2 research outputs found

    On Approximating Degree-Bounded Network Design Problems

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    Directed Steiner Tree (DST) is a central problem in combinatorial optimization and theoretical computer science: Given a directed graph G=(V,E)G=(V, E) with edge costs cR0Ec \in \mathbb{R}_{\geq 0}^E, a root rVr \in V and kk terminals KVK\subseteq V, we need to output the minimum-cost arborescence in GG that contains an rr\textrightarrow tt path for every tKt \in K. Recently, Grandoni, Laekhanukit and Li, and independently Ghuge and Nagarajan, gave quasi-polynomial time O(log2k/loglogk)O(\log^2k/\log \log k)-approximation algorithms for the problem, which are tight under popular complexity assumptions. In this paper, we consider the more general Degree-Bounded Directed Steiner Tree (DB-DST) problem, where we are additionally given a degree bound dvd_v on each vertex vVv \in V, and we require that every vertex vv in the output tree has at most dvd_v children. We give a quasi-polynomial time (O(lognlogk),O(log2n))(O(\log n \log k), O(\log^2 n))-bicriteria approximation: The algorithm produces a solution with cost at most O(lognlogk)O(\log n\log k) times the cost of the optimum solution that violates the degree constraints by at most a factor of O(log2n)O(\log^2n). This is the first non-trivial result for the problem. While our cost-guarantee is nearly optimal, the degree violation factor of O(log2n)O(\log^2n) is an O(logn)O(\log n)-factor away from the approximation lower bound of Ω(logn)\Omega(\log n) from the set-cover hardness. The hardness result holds even on the special case of the {\em Degree-Bounded Group Steiner Tree} problem on trees (DB-GST-T). With the hope of closing the gap, we study the question of whether the degree violation factor can be made tight for this special case. We answer the question in the affirmative by giving an (O(lognlogk),O(logn))(O(\log n\log k), O(\log n))-bicriteria approximation algorithm for DB-GST-T

    Quasi-polynomial Time Approximation Algorithm for Low-Degree Minimum-Cost Steiner Trees

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    In a recent paper [5], we addressed the problem of finding a minimum-cost spanning tree T for a given undirected graph G=(V,E) with maximum node-degree at most a given parameter B>1. We developed an algorithm based on Lagrangean relaxation that uses a repeated application of Kruskalrsquos MST algorithm interleaved with a combinatorial update of approximate Lagrangean node-multipliers maintained by the algorithm. In this paper, we show how to extend this algorithm to the case of Steiner trees where we use a primal-dual approximation algorithm due to Agrawal, Klein, and Ravi [1] in place of Kruskalrsquos minimum-cost spanning tree algorithm. The algorithm computes a Steiner tree of maximum degree and total cost that is within a constant factor of that of a minimum-cost Steiner tree whose maximum degree is bounded by B. However, the running time is quasi-polynomial