28 research outputs found

    Convergence Analysis of the Lowest Order Weakly Penalized Adaptive Discontinuous Galerkin Methods

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    In this article, we prove convergence of the weakly penalized adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods. Unlike other works, we derive the contraction property for various discontinuous Galerkin methods only assuming the stabilizing parameters are large enough to stabilize the method. A central idea in the analysis is to construct an auxiliary solution from the discontinuous Galerkin solution by a simple post processing. Based on the auxiliary solution, we define the adaptive algorithm which guides to the convergence of adaptive discontinuous Galerkin methods

    Convergence and optimality of the adaptive nonconforming linear element method for the Stokes problem

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    In this paper, we analyze the convergence and optimality of a standard adaptive nonconforming linear element method for the Stokes problem. After establishing a special quasi--orthogonality property for both the velocity and the pressure in this saddle point problem, we introduce a new prolongation operator to carry through the discrete reliability analysis for the error estimator. We then use a specially defined interpolation operator to prove that, up to oscillation, the error can be bounded by the approximation error within a properly defined nonlinear approximate class. Finally, by introducing a new parameter-dependent error estimator, we prove the convergence and optimality estimates

    Instance optimal Crouzeix-Raviart adaptive finite element methods for the Poisson and Stokes problems

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    We extend the ideas of Diening, Kreuzer, and Stevenson [Instance optimality of the adaptive maximum strategy, Found. Comput. Math. (2015)], from conforming approximations of the Poisson problem to nonconforming Crouzeix-Raviart approximations of the Poisson and the Stokes problem in 2D. As a consequence, we obtain instance optimality of an AFEM with a modified maximum marking strategy

    Numerical Simulations of Bouncing Jets

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    Bouncing jets are fascinating phenomenons occurring under certain conditions when a jet impinges on a free surface. This effect is observed when the fluid is Newtonian and the jet falls in a bath undergoing a solid motion. It occurs also for non-Newtonian fluids when the jets falls in a vessel at rest containing the same fluid. We investigate numerically the impact of the experimental setting and the rheological properties of the fluid on the onset of the bouncing phenomenon. Our investigations show that the occurrence of a thin lubricating layer of air separating the jet and the rest of the liquid is a key factor for the bouncing of the jet to happen. The numerical technique that is used consists of a projection method for the Navier-Stokes system coupled with a level set formulation for the representation of the interface. The space approximation is done with adaptive finite elements. Adaptive refinement is shown to be very important to capture the thin layer of air that is responsible for the bouncing

    Adaptive FEM with coarse initial mesh guarantees optimal convergence rates for compactly perturbed elliptic problems

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    We prove that for compactly perturbed elliptic problems, where the corresponding bilinear form satisfies a Garding inequality, adaptive mesh-refinement is capable of overcoming the preasymptotic behavior and eventually leads to convergence with optimal algebraic rates. As an important consequence of our analysis, one does not have to deal with the a-priori assumption that the underlying meshes are sufficiently fine. Hence, the overall conclusion of our results is that adaptivity has stabilizing effects and can overcome possibly pessimistic restrictions on the meshes. In particular, our analysis covers adaptive mesh-refinement for the finite element discretization of the Helmholtz equation from where our interest originated

    Convergence and Optimality of Higher-Order Adaptive Finite Element Methods for Eigenvalue Clusters

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    Proofs of convergence of adaptive finite element methods for the approximation of eigenvalues and eigenfunctions of linear elliptic problems have been given in a several recent papers. A key step in establishing such results for multiple and clustered eigenvalues was provided by Dai et. al. (2014), who proved convergence and optimality of AFEM for eigenvalues of multiplicity greater than one. There it was shown that a theoretical (non-computable) error estimator for which standard convergence proofs apply is equivalent to a standard computable estimator on sufficiently fine grids. Gallistl (2015) used a similar tool in order to prove that a standard adaptive FEM for controlling eigenvalue clusters for the Laplacian using continuous piecewise linear finite element spaces converges with optimal rate. When considering either higher-order finite element spaces or non-constant diffusion coefficients, however, the arguments of Dai et. al. and Gallistl do not yield equivalence of the practical and theoretical estimators for clustered eigenvalues. In this note we provide this missing key step, thus showing that standard adaptive FEM for clustered eigenvalues employing elements of arbitrary polynomial degree converge with optimal rate. We additionally establish that a key user-defined input parameter in the AFEM, the bulk marking parameter, may be chosen entirely independently of the properties of the target eigenvalue cluster. All of these results assume a fineness condition on the initial mesh in order to ensure that the nonlinearity is sufficiently resolved.Comment: 10 page