443 research outputs found

    Querying parse trees of stochastic context-free grammars

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    ABSTRACT Stochastic context-free grammars (SCFGs) have long been recognized as useful for a large variety of tasks including natural language processing, morphological parsing, speech recognition, information extraction, Web-page wrapping and even analysis of RNA. A string and an SCFG jointly represent a probabilistic interpretation of the meaning of the string, in the form of a (possibly infinite) probability space of parse trees. The problem of evaluating a query over this probability space is considered under the conventional semantics of querying a probabilistic database. For general SCFGs, extremely simple queries may have results that include irrational probabilities. But, for a large subclass of SCFGs (that includes all the standard studied subclasses of SCFGs) and the language of tree-pattern queries with projection (and child/descendant edges), it is shown that query results have rational probabilities with a polynomialsize bit representation and, more importantly, an efficient query-evaluation algorithm is presented

    Search and Result Presentation in Scientific Workflow Repositories

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    We study the problem of searching a repository of complex hierarchical workflows whose component modules, both composite and atomic, have been annotated with keywords. Since keyword search does not use the graph structure of a workflow, we develop a model of workflows using context-free bag grammars. We then give efficient polynomial-time algorithms that, given a workflow and a keyword query, determine whether some execution of the workflow matches the query. Based on these algorithms we develop a search and ranking solution that efficiently retrieves the top-k grammars from a repository. Finally, we propose a novel result presentation method for grammars matching a keyword query, based on representative parse-trees. The effectiveness of our approach is validated through an extensive experimental evaluation

    Semantics, Modelling, and the Problem of Representation of Meaning -- a Brief Survey of Recent Literature

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    Over the past 50 years many have debated what representation should be used to capture the meaning of natural language utterances. Recently new needs of such representations have been raised in research. Here I survey some of the interesting representations suggested to answer for these new needs.Comment: 15 pages, no figure

    Flexible and scalable digital library search

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    In this report the development of a specialised search engine for a digital library is described. The proposed system architecture consists of three levels: the conceptual, the logical and the physical level. The conceptual level schema enables by its exposure of a domain specific schema semantically rich conceptual search. The logical level provides a description language to achieve a high degree of flexibility for multimedia retrieval. The physical level takes care of scalable and efficient persistent data storage. The role, played by each level, changes during the various stages of a search engine's lifecycle: (1) modeling the index, (2) populating and maintaining the index and (3) querying the index. The integration of all this functionality allows the combination of both conceptual and content-based querying in the query stage. A search engine for the Australian Open tennis tournament website is used as a running example, which shows the power of the complete architecture and its various component

    Search and Result Presentation in Scientific Workflow Repositories

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    We study the problem of searching a repository of complex hierarchical workflows whose component modules, both composite and atomic, have been annotated with keywords. Since keyword search does not use the graph structure of a workflow, we develop a model of workflows using context-free bag grammars. We then give efficient polynomial-time algorithms that, given a workflow and a keyword query, determine whether some execution of the workflow matches the query. Based on these algorithms we develop a search and ranking solution that efficiently retrieves the top-k grammars from a repository. Finally, we propose a novel result presentation method for grammars matching a keyword query, based on representative parse-trees. The effectiveness of ou

    BOSS: Bayesian Optimization over String Spaces

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    This article develops a Bayesian optimization (BO) method which acts directly over raw strings, proposing the first uses of string kernels and genetic algorithms within BO loops. Recent applications of BO over strings have been hindered by the need to map inputs into a smooth and unconstrained latent space. Learning this projection is computationally and data-intensive. Our approach instead builds a powerful Gaussian process surrogate model based on string kernels, naturally supporting variable length inputs, and performs efficient acquisition function maximization for spaces with syntactical constraints. Experiments demonstrate considerably improved optimization over existing approaches across a broad range of constraints, including the popular setting where syntax is governed by a context-free grammar

    Program Synthesis using Natural Language

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    Interacting with computers is a ubiquitous activity for millions of people. Repetitive or specialized tasks often require creation of small, often one-off, programs. End-users struggle with learning and using the myriad of domain-specific languages (DSLs) to effectively accomplish these tasks. We present a general framework for constructing program synthesizers that take natural language (NL) inputs and produce expressions in a target DSL. The framework takes as input a DSL definition and training data consisting of NL/DSL pairs. From these it constructs a synthesizer by learning optimal weights and classifiers (using NLP features) that rank the outputs of a keyword-programming based translation. We applied our framework to three domains: repetitive text editing, an intelligent tutoring system, and flight information queries. On 1200+ English descriptions, the respective synthesizers rank the desired program as the top-1 and top-3 for 80% and 90% descriptions respectively
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