10 research outputs found

    A Practical Box Spline Compendium

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    Box splines provide smooth spline spaces as shifts of a single generating function on a lattice and so generalize tensor-product splines. Their elegant theory is laid out in classical papers and a summarizing book. This compendium aims to succinctly but exhaustively survey symmetric low-degree box splines with special focus on two and three variables. Tables contrast the lattices, supports, analytic and reconstruction properties, and list available implementations and code.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures, 8 table

    New optimized spline functions for interpolation on the hexagonal lattice

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    Quasi-interpolation by means of filter-banks

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    We consider the problem of approximating a regular function f(t) from its samples, f(nT), taken in a uniform grid. Quasi-interpolation schemes approximate f(t) with a dilated version of a linear combination of shifted versions of a kernel ??(t), specifically fapprox T(t) = ??af[n]??(t/T - n), in a way that the polynomials of degree at most L-1 are recovered exactly. These approximation schemes give order L, i.e., the error is O(TL) where T is the sampling period. Recently, quasi-interpolation schemes using a discrete prefiltering of the samples f(nT) to obtain the coefficients af[n], have been proposed. They provide tight approximation with a low computational cost. In this work, we generalize considering rational filter banks to prefilter the samples, instead of a simple filter. This generalization provides a greater flexibility in the design of the approximation scheme. The upsampling and downsampling ratio r of the rational filter bank plays a significant role. When r = 1, the scheme has similar characteristics to those related to a simple filter. Approximation schemes corresponding to smaller ratios give less approximation quality, but, in return, they have less computational cost and involve less storage load in the syste

    Reversible, fast, and high-quality grid conversions

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    A new grid conversion method is proposed to resample between two 2-D periodic lattices with the same sampling density. The main feature of our approach is the symmetric reversibility, which means that when using the same algorithm for the converse operation, then the initial data is recovered exactly. To that purpose, we decompose the lattice conversion process into (at most) three successive shear operations. The translations along the shear directions are implemented by 1-D fractional delay operators, which revert to simple 1-D convolutions, with appropriate filters that yield the property of symmetric reversibility. We show that the method is fast and provides high-quality resampled images. Applications of our approach can be found in various settings, such as grid conversion between the hexagonal and the Cartesian lattice, or fast implementation of affine transformations such as rotations

    Practical Box Splines for Reconstruction on the Body Centered Cubic Lattice

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    We introduce a family of box splines for efficient, accurate, and smooth reconstruction of volumetric data sampled on the body-centered cubic (BCC) lattice, which is the favorable volumetric sampling pattern due to its optimal spectral sphere packing property. First, we construct a box spline based on the four principal directions of the BCC lattice that allows for a linear C0 C ^{ 0 } reconstruction. Then, the design is extended for higher degrees of continuity. We derive the explicit piecewise polynomial representations of the C0 C ^{ 0 } and C2 C ^{ 2 } box splines that are useful for practical reconstruction applications. We further demonstrate that approximation in the shift-invariant space—generated by BCC-lattice shifts of these box splines—is twice as efficient as using the tensor-product B-spline solutions on the Cartesian lattice (with comparable smoothness and approximation order and with the same sampling density). Practical evidence is provided demonstrating that the BCC lattice not only is generally a more accurate sampling pattern, but also allows for extremely efficient reconstructions that outperform tensor-product Cartesian reconstructions

    Quasi-interpolating spline models for hexagonally-sampled data.

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    The reconstruction of a continuous-domain representation from sampled data is an essential element of many image processing tasks, in particular, image resampling. Until today, most image data have been available on Cartesian lattices, despite the many theoretical advantages of hexagonal sampling. In this paper, we propose new reconstruction methods for hexagonally sampled data that use the intrinsically 2-D nature of the lattice, and that at the same time remain practical and efficient. To that aim, we deploy box-spline and hex-spline models, which are notably well adapted to hexagonal lattices. We also rely on the quasi-interpolation paradigm to design compelling prefilters; that is, the optimal filter for a prescribed design is found using recent results from approximation theory. The feasibility and efficiency of the proposed methods are illustrated and compared for a hexagonal to Cartesian grid conversion problem

    Quasi-Interpolating Spline Models for Hexagonally-Sampled Data

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    Quasi-Interpolating Spline Models for Hexagonally-Sampled Data

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    Abstract—The reconstruction of a continuous-domain representation from sampled data is an essential element of many image processing tasks, in particular, image resampling. Until today, most image data have been available on Cartesian lattices, despite the many theoretical advantages of hexagonal sampling. In this paper, we propose new reconstruction methods for hexagonally sampled data that use the intrinsically 2-D nature of the lattice, and that at the same time remain practical and efficient. To that aim, we deploy box-spline and hex-spline models, which are notably well adapted to hexagonal lattices. We also rely on the quasi-interpolation paradigm to design compelling prefilters; that is, the optimal filter for a prescribed design is found using recent results from approximation theory. The feasibility and efficiency of the proposed methods are illustrated and compared for a hexagonal to Cartesian grid conversion problem. Index Terms—Approximation theory, box-splines, hexagonal lattices, hex-splines, interpolation, linear shift invariant signa