6 research outputs found


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    On a quaternification of complex Lie algebras

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    We give a definition of quaternion Lie algebra and of the quaternification of a complex Lie algebra. By our definition gl(n,H), sl(n,H), so*(2n) ans sp(n) are quaternifications of gl(n,C), sl(n,C), so(n,C) and u(n) respectively. Then we shall prove that a simple Lie algebra admits the quaternification. For the proof we follow the well known argument due to Harich-Chandra, Chevalley and Serre to construct the simple Lie algebra from its corresponding root system. The root space decomposition of this quaternion Lie algebra will be given. Each root sapce of a fundamental root is complex 2-dimensional

    Quaternifications and Extensions of Current Algebras on S3

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    Let (mathbf{H}) be the quaternion algebra. Let (mathfrak{g}) be a complex Lie algebra and let (U(mathfrak{g})) be the enveloping algebra of (mathfrak{g}). The quaternification (mathfrak{g}^{mathbf{H}}=)(,(,mathbf{H}otimes U(mathfrak{g}),,[quad,quad]_{mathfrak{g}^{mathbf{H}}},)) of (mathfrak{g}) is defined by the bracket ( big[,mathbf{z}otimes X,,,mathbf{w}otimes Y,big]_{mathfrak{g}^{mathbf{H}}},=)(,(mathbf{z}cdot mathbf{w})otimes,(XY),- )(, (mathbf{w}cdotmathbf{z})otimes (YX),,nonumber ) for (mathbf{z},,mathbf{w}in mathbf{H}) and {the basis vectors (X) and (Y) of (U(mathfrak{g})).} Let (S^3mathbf{H}) be the ( non-commutative) algebra of (mathbf{H})-valued smooth mappings over (S^3) and let (S^3mathfrak{g}^{mathbf{H}}=S^3mathbf{H}otimes U(mathfrak{g})). The Lie algebra structure on (S^3mathfrak{g}^{mathbf{H}}) is induced naturally from that of (mathfrak{g}^{mathbf{H}}). We introduce a 2-cocycle on (S^3mathfrak{g}^{mathbf{H}}) by the aid of a tangential vector field on (S^3subset mathbf{C}^2) and have the corresponding central extension (S^3mathfrak{g}^{mathbf{H}} oplus(mathbf{C}a)). As a subalgebra of (S^3mathbf{H}) we have the algebra of Laurent polynomial spinors (mathbf{C}[phi^{pm}]) spanned by a complete orthogonal system of eigen spinors ({phi^{pm(m,l,k)}}_{m,l,k}) of the tangential Dirac operator on (S^3). Then (mathbf{C}[phi^{pm}]otimes U(mathfrak{g})) is a Lie subalgebra of (S^3mathfrak{g}^{mathbf{H}}). We have the central extension (widehat{mathfrak{g}}(a)= (,mathbf{C}[phi^{pm}] otimes U(mathfrak{g}) ,) oplus(mathbf{C}a)) as a Lie-subalgebra of (S^3mathfrak{g}^{mathbf{H}} oplus(mathbf{C}a)). Finally we have a Lie algebra (widehat{mathfrak{g}}) which is obtained by adding to (widehat{mathfrak{g}}(a)) a derivation (d) which acts on (widehat{mathfrak{g}}(a)) by the Euler vector field (d_0). That is the (mathbf{C})-vector space (widehat{mathfrak{g}}=left(mathbf{C}[phi^{pm}]otimes U(mathfrak{g})right)oplus(mathbf{C}a)oplus (mathbf{C}d)) endowed with the bracket ( bigl[,phi_1otimes X_1+ lambda_1 a + mu_1d,,phi_2otimes X_2 + lambda_2 a + mu_2d,,bigr]_{widehat{mathfrak{g}}} , =)( (phi_1phi_2)otimes (X_1,X_2) , -,(phi_2phi_1)otimes (X_2X_1)+mu_1d_0phi_2otimes X_2- ) (mu_2d_0phi_1otimes X_1 + ) ( (X_1vert X_2)c(phi_1,phi_2)a,. ) When (mathfrak{g}) is a simple Lie algebra with its Cartan subalgebra (mathfrak{h}) we shall investigate the weight space decomposition of (widehat{mathfrak{g}}) with respect to the subalgebra (widehat{mathfrak{h}}= (phi^{+(0,0,1)}otimes mathfrak{h} )oplus(mathbf{C}a) oplus(mathbf{C}d))

