8 research outputs found

    Creation of Robust Schedule for Profit Based Cooperation

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    Agent-Based Algorithms for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows

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    Vehicle routing problem s casovymi okny (VRPTW) je jednim z nejdulezitSjSich a nejvice zkou- manych problemu v oblasti dopravy. Matematicky model tohoto problemu vystihuje klicove vlastnosti spolecne cele fadS dalslch dopravmch problemu feSenych v praxi. Jadrem problemu je hledani mnoziny tras zacmajicicli a koncicich v jedinem depu, ktere obsahuji zastavky u mnoziny zakazniku. Pro kazdSho zakazm'ka je pak definovano konkretm' mnozstvf zbozf, jez je tfeba dorucit a casove okno, ve kterem je pozadovano dodani tohoto zbozi. Realne aplikace tohoto problemu jsou zpravidla vyrazne bohatsi, napojene na nadfazene logisticke systemy. KliSoA'ym faktorem pro uspSSne nasazeni odpovldajicich algoritmu je proto jejich fiexibilita vzhledem k dodatecnym rozSuemm zhkladmho matematickeho modelu spojenym s nasazenim v realnem sv§t§. Dalglm podstatnym faktorem je schopnost systemu reagovat na nepfedvidane udalosti jako jsou dopravm zaepy, poruchy, zmgny preferenci zakazniku atd. Multi-agentni systemy reprezentuji architekturu a navrhovy vzor vhodny pro modelovani heterogennlch a dynamickych systemu. Entity v systemu jsou v ramci multi-agentmho mo- delu reprezentovany mnozinou agentil s odpovidajlci'mi vzorci autonommho jako i spolecenskeho chovani. Chovani systemu jako celku pak vyplyva z autonomnich akci...The vehicle routing problem with time windows (VRPTW) is one of the most important and widely studied transportation optimization problems. It abstracts the salient features of numer- ous distribution related real-world problems. It is a problem of finding a set of routes starting and ending at a single depot serving a set of geographically scattered customers, each within a specific time-window and with a specific demand of goods to be delivered. The real world applications of the VRPTW can be very complex being part of higher level sj'^stems i.e. complex supply chain management solutions. For a successful deployment it is impor- tant for these systems to be flexible in terms of incorporating the problem specific side-constraints and problem extensions in an elegant way. Also, employing efficient means of addressing the dy- namism inherent to the execution phase of the relevant operations is vital. The multi-agent systems are an emerging architectm-e with respect to modeling multi-actor heterogenous and dynamic environments. The entities within the system are represented by a set of agents endowed with autonomic as well as social behavioral patterns. The behavior of the system then emerges from their actions and interactions. The autonomic nature of such a model makes it very robust in highly...Katedra softwarovĂ©ho inĆŸenĂœrstvĂ­Department of Software EngineeringFaculty of Mathematics and PhysicsMatematicko-fyzikĂĄlnĂ­ fakult

    The use of gel-cast ceramic foams as diesel particulate filters

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    Interest in diesel particulate reduction technologies has been revived over the past few years as a result of the increased popularity in Europe of diesel passenger cars, due to their superior fuel efficiency and advances made in performance, along with new legislation requiring the reduction of exhaust emission products. A number of technologies have been commercialised in this growing market sector including the use of filtration media to clean the exhaust gases. In fact during the course of this work the first Diesel Particulate Filtration (DPF) system to be fitted on a passenger car was introduced by the car manufacturer Peugeot. One of the many previously studied technologies for the reduction of diesel particulate emissions was through the use of reticulated ceramic foam filters. A more recent alternative approach to the production of porous ceramics is via gel casting. [Continues.

    Flowering time and its relationship to vegetative development in maize (Zea mays L.)

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    All organisms go through distinct phases of development during ontogenesis. In plants, shoot development has traditionally been divided into two phases of development distinguished by the the ability to flower. The non-flowering, juvenile phase of development is followed by the adult phase of development, during which flowering can occur. Frequently observed modifications in the vegetative morphology of the shoot are thought to reflect the transition to a phase in which the shoot is competent to flower, yet conclusive evidence for this assumption is lacking. An alternative model proposed here may provide a better framework for the genetic analysis of shoot development. In this model, shoot development is partitioned into three phases: the early vegetative and late vegetative phases of development, which are defined by phase-specific vegetative traits, and a reproductive phase of development. These phases are expressed in a spatial sequence as a result of the polar nature of shoot growth. In maize, the early vegetative phase is marked by traits such as the presence of a visible form of epicuticular leaf wax and round epidermal leaf cells in cross section. In the late vegetative phase, the visible leaf wax is absent, the epidermal cells are more rectangular in cross section and trichomes are expressed on the leaf blades. The reproductive phase of development is characterised first by a brief, photoperiod sensitive period and later by the differentiation of inflorescences. The aim of this study is to investigate whether this three-phase model provides an adequate conceptual framework. To this end, the relationship between the transition from early vegetative to late vegetative growth and flowering in maize is studied using a genetic approach.Results show that the early flowering trait does not alter the rate of leaf initiation. Rather, the overall length of the vegetative development is reduced in early flowering plants, resulting in the production of fewer leaves. This reduction in leaf number affects the vegetative phases of development in different ways; either only the late vegetative phase of development is reduced or the early vegetative and the late vegetative phases are both shortened, as determined by phase-specific traits. This difference is dependent on the inbred background and not on the early flowering trait, as determined by genetic, molecular, and physiological techniques. Therefore, in one species, but in different inbred backgrounds, vegetative phase change and reproductive maturity can be independent or regulated coordinately, indicating that a three-phase model of shoot development is an adequate conceptual framework. Finally, the early flowering trait is placed in a pathway regulating the reproductive phase of development. In the late flowering genotypes examined, a longer vegetative phase is reflected only in a longer late vegetative phase. The expression of the early vegetative phase is unaffected. A working model of shoot development in maize is proposed

    Political Economy in Practice:The Foundations for Policy, Management and Independent Economic Regulation

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    The text is designed for courses in the areas of applied political economy. Its five sections areintended to integrate economics with accountancy, and provide a foundation of analyticalexamples. The application of political economy ideas to important policy questions follows, andconcludes with the design of the regulatory framework for a modern state. By combining awide range of the elements which feature in political economy as a subject, the text can providea useful complement to a specialist course textbook which focuses on one element alone, such asEconomics 12th edition, Lipsey and Chrystal, OUP, 2011. It can be used as a main course textin its own right, and is intended for both undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Theemphasis is on practical applications, which makes the course text suitable for general courses inuniversities, as well as in other centres of education, particularly government and professionalbodies. Worked examples and algebraic formulae are used where necessary. The analyticalexamples in section III have been chosen to cover those areas which are often less fully coveredin standard textbooks. These include:* Reconciling investment decision rules in terms of NPV with ‘modified’ internal rates of return.* Introducing the ‘opportunity cost of deferral’ as the appropriate measure for investmentdecisions on mutually exclusive projects subject to capital rationing.* Integrating joint processes and by-products, further processing and recovery of ‘common’fixed costs in optimising production decisions and pricing.* Identifying ‘annuity’ depreciation profiles as the economic foundation of depreciation.The text is designed to be suitable for courses in different countries because where a UKexample of applied political economy has been used it is because it has international relevance.In particular, this includes the use of price control rather than profit control in regulatingprivatised utilities and network industries, as well as the economic history of privatisation from1984 to 2013; the development of accounting standards from professional self-regulation to theadoption of international accounting standards; and the recognition that an effective regulatorystate requires effective accountability along with appropriate institutional structures