599 research outputs found

    Experimental investigation of high-dimensional quantum key distribution protocols with twisted photons

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    Quantum key distribution is on the verge of real world applications, where perfectly secure information can be distributed among multiple parties. Several quantum cryptographic protocols have been theoretically proposed and independently realized in different experimental conditions. Here, we develop an experimental platform based on high-dimensional orbital angular momentum states of single photons that enables implementation of multiple quantum key distribution protocols with a single experimental apparatus. Our versatile approach allows us to experimentally survey different classes of quantum key distribution techniques, such as the 1984 Bennett \& Brassard (BB84), tomographic protocols including the six-state and the Singapore protocol, and to investigate, for the first time, a recently introduced differential phase shift (Chau15) protocol using twisted photons. This enables us to experimentally compare the performance of these techniques and discuss their benefits and deficiencies in terms of noise tolerance in different dimensions.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    Review on qudits production and their application to Quantum Communication and Studies on Local Realism

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    The codification in higher dimensional Hilbert Spaces (whose logical basis states are dubbed qudits in analogy with bidimensional qubits) presents various advantages both for Quantum Information applications and for studies on Foundations of Quantum Mechanics. Purpose of this review is to introduce qudits, to summarize their application to Quantum Communication and researches on Local Realism and, finally, to describe some recent experiment for realizing them. A Little more in details: after a short introduction, we will consider the advantages of testing local realism with qudits, discussing both the 3-4 dimensional case (both for maximally and non-maximally entanglement) and then the extension to an arbitrary dimension. Afterwards, we will discuss the theoretical results on using qudits for quantum communication, epitomizing the outcomes on a larger security in Quantum Key Distribution protocols (again considering separately qutrits, ququats and generalization to arbitrary dimension). Finally, we will present the experiments performed up to now for producing quantum optical qudits and their applications. In particular, we will mention schemes based on interferometric set-ups, orbital angular momentum entanglement and biphoton polarization. Finally, we will summarize what hyperentanglement is and its applications

    Encoding information into spatial modes of light

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    A dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Science, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, in fulfilment of requirements for the degree of Master of Science. Johannesburg, May 3, 2016.Spatial modes of light hold the possibility to power the next leap in classical and quantum communications. They provide the ability to pack more information into light, even into single photons themselves, while increasing the level of information security. In this quest, spatial modes carrying orbital angular momentum (OAM) have come under the spotlight due to their discrete in nite dimensional Hilbert space allowing, in theory, for an in nite amount of information to be carried by a photon. Here we study, theoretically and experimentally, spatial modes of two avours: scalar and vector modes. the dichotomy between the two avours is in their polarisation characteristics: scalar modes have spatially homogeneous polarisation elds, while vector modes do not. One facet of our work focusses on scalar mode carrying OAM; using digital holographic methods, we demonstrate the techniques used to tailor and analyse scalar optical elds. We discuss principles of generation and detection for scalar modes based on manipulations of the dynamic phase of light with spatial light modulators. We apply these techniques to characterise free-space and optical bre links, and demonstrate an increase in bandwidth with the additional modal channels. In the other facet of our work, we study vector vortex modes. A particular property exhibited by these modes is the non-separability of their degrees of freedom, a property traditionally associated with entangled quantum states. This raises the question: could quantum entangled systems be modelled with bright sources of vector vortex modes? We answer this question by applying vector vortex modes to the study of quantum transport of entangled states. We borrow techniques from quantum mechanics to evaluate the degree of non-separability of vector vortex modes, using the concurrence as our measure. By determining the evolution of the concurrence, and therefore the entanglement, of vector vortex modes in bres and free-space turbulent channels, we show that indeed, bright classical sources can be used to model the evolution of entangled quantum states in these channels.TG201

    Elements of orbital angular momentum and coherence in quantum optics

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    It is well established now that light carries both spin and orbital angular momentum which are associated with circular polarisation and helical phase fronts. Orbital angular momentum degrees of freedom recently have been used frequently in quantum information processing as their states are described by vectors in a higher-dimensional Hilbert space which enhances the possibility of realising superior quantum information protocols. On the other hand, quantum coherence, which arises from the superposition principle, is a distinct feature of quantum mechanics that cannot be satisfactorily described by classical physics. Coherence is also identified as essential ingredient for applications of quantum information, computation, and quantum thermodynamics. Three research projects, with their related background information, are presented in this thesis. In the first one, we design a linear optical system to transform the maximally entangled state of a down-converted photon pair into a genuine entangled χ-type state, as this class of genuine entangled states has been showed to have many interesting entanglement properties and can be employed in several quantum information protocols. In the second project, we study the mechanism of angular momentum transfer from light to a dielectric medium when it undergoes total internal reflection. The result shows that the torque associated with angular momentum transfer appears shortly, when the light pulse hits the interface. Finally, we study quantum coherence transfer from a coherence resource initialised in a coherence state to an atomic state by the Jaynes-Cummings model, and we compare it to the coherent operation that uses a resource prepared in a ladder state described by Åberg’s model. We found that a resource in a coherent state is more robust against failures