    Quaternifications and Extensions of Current Algebras on S3

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    Let H\mathbf{H} be the quaternion algebra. Let g\mathfrak{g} be a complex Lie algebra and let U(g)U(\mathfrak{g}) be the enveloping algebra of g\mathfrak{g}. The quaternification gH=\mathfrak{g}^{\mathbf{H}}=(HU(g),[,]gH)\,(\,\mathbf{H}\otimes U(\mathfrak{g}),\,[\quad,\quad]_{\mathfrak{g}^{\mathbf{H}}}\,) of g\mathfrak{g} is defined by the bracket [zX,wY]gH= \big[\,\mathbf{z}\otimes X\,,\,\mathbf{w}\otimes Y\,\big]_{\mathfrak{g}^{\mathbf{H}}}\,=(zw)(XY)\,(\mathbf{z}\cdot \mathbf{w})\otimes\,(XY)\,- (wz)(YX),\, (\mathbf{w}\cdot\mathbf{z})\otimes (YX)\,,\nonumber for z,wH\mathbf{z},\,\mathbf{w}\in \mathbf{H} and {the basis vectors XX and YY of U(g)U(\mathfrak{g}).} Let S3HS^3\mathbf{H} be the ( non-commutative) algebra of H\mathbf{H}-valued smooth mappings over S3S^3 and let S3gH=S3HU(g)S^3\mathfrak{g}^{\mathbf{H}}=S^3\mathbf{H}\otimes U(\mathfrak{g}). The Lie algebra structure on S3gHS^3\mathfrak{g}^{\mathbf{H}} is induced naturally from that of gH\mathfrak{g}^{\mathbf{H}}. We introduce a 2-cocycle on S3gHS^3\mathfrak{g}^{\mathbf{H}} by the aid of a tangential vector field on S3C2S^3\subset \mathbf{C}^2 and have the corresponding central extension S3gH(Ca)S^3\mathfrak{g}^{\mathbf{H}} \oplus(\mathbf{C}a). As a subalgebra of S3HS^3\mathbf{H} we have the algebra of Laurent polynomial spinors C[ϕ±]\mathbf{C}[\phi^{\pm}] spanned by a complete orthogonal system of eigen spinors {ϕ±(m,l,k)}m,l,k\{\phi^{\pm(m,l,k)}\}_{m,l,k} of the tangential Dirac operator on S3S^3. Then C[ϕ±]U(g)\mathbf{C}[\phi^{\pm}]\otimes U(\mathfrak{g}) is a Lie subalgebra of S3gHS^3\mathfrak{g}^{\mathbf{H}}. We have the central extension g^(a)=(C[ϕ±]U(g))(Ca)\widehat{\mathfrak{g}}(a)= (\,\mathbf{C}[\phi^{\pm}] \otimes U(\mathfrak{g}) \,) \oplus(\mathbf{C}a) as a Lie-subalgebra of S3gH(Ca)S^3\mathfrak{g}^{\mathbf{H}} \oplus(\mathbf{C}a). Finally we have a Lie algebra g^\widehat{\mathfrak{g}} which is obtained by adding to g^(a)\widehat{\mathfrak{g}}(a) a derivation dd which acts on g^(a)\widehat{\mathfrak{g}}(a) by the Euler vector field d0d_0. That is the C\mathbf{C}-vector space g^=(C[ϕ±]U(g))(Ca)(Cd)\widehat{\mathfrak{g}}=\left(\mathbf{C}[\phi^{\pm}]\otimes U(\mathfrak{g})\right)\oplus(\mathbf{C}a)\oplus (\mathbf{C}d) endowed with the bracket [ϕ1X1+λ1a+μ1d,ϕ2X2+λ2a+μ2d]g^= \bigl[\,\phi_1\otimes X_1+ \lambda_1 a + \mu_1d\,,\phi_2\otimes X_2 + \lambda_2 a + \mu_2d\,\,\bigr]_{\widehat{\mathfrak{g}}} \, =(ϕ1ϕ2)(X1X2)(ϕ2ϕ1)(X2X1)+μ1d0ϕ2X2 (\phi_1\phi_2)\otimes (X_1\,X_2) \, -\,(\phi_2\phi_1)\otimes (X_2X_1)+\mu_1d_0\phi_2\otimes X_2- μ2d0ϕ1X1+\mu_2d_0\phi_1\otimes X_1 +  (X1X2)c(ϕ1,ϕ2)a. (X_1\vert X_2)c(\phi_1,\phi_2)a\,. When g\mathfrak{g} is a simple Lie algebra with its Cartan subalgebra h\mathfrak{h} we shall investigate the weight space decomposition of g^\widehat{\mathfrak{g}} with respect to the subalgebra h^=(ϕ+(0,0,1)h)(Ca)(Cd)\widehat{\mathfrak{h}}= (\phi^{+(0,0,1)}\otimes \mathfrak{h} )\oplus(\mathbf{C}a) \oplus(\mathbf{C}d)