78 research outputs found

    Coequalisers of formal topology

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    We give a predicative construction of quotients of formal topologies. Along with earlier results on the match up between of continuous functions on real numbers (in the sense of Bishop\u27s constructive mathematics) and approximable mappings on the formal space of reals, we argue that formal topology gives an adequate foundation for constructive algebraic topology, also in the predicative sense. Predicativity is of essence when formalising the subject in logical frameworks based on Martin-Löf type theories

    GG-typical Witt vectors with coefficients and the norm

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    For a profinite group GG we describe an abelian group WG(R;M)W_G(R; M) of GG-typical Witt vectors with coefficients in an RR-module MM (where RR is a commutative ring). This simultaneously generalises the ring WG(R)W_G(R) of Dress and Siebeneicher and the Witt vectors with coefficients W(R;M)W(R; M) of Dotto, Krause, Nikolaus and Patchkoria, both of which extend the usual Witt vectors of a ring. We use this new variant of Witt vectors to give a purely algebraic description of the zeroth equivariant stable homotopy groups of the Hill-Hopkins-Ravenel norm N{e}G(X)N_{\{e\}}^G(X) of a connective spectrum XX, for any finite group GG. Our construction is reasonably analogous to the constructions of previous variants of Witt vectors, and as such is amenable to fairly explicit concrete computations.Comment: 83 page

    Presenting quotient locales

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    It is often useful to be able to deal with locales in terms of presentations of their underlying frames, or equivalently, the geometric theories which they classify. Given a presentation for a locale, presentations for its sublocales can be obtained by simply appending additional relations, but the case of quotient locales is more subtle. We provide simple procedures for obtaining presentations of open quotients, proper quotients or general triquotients from presentations of the parent locale. The results are proved with the help of the suplattice, preframe and dcpo coverage theorems and applied to obtain presentations of the circle from ones for the reals and the closed unit interval.Comment: 14 page

    Categorical generalisations of quantum double models

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    We show that every involutive Hopf monoid in a complete and finitely cocomplete symmetric monoidal category gives rise to invariants of oriented surfaces defined in terms of ribbon graphs. For every ribbon graph this yields an object in the category, defined up to isomorphism, that depends only on the homeomorphism class of the associated surface. This object is constructed via (co)equalisers and images and equipped with a mapping class group action. It can be viewed as a categorical generalisation of the ground state of Kitaev's quantum double model or of a representation variety for a surface. We apply the construction to group objects in cartesian monoidal categories, in particular to simplicial groups as group objects in SSet and to crossed modules as group objects in Cat. The former yields a simplicial set consisting of representation varieties, the latter a groupoid whose sets of objects and morphisms are obtained from representation varieties.Comment: 46 page

    Cocommutative coalgebras: homotopy theory and Koszul duality

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    We extend a construction of Hinich to obtain a closed model category structure on all differential graded cocommutative coalgebras over an algebraically closed field of characteristic zero. We further show that the Koszul duality between commutative and Lie algebras extends to a Quillen equivalence between cocommutative coalgebras and formal coproducts of curved Lie algebras.Comment: 38 page
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