    Structure of the sets of mutually unbiased bases with cyclic symmetry

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    Mutually unbiased bases that can be cyclically generated by a single unitary operator are of special interest, since they can be readily implemented in practice. We show that, for a system of qubits, finding such a generator can be cast as the problem of finding a symmetric matrix over the field F2\mathbb{F}_2 equipped with an irreducible characteristic polynomial of a given Fibonacci index. The entanglement structure of the resulting complete sets is determined by two additive matrices of the same size.Comment: 20 page

    Phase gradient protection of stored spatially multimode perfect optical vortex beams in a diffused rubidium vapor

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    We experimentally investigate the optical storage of perfect optical vortex (POV) and spatially multimode perfect optical vortex (MPOV) beams via electromagnetically induced transparency (EIT) in a hot vapor cell. In particular, we study the role that phase gradients and phase singularities play in reducing the blurring of the retrieved images due to atomic diffusion. Three kinds of manifestations are enumerated to demonstrate such effect. Firstly, the suppression of the ring width broadening is more prominent for POVs with larger orbital angular momentum (OAM). Secondly, the retrieved double-ring MPOV beams’ profiles present regular dark singularity distributions that are related to their vortex charge difference. Thirdly, the storage fidelities of the triple-ring MPOVs are substantially improved by designing line phase singularities between multi-ring MPOVs with the same OAM number but π offset phases between adjacent rings. Our experimental demonstration of MPOV storage opens new opportunities for increasing data capacity in quantum memories by spatial multiplexing, as well as the generation and manipulation of complex optical vortex arrays

    Orbital angular momentum entanglement in high dimensions

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    Orbital angular momentum (OAM) is one of the most recently discovered properties of light, and it is only in the past decade its quantum properties have been the subject of experimental investigations and have found applications. Unlike polarization, which is only bidimensional, orbital angular momentum provides, with relative ease, unprecedented access to a theoretically unbounded discrete state space. The process of spontaneous parametric down-conversion has long been used as a source of two-photon states that can be entangled in several degrees of freedom, including OAM. In this thesis, the properties of the natural OAM spectrum associated with the entangled states produced by parametric down-conversion were investigated. Chapters 2 and 3 describe the production and detection of tunable high-dimensional OAM entanglement in a down-conversion system. By tuning the phase-matching conditions and improving the detection stage, a substantial increase in the half-width of the OAM correlation spectrum was observed. The conjugate variable of OAM, angular position, was also considered when examining high-dimensional states entangled in OAM. In order to efficiently determine their dimension, high-dimensional entangled states were probed by implementing a technique based on phase masks composed of multiple angular sectors, as opposed to narrow single-sector analysers. Presented in chapter 4, this technique allows the measurements of tight angular correlations while maintaining high optical throughput. The states so produced were then used for a number of applications centred around the concept of mutually unbiased bases. One can define sets of mutually unbiased bases for arbitrary subspaces of the OAM state space. Two bases are mutually unbiased if the measurement of a state in one basis provides no information about the state as described in the other basis. Complete measurements in mutually unbiased bases of high-dimensional OAM spaces are presented in chapter 5. Measurements in sets of mutually unbiased bases are integral to quantum science and can be used in a variety of protocols that fully exploit the large size of the OAM state space; we describe their use in efficient quantum state tomography, quantum key distribution and entanglement detection. Caution is however necessary when dealing with state spaces embedded in higher-dimensional spaces, such as that provided by OAM. Experimental tests of Bell-type inequalities allow us to rule out local hidden variable theories in the description of quantum correlations. Correlations inconsistent with the states observed, or even with quantum mechanics, known as super-quantum correlations, have however been recorded previously in experiments that fail to comply with the fair-sampling conditions. Chapter 6 describes an experiment that uses a particular choice of transverse spatial modes for which super-quantum correlations persist even if the detection is made perfectly efficient. The sets of modes carrying OAM allow a complete description of the transverse field. The ability to control and combine additional degrees of freedom provides the possibility for richer varieties of entanglement and can make quantum protocols more powerful and versatile. One such property of light, associated with transverse modes possessing radial nodes in the field distribution, can be accessed within the same type of experimental apparatus used for OAM. In chapter 7, the radial degree of freedom is explored, together with OAM, in the context of Hong-Ou-Mandel interference