5 research outputs found

    Quartic Box-Spline Reconstruction on the BCC Lattice

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    Surface-Based Computation of the Euler Characteristic in the BCC Grid

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    As opposed to the 3D cubic grid, the body-centered cubic (BCC) grid has some favorable topological properties: each set of voxels in the grid is a 3-manifold, with 2-manifold boundary. Thus, the Euler characteristic of an object O in this grid can be computed as half of the Euler characteristic of its boundary ∂O . We propose three new algorithms to compute the Euler characteristic in the BCC grid with this surface-based approach: one based on (critical point) Morse theory and two based on the discrete Gauss–Bonnet theorem. We provide a comparison between the three new algorithms and the classic approach based on counting the number of cells, either of the 3D object or of its 2D boundary surface

    Toward high-quality gradient estimation on regular lattices

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    Abstract—In this paper, we present two methods for accurate gradient estimation from scalar field data sampled on regular lattices. The first method is based on the multidimensional Taylor series expansion of the convolution sum and allows us to specify design criteria such as compactness and approximation power. The second method is based on a Hilbert space framework and provides a minimum error solution in the form of an orthogonal projection operating between two approximation spaces. Both methods lead to discrete filters, which can be combined with continuous reconstruction kernels to yield highly accurate estimators as compared to the current state of the art. We demonstrate the advantages of our methods in the context of volume rendering of data sampled on Cartesian and Body-Centered Cubic lattices. Our results show significant qualitative and quantitative improvements for both synthetic and real data, while incurring a moderate preprocessing and storage overhead. Index Terms—Approximation theory, Taylor series expansion, normal reconstruction, orthogonal projection, body-centered cubic lattice, box splines. Ç