39 research outputs found

    Quantum walk speedup of backtracking algorithms

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    We describe a general method to obtain quantum speedups of classical algorithms which are based on the technique of backtracking, a standard approach for solving constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs). Backtracking algorithms explore a tree whose vertices are partial solutions to a CSP in an attempt to find a complete solution. Assume there is a classical backtracking algorithm which finds a solution to a CSP on n variables, or outputs that none exists, and whose corresponding tree contains T vertices, each vertex corresponding to a test of a partial solution. Then we show that there is a bounded-error quantum algorithm which completes the same task using O(sqrt(T) n^(3/2) log n) tests. In particular, this quantum algorithm can be used to speed up the DPLL algorithm, which is the basis of many of the most efficient SAT solvers used in practice. The quantum algorithm is based on the use of a quantum walk algorithm of Belovs to search in the backtracking tree. We also discuss how, for certain distributions on the inputs, the algorithm can lead to an exponential reduction in expected runtime.Comment: 23 pages; v2: minor changes to presentatio

    Quantum-Walk Speedup of Backtracking Algorithms

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    Quantum walks can unitarily match random walks on finite graphs

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    Quantum and random walks were proven to be equivalent on finite graphs by demonstrating how to construct a time-dependent random walk sharing the exact same evolution of vertex probability of any given discrete-time coined quantum walk. Such equivalence stipulated a deep connection between the processes that is far stronger than simply considering quantum walks as quantum analogues of random walks. This article expands on the connection between quantum and random walks by demonstrating a procedure that constructs a time-dependent quantum walk matching the evolution of vertex probability of any given random walk in a unitary way. It is a trivial fact that a quantum walk measured at all time steps of its evolution degrades to a random walk. More interestingly, the method presented describes a quantum walk that matches a random walk without measurement operations, such that the unitary evolution of the quantum walk captures the probability evolution of the random walk. The construction procedure is general, covering both homogeneous and non-homogeneous random walks. For the homogeneous random walk case, the properties of unitary evolution imply that the quantum walk described is time-dependent since homogeneous quantum walks do not converge for arbitrary initial conditionsComment: 9 pages, 1 figur

    Practical implementation of a quantum backtracking algorithm

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    In previous work, Montanaro presented a method to obtain quantum speedups for backtracking algorithms, a general meta-algorithm to solve constraint satisfaction problems (CSPs). In this work, we derive a space efficient implementation of this method. Assume that we want to solve a CSP with mm constraints on nn variables and that the union of the domains in which these variables take their value is of cardinality dd. Then, we show that the implementation of Montanaro's backtracking algorithm can be done by using O(nlogd)O(n \log d) data qubits. We detail an implementation of the predicate associated to the CSP with an additional register of O(logm)O(\log m) qubits. We explicit our implementation for graph coloring and SAT problems, and present simulation results. Finally, we discuss the impact of the usage of static and dynamic variable ordering heuristics in the quantum setting.Comment: 18 pages, 10 figure

    A Unified Framework of Quantum Walk Search

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    Many quantum algorithms critically rely on quantum walk search, or the use of quantum walks to speed up search problems on graphs. However, the main results on quantum walk search are scattered over different, incomparable frameworks, such as the hitting time framework, the MNRS framework, and the electric network framework. As a consequence, a number of pieces are currently missing. For example, recent work by Ambainis et al. (STOC\u2720) shows how quantum walks starting from the stationary distribution can always find elements quadratically faster. In contrast, the electric network framework allows quantum walks to start from an arbitrary initial state, but it only detects marked elements. We present a new quantum walk search framework that unifies and strengthens these frameworks, leading to a number of new results. For example, the new framework effectively finds marked elements in the electric network setting. The new framework also allows to interpolate between the hitting time framework, minimizing the number of walk steps, and the MNRS framework, minimizing the number of times elements are checked for being marked. This allows for a more natural tradeoff between resources. In addition to quantum walks and phase estimation, our new algorithm makes use of quantum fast-forwarding, similar to the recent results by Ambainis et al. This perspective also enables us to derive more general complexity bounds on the quantum walk algorithms, e.g., based on Monte Carlo type bounds of the corresponding classical walk. As a final result, we show how in certain cases we can avoid the use of phase estimation and quantum fast-forwarding, answering an open question of Ambainis et al