less than or equal to 30 days of life for pulmonary reasons were included. DATA EXTRACTION: Ventilator type and ventilator settings used for lung rest at 24 hours after extracorporeal membrane oxygenation initiation were obtained. DATA SYNTHESIS: A total of 3,040 cases met inclusion criteria. Conventional mechanical ventilation was used for lung rest in 88% of cases and high frequency ventilation was used in 12%. In the conventional mechanical ventilation group, 32% used positive end-expiratory pressure strategy of 4-6 cm H2O (low), 22% used 7-9 cm H2O (mid), and 43% used 10-12 cm H2O (high). High frequency ventilation was associated with an increased mean (SEM) hours of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (150.2 [0.05] vs 125 [0.02]; p \u3c 0.001) and an increased mean (SEM) hours of mechanical ventilation after decannulation (135 [0.09] vs 100.2 [0.03]; p = 0.002), compared with conventional mechanical ventilation among survivors. Within the conventional mechanical ventilation group, use of higher positive end-expiratory pressure was associated with a decreased mean (SEM) hours of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (high vs low: 136 [1.06] vs 156 [1.06], p = 0.001; mid vs low: 141 [1.06] vs 156 [1.06]; p = 0.04) but increased duration of mechanical ventilation after decannulation in the high positive end-expiratory pressure group compared with low positive end-expiratory pressure (p = 0.04) among survivors. CONCLUSIONS: Wide practice variation exists with regard to ventilator settings used for lung rest during neonatal respiratory extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Use of high frequency ventilation when compared with conventional mechanical ventilation and use of low positive end-expiratory pressure strategy when compared with mid positive end-expiratory pressure and high positive end-expiratory pressure strategy is associated with longer duration of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation. Further research to provide evidence to drive optimization of pulmonary management during neonatal respiratory extracorporeal membrane oxygenation is warranted

    Selective Intervention and Growth: The Case of Korea

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    This paper attempts to determine whether conditions amendable to successful selective interventions to capture cross-industry externalities are likely to be fulfilled in practice. Three criteria are proposed for good candidates for industrial promotion: that they have strong interindustry links to the rest of the economy, that they lead the rest of the economy in a causal sense, and that they be characterized by a high share of industry-specific innovations in output growth. According to these criteria, likely candidates for successful intervention are identified in the Korean data. It is found that, with one exception, none of the sectors promote by the heavy and chemical industry (HCI) policy fulfills all three criteria.Korea, industrial policy, growth

    Family Foundation Philanthropy: report on the giving of the largest charitable family foundations in the US, the UK and the rest of Europe

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    There are huge debates about whether we are witnessing a new era of great philanthropy, but sadly, few facts. It is this gap which Cathy Pharoah's research reported here aims to address. People give in many different ways, and the data available to us is limited. This research has focused on an area which is in principle measurable. In attempting to establish for the first time a comparative benchmark of family foundation philanthropy in the UK, the rest of Europe and the US, we hope the report will inform debate and stimulate policy and practice

    Practised imagination : tracing transnational networks in Crete and beyond ; paper for the conference 'Alltag der Globalisierung. Perspektiven einer transnationalen Anthropologie', January 16-18, 2003, Institute of Cultural Anthropology and European Ethnology, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University, Frankfurt am Main

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    The imagination has become a major site for studying transnational cultural flows. Yet it is mainly the mass media that are explored as channels directing the imagination from "the West" towards "the rest". And there is still little empirical "testing" of this field. How do such ‐ and other ‐ imaginary sources work into social practice? And what does such "practised imagination" imply for the practice of transnational anthropology? This article attempts to address these questions from the perspective of fieldwork in progress. In and between Crete and Germany I traced transnational networks based on the reciprocal mobilities of migration, remigration, and tourism. Here, multiple domains of imagination are drawn upon by various audiences, thus effectively contributing to the creation of these relations and the places in which they localise. Anthropological research on tourism and migration has tended to separate the imagination ‐ as being an external impact ‐ from local practice. Yet, transnational ethnography needs to challenge this opposition and is in itself a strategy to do so, in that it perceives the imagination as a practice of transcending physical and cultural distance

    The Potential of Deconstruction in Buffalo, New York

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    Building deconstruction is not a novel idea but represents an ancient practice reinvented for our modern era. Deconstruction is an environmentally friendly (yet fiscally remunerative) alternative to traditional building demolition. Deconstruction is: [t]he process of carefully dismantling a building in order to salvage components for reuse and recycling. Typically, a small team of skilled and licensed professionals disassemble the structure, setting aside the valuable materials for direct reuse or resale, before recycling the rest. In most instances, deconstruction is combined with an element of demolition, with the latter process plugging the gaps not covered by the former process. Deconstruction has traditionally been used successfully with decommissioned military bases and all-wood barns. Building deconstruction is simply an expansion of this practice to both commercial and residential structures. In fact, it can be argued that deconstruction is the original demolition

    Judging the impact of leadership-development activities on school practice

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    The nature and effectiveness of professional-development activities should be judged in a way that takes account of both the achievement of intended outcomes and the unintended consequences that may result. Our research project set out to create a robust approach that school staff members could use to assess the impact of professional-development programs on leadership and management practice without being constrained in this judgment by the stated aims of the program. In the process, we identified a number of factors and requirements relevant to a wider audience than that concerned with the development of leadership and management in England. Such an assessment has to rest upon a clear understanding of educational leadership,a clearly articulated model of practice, and a clear model of potential forms of impact. Such foundations, suitably adapted to the subject being addressed, are appropriate for assessing all teacher professional development

    Effects of Task Complexity on Mental Imagery & Work Decrement

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    This study was conducted to determine the effects of task complexity on mental imagery and work decrement. A total of 180 right-handed undergraduates from Western Kentucky University were tested on the rotor pursuit apparatus. Task complexity was manipulated by eccentricity on the tracking target of the rotor pursuit (i.e., the more eccentric, the more complex). Three shapes of increasing eccentricity were used, and there were three practice conditions: rest, no-rest and control. Thus, nine treatment conditions existed. The rest group had a 5-min rest between practice and performance, the no-rest group went right from practice to performance without rest, and the control group received no practice. Performance was measured across nine trials which were averaged into three trial blocks for analysis. An analysis of variance was used to determine significant differences between the groups on the performance measure (i.e., percent time-on-target). The results of the analysis revealed that effective mental imagery and work decrement did not occur. Previous research has demonstrated both of these phenomena. Therefore, the outcome of this study is deemed unreliable due to these findings. However, a significant difference between performance on the various elliptical shapes was found. This information may be valuable in future research
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