8 research outputs found

    R-Charon, a Modeling Language for Reconfigurable Hybrid Systems

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    This paper describes the modeling language as an extension for architectural reconfiguration to the existing distributed hybrid system modeling language Charon. The target application domain of R-Charon includes but is not limited to modular reconfigurable robots and large-scale transportation systems. While largely leaving the Charon syntax and semantics intact, R-Charon allows dynamic creation and destruction of components (agents) as well as of links (references) between the agents. As such, R-Charon is the first formal, hybrid automata based modeling language which also addresses dynamic reconfiguration. We develop and present the syntax and operational semantics for R-Charon on three levels: behavior (modes), structure (agents) and configuration (system)

    Cyber-Virtual Systems: Simulation, Validation & Visualization

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    We describe our ongoing work and view on simulation, validation and visualization of cyber-physical systems in industrial automation during development, operation and maintenance. System models may represent an existing physical part - for example an existing robot installation - and a software simulated part - for example a possible future extension. We call such systems cyber-virtual systems. In this paper, we present the existing VITELab infrastructure for visualization tasks in industrial automation. The new methodology for simulation and validation motivated in this paper integrates this infrastructure. We are targeting scenarios, where industrial sites which may be in remote locations are modeled and visualized from different sites anywhere in the world. Complementing the visualization work, here, we are also concentrating on software modeling challenges related to cyber-virtual systems and simulation, testing, validation and verification techniques for them. Software models of industrial sites require behavioural models of the components of the industrial sites such as models for tools, robots, workpieces and other machinery as well as communication and sensor facilities. Furthermore, collaboration between sites is an important goal of our work.Comment: Preprint, 9th International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering (ENASE 2014

    Modeling and controlling the structure of heterogeneous mobile robotic systems: A bigactor approach

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    A Complete Axiomatization of Quantified Differential Dynamic Logic for Distributed Hybrid Systems

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    We address a fundamental mismatch between the combinations of dynamics that occur in cyber-physical systems and the limited kinds of dynamics supported in analysis. Modern applications combine communication, computation, and control. They may even form dynamic distributed networks, where neither structure nor dimension stay the same while the system follows hybrid dynamics, i.e., mixed discrete and continuous dynamics. We provide the logical foundations for closing this analytic gap. We develop a formal model for distributed hybrid systems. It combines quantified differential equations with quantified assignments and dynamic dimensionality-changes. We introduce a dynamic logic for verifying distributed hybrid systems and present a proof calculus for this logic. This is the first formal verification approach for distributed hybrid systems. We prove that our calculus is a sound and complete axiomatization of the behavior of distributed hybrid systems relative to quantified differential equations. In our calculus we have proven collision freedom in distributed car control even when an unbounded number of new cars may appear dynamically on the road

    Nutzerfreundliche Modellierung mit hybriden Systemen zur symbolischen Simulation in CLP

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    Die Dissertation beinhaltet die Sprachen MODEL-HS und VYSMO zur modularen, deklarativen Beschreibung hybrider Systeme, die dem Nachweis zeit- und sicherheitskritischer Eigenschaften für die symbolische Simulation in CLP dienen. Zum Erlangen sprachtheoretischer Erkenntnisse wie Entscheidbarkeit wurden hybride Systeme neu unter formal nachweisbaren Akzeptanzbedingungen definiert, welche durch praktische Beispiele belegt sind. Weitere Ergebnisse sind eine neue Klassifikation hybrider Systeme, ein Werkzeug ROSSY, Anfragebeschreibungen und deren Transformation in temporal-logische Ausdrücke, Anfragemasken und Anwendungen für Studiensysteme und parallele Programme.The dissertation includes the languages MODEL-HS and VYSMO for modular, declarative description of hybrid systems that serve the proof of time- and safety-critical properties for symbolic simulation in CLP. For coming to language-theoretical conclusions like decidability hybrid systems are newly defined under acceptance conditions that can be formally proved and for which practical examples bear witness. A new classification of hybrid systems, a tool ROSSY, query descriptions and their transformation into temporal-logic expressions, query forms and applications for study systems and parallel programs are further results

    I.: R-Charon : a modeling language for reconfigurable hybrid systems

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    Abstract. This paper describes the modeling language R-Charon as an extension for architectural reconfiguration to the existing distributed hybrid system modeling language Charon. The target application domain of R-Charon includes but is not limited to modular reconfigurable robots and large-scale transportation systems. While largely leaving the Charon syntax and semantics intact, R-Charon allows dynamic creation and destruction of components (agents) as well as of links (references) between the agents. As such, R-Charon is the first formal, hybrid automata based modeling language which also addresses dynamic reconfiguration. We develop and present the syntax and operational semantics for R-Charon on three levels: behavior (modes), structure (agents) and configuration (system).