21,152 research outputs found


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    In this paper, the Spanish fiscal policy sustainability is tested for the period 1964-1996. The theoretical framework used in this paper draws from Quintos (1995) where a distinction between weak and strong conditions for deficit sustainability is pointed out. From an empirical point of view, new cointegration techniques allowing for structural breaks in the long-run relationships as well as in the cointegration parameters are implemented in order to reach a deeper insight. En este trabajo se contrasta la sostenibilidad de la política fiscal en la economía española para el periodo 1964-1996 utilizando el planteamiento teórico propuesto en Quintos (1995). Desde el punto de vista empírico, la novedad del estudio radica en la utilización de nuevas técnicas de cointegración que recogen la posibilidad de cambios estructurales, tanto en las relaciones de largo plazo como en los parámetros de cointegración.sostenibilidad, política fiscal, cointegración, cambio de régimen sustainability, fiscal policy, cointegration, regimen shifts.

    Adjusting to the New Trade and Environmental Paradigm: The Case of the Philippines

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    The story of the Philippine environment during the past two decades is one of growing stress and resource degradation that has recently forced the Philippine polity and society to resolve the problem. This paper seeks to contribute to a better understanding of the issue of sustainable development by exploring the linkage between environment and trade both domestically and internationally from the Philippine perspective.natural resources and environment, trade sector, liberalization, environmental issues

    Structural Change in Tail Behavior and the Asian Financial Crisis

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    This paper explores tests of the hypothesis that the tail thickness of a distribution is constant over time. Using Hill's conditional maximum likelihood estimator for the tail index of a distribution, tests of tail shape constancy are constructed that allow for an unknown breakpoint. The recursive test is shown to be inconsistent in one direction, and only a one-sided test is recommended. Specifically, the test can be used when the alternative hypothesis is that the tail index decreases over time. A rolling and sequential version of the test is consistent in both directions. The methods are illustrated on recent stock price data for Thailand, Malaysia and Indonesia. The period covers the recent Asian financial crisis and enables us to assess whether breakpoints in domestic asset return distributions are related to known changes in institutional arrangements in the foreign currency markets of these countries.Extreme value theory, Hill estimator, Structural change, Tail index estimation

    Canadian Money Demand Functions Cointegration¨CRank Stability

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    This paper applies conventional tests (Johansen, 1995) and new tests (Chao and Phillips, 1999) for cointegration to long¨Crun money demand functions using historical Canadian data back to 1872. If cointegration is found, recently proposed tests by Quintos (1998a) for stability of the cointegration rank are carried out. The paper focuses on two spans of data: one span starting in 1872, the other in 1957 or 1968. Annual data are used for the former span, and annual and quarterly data for the latter. The preferred money demand specification involves M1.Vector error-correction; unknown change points; long spans of monetary data

    On the sustainability of the Spanish public budget performance

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    In this paper, we address the issue of whether the current fiscal policy in Spain is sustainable. For this purpose we apply traditional empirical tests of fiscal sustainability proposed in the literature and, in addition, we introduce a deeper univariate analysis of the series involved. Our results show that a structural break seems to have taken place gradually in the Spanish budget performance, allowing to verifying the intertemporal borrowing constraint in a «strong sense», which means that no problems in marketing public debt are expected to arise if fiscal variables follow the pattern of the past in the future. Classification-JEL : E60, F41,: Sustainability, cointegration, structural breaks, intertemporal borrowing constraint.