28 research outputs found

    Memory effects in high-dimensional systems faithfully identified by Hilbert-Schmidt speed-based witness

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    A witness of non-Markovianity based on the Hilbert-Schmidt speed (HSS), a special type of quantum statistical speed, has been recently introduced for low-dimensional quantum systems. Such a non-Markovianity witness is particularly useful, being easily computable since no diagonalization of the system density matrix is required. We investigate the sensitivity of this HSS-based witness to detect non-Markovianity in various high-dimensional and multipartite open quantum systems. We find that the time behaviors of the HSS-based witness are always in agreement with those of quantum negativity or quantum correlation measure. These results show that the HSS-based witness is a faithful identifier of the memory effects appearing in the quantum evolution of a high-dimensional system

    Decoherence Effects in a Three-Level System under Gaussian Process

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    When subjected to a classical fluctuating field characterized by a Gaussian process, we examine the {purity} and coherence protection in a three-level quantum system. This symmetry of the three-level system is examined when the local random field is investigated further in the noiseless and noisy regimes. In~particular, we consider fractional Gaussian, Gaussian, Ornstein--Uhlenbeck, and~power law noisy regimes. We show that the destructive nature of the Ornstein--Uhlenbeck noise toward the symmetry of the qutrit to preserve encoded {purity and coherence} remains large. Our findings suggest that properly adjusting the noisy parameters to specifically provided values can facilitate optimal extended {purity and coherence} survival. Non-vanishing terms appear in the final density matrix of the single qutrit system, indicating that it is in a strong coherence regime. Because~of all of the Gaussian noises, monotonic decay with no revivals has been observed in the single qutrit system. In~terms of coherence and information preservation, we find that the current qutrit system outperforms systems with multiple qubits or qutrits using purity and von Neumann entropy. A~comparison of noisy and noiseless situations shows that the fluctuating nature of the local random fields is ultimately lost when influenced using the classical Gaussian noise

    Coherent interaction-free detection of noise

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    Noise is an important concept and its measurement and characterization has been a flourishing area of research in contemporary mesoscopic physics. Here we propose interaction-free measurements as a noise-detection technique, exploring two conceptually different schemes: the coherent and the projective realizations. These detectors consist of a qutrit whose second transition is coupled to a resonant oscillatory field that may have noise in amplitude or phase. For comparison, we consider a more standard detector previously discussed in this context - a qubit coupled in a similar way to the noise source. We find that the qutrit scheme offers clear advantages, allowing precise detection and characterization of the noise, while the qubit does not. Finally, we study the signature of noise correlations in the detector's signal.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Frozen and Invariant Quantum Discord under Local Dephasing Noise

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    In this chapter, we intend to explore and review some remarkable dynamical properties of quantum discord under various different open quantum system models. Specifically, our discussion will include several concepts connected to the phenomena of time invariant and frozen quantum discord. Furthermore, we will elaborate on the relation of these two phenomena to the non-Markovian features of the open system dynamics and to the usage of dynamical decoupling protocols.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figure

    Quantum memory assisted entropic uncertainty and entanglement dynamics: Two qubits coupled with local fields and Ornstein Uhlenbeck noise

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    Entropic uncertainty and entanglement are two distinct aspects of quantum mechanical procedures. To estimate entropic uncertainty relations, entropies are used: the greater the entropy bound, the less effective the quantum operations and entanglement are. In this regard, we analyze the entropic uncertainty, entropic uncertainty lower bound, and concurrence dynamics in two non-interacting qubits. The exposure of two qubits is studied in two different qubit-noise configurations, namely, common qubit-noise and independent qubit-noise interactions. To include the noisy effects of the local external fields, a Gaussian Ornstein Uhlenbeck process is considered. We show that the rise in entropic uncertainty gives rise to the disentanglement in the two-qubit Werner type state and both are directly proportional. Depending on the parameters adjustment and the number of environments coupled, different classical environments have varying capacities to induce entropic uncertainty and disentanglement in quantum systems. The entanglement is shown to be vulnerable to current external fields; however, by employing the ideal parameter ranges we provided, prolonged entanglement retention while preventing entropic uncertainty growth can be achieved. Besides, we have also analyzed the intrinsic behavior of the classical fields towards two-qubit entanglement without any imperfection with respect to different parameter

    Fast Switchable Ultrastrong Coupling Between Superconducting Artificial Atoms and Electromagnetic Fields

