1,398 research outputs found

    Query Suggestion for On-Device Troubleshooting

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    Abstract. This paper describes a novel query suggestion tool we have designed and implemented to help users of office printing devices better formulate their queries, while searching a troubleshooting knowledge base provided as a service on the device itself. The paper traces the main motivations of the design of the query suggestion tool and outlines its technical details with an emphasis on its combination of features in relation to prior work

    A Virtual World for Troubleshooting Distributed Systems

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    An observerse is proposed, to provide users of cloud-based distributed systems with tools for streamlined debugging and root cause analysis. The observerse serves as an observability platform, incorporating aspects of virtual reality technology to help users efficiently navigate the system to resolve operational issues

    Log System for IT Support

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    The purpose of proceeding this project; Log System for IT Support, is to act as an online system that can be accessed by any IT client. This system provides remote support services, online reporting and manages users' complaint systematically. It was clearly noted that 'IT support field' should be seriously in concern, since it is the compliment element toward the growth of IT. Without the existing of variety support system in place, the process of IT support operation will not be balanced to support the IT growth demand. From this project, it will proceed with the idea of developing Log System for IT Support, with an extra enhancement from the existing system in market currently. This enhancement will concern on the solution of how it can help the management side of IT provider (that offers this support services) in managing the daily support. The end product is able to assign IT personnel automatically from the report received, act and respond promptly to every type of user's request, view management report and manage the daily support operation systematically in one central system. The methodology that was designed to fit this 14 weeks duration was Planning (cover all the preliminary phases), Analysis (detailed out the groundwork findings), Design (interface, system and data design), Prototyping & Testing (prototyping development and testing) and lastly end up with FYP Presentation. All in all, the systems groundwork was started with research, questionnaire and study the existing system, that really support into the idea of this enhancement. It is hoped that, the system produced will act as a system that benefit both users and support provider, in order to have the best IT support services with not onlyjust a pure online-reporting system

    Mobile Search Engine using Clustering and Query Expansion

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    Internet content is growing exponentially and searching for useful content is a tedious task that we all deal with today. Mobile phones lack of screen space and limited interaction methods makes traditional search engine interface very inefficient. As the use of mobile internet continues to grow there is a need for an effective search tool. I have created a mobile search engine that uses clustering and query expansion to find relevant web pages efficiently. Clustering organizes web pages into groups that reflect different components of a query topic. Users can ignore clusters that they find irrelevant so they are not forced to sift through a long list of off-topic web pages. Query expansion uses query results, dictionaries, and cluster labels to formulate additional terms to manipulate the original query. The new manipulated query gives a more in depth result that eliminates noise. I believe that these two techniques are effective and can be combined to make the ultimate mobile search engine


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    The lack of specialized experts in diagnosing network faults, inconsistencies of diagnose results and professional opinions, time-consuming and growing complexity of this task; has motivated the dewlopment of our c\utomated Network Fault Diagnostic System. This system aims to serve as an intelligent diai-,'llOStic system that will be able to produce fast, accurate, user-friendly and appropriate suggestions that will assist normal network users and administrators respectively. To ensure the realistic and successful development of the system, we adopt Extreme Programming methodology. l\lany efforts have been paid to implement a novel and efficient solution to precisely diagnose problems and in timely manner. The methodology has e\·oh-ed from rule-based systems through case-based systems to more recent model-based systems. Our project is designed upon case-based diagnostic approach as it suggests the use of previously experienced, concrete problem or cases instead of rules or modelling yueries evaluation. We propose a system that will provide reactive response on-demand in term of error messages based on inaccessible URL input entered by user. 'I he system will then diagnose the problems based on the formulated inference table that is comprised of pre-defined failure cases and test cases which will be developed via user-defined functions and general network probing tools. hom there, we expect the output to be returned in command line error mess;tges. To measure the success of the system, four Key Performance Indicators (KPI) hm-e been identified as evaluation metrics which are cm·erage, accuracy, time and response. Hence, unit testing, integration testing and usability test will be conducted to obtain the assessment results. We claim that the system could initiate an extensible framework for network services that act as a community support tooL However, at present we narrow down our focus on Web Set\~ce application but by all means encouraging and welcoming the extension to other network services or adding in new test cases as future development for the benefit of all network users


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    Today, security and identification of people are greater challenge in the whole world. Fingerprint sensor is one of the tools that have and may have remarkable contribution in overcoming these challenges. In University Technology Petronas (UTP) right now, the staffs and workers are using card to access the building and fill their name in the book for the working time sheet. This application is not suitable while UTP is one of the best universities in Malaysia and provided the most modern building and labs. This application is also notappropriate because it is hard for the administrator to identify which staffs didn't come to the office and to record the working time sheet for the staffs. There is actual need in innovating smart building access control using the fingerprint sensor. The sensor used in this projectwas U.are.Ufingerprint sensor and the softwarewas the BioKit SDK. The database and the related GUI layout interface were created using the Visual Basic and the Microsoft Access. The 5 user's data including names, ID number and all related information plus the fingerprint string were collected by using the fingerprint sensor and stored in the database. To access the building, the person will be examined by pressing his/her finger on the sensor, which will be captured and compared the scan's picture with the stored string data. Upon this comparison the sensor will gives electrical signal, which confirmed or rejected the person fingerprint template. Then the electrical signal was sent to the circuit to activate the locking system of the door. According to it, the door will open or remain close, while the detail information including the time is displayed, saved and be ready for administration officer to check
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