79,111 research outputs found

    Soybean cultivar R10-230

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    A soybean cultivar designated R10-230 is disclosed. The invention relates to the seeds of soybean cultivar R10-230, to the plants of soybean cultivar R10-230, to the plant parts of soybean cultivar R10-230, and to methods for producing progeny of soybean cultivar R10-230. The invention also relates to methods for producing a soybean plant containing in its genetic material one or more transgenes and to the transgenic soybean plants and plant parts produced by those methods. The invention also relates to soybean cultivars or breeding cultivars, and plant parts derived from soybean cultivar R10-230. The invention also relates to methods for producing other soybean cultivars, lines, or plant parts derived from soybean cultivar R10-230, and to the soybean plants, varieties, and their parts derived from use of those methods. The invention further relates to hybrid soybean seeds, plants, and plant parts produced by crossing cultivar R10-230 with another soybean cultivar

    A qualitative insight into rural casemix education, CHERE Project Report No 10

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    NSW, while often regarded as the non- Casemix state, has been using Casemix information to assist planning and funding of hospitals. However, the use of this tool and the necessary education and knowledge about Casemix has not been evenly spread throughout the state, with health service staff in metropolitan areas relatively more familiar with its use then their colleagues in rural NSW. In 1998, both NSW Health and the NSW Casemix Clinical Committee (NCCC) proposed that an effort be made to increase the knowledge and participation of rural clinical and health service staff in Casemix activities. This research was proposed as a means of establishing the current situation regarding Casemix, knowledge in rural areas, providing advice regarding the best methods of implementing Casemix education for rural staff and, if possible, evaluating the success of the education. Casemix is a broad term referring to the tools and information system used to assist in such activities as planning, benchmarking, managing and funding health care services. Casemix is underpinned by classification systems that allow meaningful comparisons of workload or throughput between facilities. In this study, qualitative research methods were used to examine the issues faced by rural health service staff in gaining knowledge of and using Casemix. This information was supplemented by a survey, which assessed the level of knowledge and understanding of Casemix in two rural areas.Casemix, hospital funding

    Self-association of a highly charged, arginine-rich cell-penetrating peptide

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    Small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) measurements reveal a striking difference in intermolecular interactions between two short, highly charged peptides, namely deca-arginine (R10) and deca-lysine (K10). Comparison of SAXS curves at high and low salt concentration shows that R10 self-associates, while interactions between K10 chains are purely repulsive. The self-association of R10 occurs to a larger extent at low ionic strength indicating that the attraction between R10 molecules has an important electrostatic component. SAXS data is complemented by potentials of mean force between the peptides calculated by means of umbrella sampling molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. Atomistic MD simulations elucidate the origin of the R10-R10 attraction by providing structural information on the dimeric state: the last two C-terminal residues of R10 constitute an adhesive patch achieved by stacking of the side chains of two arginine residues and by salt bridges formed between the like-charge ion-pair and C-terminal carboxyl groups. A statistical analysis of the protein data bank reveals that this mode of interaction commonly occurs in proteins. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Probing protoplanetary disks with silicate emission: Where is the silicate emission zone?

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    Recent results indicate that the grain size and crystallinity inferred from observations of silicate features may be correlated with the spectral type of the central star and/or disk geometry. In this paper, we show that grain size, as probed by the 10 μm silicate feature peak-to-continuum and 11.3 to 9.8 μm flux ratios, is inversely proportional to log Lsstarf. These trends can be understood using a simple two-layer disk model for passive irradiated flaring disks, CGPLUS. We find that the radius, R10, of the 10 μm silicate emission zone in the disk goes as (L*/L☉)^0.56, with slight variations depending on disk geometry (flaring angle and inner disk radius). The observed correlations, combined with simulated emission spectra of olivine and pyroxene mixtures, imply a dependence of grain size on luminosity. Combined with the fact that R10 is smaller for less luminous stars, this implies that the apparent grain size of the emitting dust is larger for low-luminosity sources. In contrast, our models suggest that the crystallinity is only marginally affected, because for increasing luminosity, the zone for thermal annealing (assumed to be at T > 800 K) is enlarged by roughly the same factor as the silicate emission zone. The observed crystallinity is affected by disk geometry, however, with increased crystallinity in flat disks. The apparent crystallinity may also increase with grain growth due to a corresponding increase in contrast between crystalline and amorphous silicate emission bands

    Catoptric tadpoles

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    Fermionic string perturbation theory is known to suffer from an ambiguity in the form of a total derivative in the moduli space. For a class of backgrounds (including R10, orbifolds and theories with no U(1) factors in gauge group) we show that these ambiguities for the partition function of heterotic string theory at any genus are proportional to massless physical tadpoles in the theory at lower genera and hence vanish in stable vacua. We also find that in R10 the cosmological constant at a given genus is proportional to the cosmological constant at lower genera. This enables us to give an inductive argument for the vanishing of the cosmological constant in R10 to all orders in string perturbation theory. We also address the ambiguity and finiteness of n-point functions. Our results indicate that in R10 the ambiguity can be absorbed by a renormalization of the string coupling constant and the string tension. The expected sources of divergence in the n-point function in arbitrary tachyon-free backgrounds, besides the usual infrared divergences for d≤4, are shown to be proportional to tadpoles of physical massless fields. For type II strings in arbitrary backgrounds, we show by explicit calculations that the ambiguity vanishes at g=2

    Breast density predicts endocrine treatment outcome in the adjuvant setting

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    PMCID: PMC3680935See related research article by Kim et al., http://breast-cancer-research.com/content/14/4/R10

    Versatile Digital GHz Phase Lock for External Cavity Diode Lasers

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    We present a versatile, inexpensive and simple optical phase lock for applications in atomic physics experiments. Thanks to all-digital phase detection and implementation of beat frequency pre-scaling, the apparatus requires no microwave-range reference input, and permits phase locking at frequency differences ranging from sub-MHz to 7 GHz (and with minor extension, to 12 GHz). The locking range thus covers ground state hyperfine splittings of all alkali metals, which makes this system a universal tool for many experiments on coherent interaction between light and atoms.Comment: 4.5 pages, 5 figures v3: fixed error in schematic: R10 connects to other end of C