25 research outputs found

    A machine learning approach to constructing Ramsey graphs leads to the Trahtenbrot-Zykov problem.

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    Attempts at approaching the well-known and difficult problem of constructing Ramsey graphs via machine learning lead to another difficult problem posed by Zykov in 1963 (now commonly referred to as the Trahtenbrot-Zykov problem): For which graphs F does there exist some graph G such that the neighborhood of every vertex in G induces a subgraph isomorphic to F? Chapter 1 provides a brief introduction to graph theory. Chapter 2 introduces Ramsey theory for graphs. Chapter 3 details a reinforcement learning implementation for Ramsey graph construction. The implementation is based on board game software, specifically the AlphaZero program and its success learning to play games from scratch. The chapter ends with a description of how computing challenges naturally shifted the project towards the Trahtenbrot-Zykov problem. Chapter 3 also includes recommendations for continuing the project and attempting to overcome these challenges. Chapter 4 defines the Trahtenbrot-Zykov problem and outlines its history, including proofs of results omitted from their original papers. This chapter also contains a program for constructing graphs with all neighborhood-induced subgraphs isomorphic to a given graph F. The end of Chapter 4 presents constructions from the program when F is a Ramsey graph. Constructing such graphs is a non-trivial task, as Bulitko proved in 1973 that the Trahtenbrot-Zykov problem is undecidable. Chapter 5 is a translation from Russian to English of this famous result, a proof not previously available in English. Chapter 6 introduces Cayley graphs and their relationship to the Trahtenbrot-Zykov problem. The chapter ends with constructions of Cayley graphs Γ in which the neighborhood of every vertex of Γ induces a subgraph isomorphic to a given Ramsey graph, which leads to a conjecture regarding the unique extremal Ramsey(4, 4) graph

    Modified Ramsey Numbers

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    Ramsey theory is a eld of study named after the mathematician Frank P. Ramsey. In general, problems in Ramsey theory look for structure amid a collection of unstructured objects and are often solved using techniques of Graph Theory. For a typical question in Ramsey theory, we use two colors, say red and blue, to color the edges of a complete graph, and then look for either a complete subgraph of order n whose edges are all red or a complete subgraph of order m whose edges are all blue. The minimum number of vertices needed to guarantee one of these subgraphs is the Ramsey number, R(n; m). Ramsey\u27s Theorem shows that R(n; m) exists for every n and m greater than one, yet very few Ramsey numbers are known. There are many interesting modifications of the original problem such as looking for subgraphs other than complete graphs. For this thesis, we will consider modified Ramsey numbers for star graphs instead of the classical Ramsey number R(n; m). We will prove a general formula for the modified Ramsey number of two star graphs and begin exploring modified Ramsey numbers of a star graph and a path