2,587 research outputs found

    Average Case Tractability of Non-homogeneous Tensor Product Problems

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    We study d-variate approximation problems in the average case setting with respect to a zero-mean Gaussian measure. Our interest is focused on measures having a structure of non-homogeneous linear tensor product, where covariance kernel is a product of univariate kernels. We consider the normalized average error of algorithms that use finitely many evaluations of arbitrary linear functionals. The information complexity is defined as the minimal number n(h,d) of such evaluations for error in the d-variate case to be at most h. The growth of n(h,d) as a function of h^{-1} and d depends on the eigenvalues of the covariance operator and determines whether a problem is tractable or not. Four types of tractability are studied and for each of them we find the necessary and sufficient conditions in terms of the eigenvalues of univariate kernels. We illustrate our results by considering approximation problems related to the product of Korobov kernels characterized by a weights g_k and smoothnesses r_k. We assume that weights are non-increasing and smoothness parameters are non-decreasing. Furthermore they may be related, for instance g_k=g(r_k) for some non-increasing function g. In particular, we show that approximation problem is strongly polynomially tractable, i.e., n(h,d)\le C h^{-p} for all d and 0<h<1, where C and p are independent of h and d, iff liminf |ln g_k|/ln k >1. For other types of tractability we also show necessary and sufficient conditions in terms of the sequences g_k and r_k

    Some Results on the Complexity of Numerical Integration

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    This is a survey (21 pages, 124 references) written for the MCQMC 2014 conference in Leuven, April 2014. We start with the seminal paper of Bakhvalov (1959) and end with new results on the curse of dimension and on the complexity of oscillatory integrals. Some small errors of earlier versions are corrected

    Construction of quasi-Monte Carlo rules for multivariate integration in spaces of permutation-invariant functions

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    We study multivariate integration of functions that are invariant under the permutation (of a subset) of their arguments. Recently, in Nuyens, Suryanarayana, and Weimar (Adv. Comput. Math. (2016), 42(1):55--84), the authors derived an upper estimate for the nnth minimal worst case error for such problems, and showed that under certain conditions this upper bound only weakly depends on the dimension. We extend these results by proposing two (semi-) explicit construction schemes. We develop a component-by-component algorithm to find the generating vector for a shifted rank-11 lattice rule that obtains a rate of convergence arbitrarily close to O(n−α)\mathcal{O}(n^{-\alpha}), where α>1/2\alpha>1/2 denotes the smoothness of our function space and nn is the number of cubature nodes. Further, we develop a semi-constructive algorithm that builds on point sets which can be used to approximate the integrands of interest with a small error; the cubature error is then bounded by the error of approximation. Here the same rate of convergence is achieved while the dependence of the error bounds on the dimension dd is significantly improved

    Rank-1 lattice rules for multivariate integration in spaces of permutation-invariant functions: Error bounds and tractability

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    We study multivariate integration of functions that are invariant under permutations (of subsets) of their arguments. We find an upper bound for the nnth minimal worst case error and show that under certain conditions, it can be bounded independent of the number of dimensions. In particular, we study the application of unshifted and randomly shifted rank-11 lattice rules in such a problem setting. We derive conditions under which multivariate integration is polynomially or strongly polynomially tractable with the Monte Carlo rate of convergence O(n−1/2)O(n^{-1/2}). Furthermore, we prove that those tractability results can be achieved with shifted lattice rules and that the shifts are indeed necessary. Finally, we show the existence of rank-11 lattice rules whose worst case error on the permutation- and shift-invariant spaces converge with (almost) optimal rate. That is, we derive error bounds of the form O(n−λ/2)O(n^{-\lambda/2}) for all 1≤λ<2α1 \leq \lambda < 2 \alpha, where α\alpha denotes the smoothness of the spaces. Keywords: Numerical integration, Quadrature, Cubature, Quasi-Monte Carlo methods, Rank-1 lattice rules.Comment: 26 pages; minor changes due to reviewer's comments; the final publication is available at link.springer.co

    Hot new directions for quasi-Monte Carlo research in step with applications

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    This article provides an overview of some interfaces between the theory of quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC) methods and applications. We summarize three QMC theoretical settings: first order QMC methods in the unit cube [0,1]s[0,1]^s and in Rs\mathbb{R}^s, and higher order QMC methods in the unit cube. One important feature is that their error bounds can be independent of the dimension ss under appropriate conditions on the function spaces. Another important feature is that good parameters for these QMC methods can be obtained by fast efficient algorithms even when ss is large. We outline three different applications and explain how they can tap into the different QMC theory. We also discuss three cost saving strategies that can be combined with QMC in these applications. Many of these recent QMC theory and methods are developed not in isolation, but in close connection with applications
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