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    This thesis consists of two parts: the main part is a theoretical investigation of the ultrastrong coupling regime for atom-light coupling in superconducting circuits, and the second part is concerned with the development of a new high coherence flux qubit design. The spin-boson model describes the interaction between a quantum two-level system and a continuum of bosonic modes. When the interaction strength becomes comparable to the system frequency, the system enters the ultrastrong coupling (USC) regime, where the rotating wave approximation breaks and the system dynamics need to be described nonperturbatively. Recently, the ultrastrong coupling has been achieved on a device consisting of a superconducting flux qubit coupled to an electromagnetic continuum, with the coupling strength being verified in experiments by the standard transmission method. The first project in this thesis aims to measure the dynamics of the spin-boson model in a direct and controllable way when the coupling strength is in the USC regime. We propose three experiments to measure the coherence of the two-level system including the relaxation and dephasing, and the the renormalized tunneling frequencies in the ultrastrong coupling regime. The controllable measurements are realized with a fast-switchable ultrastrong coupling system consisting of a two-loop flux qubit galvanically coupled to an open transmission line, flux bias and driving lines, and readout circuits. The design and model of the full device are presented. We demonstrate that the three proposed experiments can be well implemented based on the simulations of qubit properties and coupling strengths. The second part of the thesis presents work on the design of a new type of capacitively shunted flux qubit. This work is motivated by improving qubit coherence time and anharmonicity, which is essential for speeding up qubit gates and enhancing the capability of quantum computing. It was demonstrated that adding shunting pads to flux qubits can drastically improve the coherence time and the reliability of qubit fabrication, but the CSFQ was shown with moderate anharmonicities. In this project, we present the a new design of CSFQ and its circuit model, which contains three Josephson junctions and three shunting pads. In experiments, the qubit spectroscopy matches well with the circuit model, which takes into account all the capacitances between the qubit and other circuits. The qubit is found to have both large anharmonicity A = ω₁₂ - ω₀₁ = 2π ⨯ 3.69 GHz, and high coherence with T₁ = 40 ± 5 µs. We also present experiments on the multilevel quantum control and multilevel relaxation measurement. We perform qutrit state tomography to reconstruct the full density matrix with the tomography fidelity reaching 99.2%. We are able to extract the time-dependent state populations for the relaxation process of a qutrit, and extract the exact transition rates between the three levels

    Multipartite correlations in quantum collision models

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    Quantum collision models have proved to be useful for a clear and concise description of many physical phenomena in the field of open quantum systems: thermalization, decoherence, homogenization, nonequilibrium steady state, entanglement generation, simulation of many-body dynamics, quantum thermometry. A challenge in the standard collision model, where the system and many ancillas are all initially uncorrelated, is how to describe quantum correlations among ancillas induced by successive system-ancilla interactions. Another challenge is how to deal with initially correlated ancillas. Here we develop a tensor network formalism to address both challenges. We show that the induced correlations in the standard collision model are well captured by a matrix product state (a matrix product density operator) if the colliding particles are in pure (mixed) states. In the case of the initially correlated ancillas, we construct a general tensor diagram for the system dynamics and derive a memory-kernel master equation. Analyzing the perturbation series for the memory kernel, we go beyond the recent results concerning the leading role of two-point correlations and consider multipoint correlations (Waldenfelds cumulants) that become relevant in the higher order stroboscopic limits. These results open an avenue for a further analysis of memory effects in the collisional quantum dynamics.Comment: 21 pages, 10 figure

    Quantumness and memory of one qubit in a dissipative cavity under classical control

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    Hybrid quantum–classical systems constitute a promising architecture for useful control strategies of quantum systems by means of a classical device. Here we provide a comprehensive study of the dynamics of various manifestations of quantumness with memory effects, identified by non-Markovianity, for a qubit controlled by a classical field and embedded in a leaky cavity. We consider both Leggett–Garg inequality and quantum witness as experimentally-friendly indicators of quantumness, also studying the geometric phase of the evolved (noisy) quantum state. We show that, under resonant qubit-classical field interaction, a stronger coupling to the classical control leads to enhancement of quantumness despite a disappearance of non-Markovianity. Differently, increasing the qubit-field detuning (out-of-resonance) reduces the nonclassical behavior of the qubit while recovering non-Markovian features. We then find that the qubit geometric phase can be remarkably preserved irrespective of the cavity spectral width via strong coupling to the classical field. The controllable interaction with the classical field inhibits the effective time-dependent decay rate of the open qubit. These results supply practical insights towards a classical harnessing of quantum properties in a quantum information scenari

    Entanglement, intractability and no-signaling

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    We consider the problem of deriving the no-signaling condition from the assumption that, as seen from a complexity theoretic perspective, the universe is not an exponential place. A fact that disallows such a derivation is the existence of {\em polynomial superluminal} gates, hypothetical primitive operations that enable superluminal signaling but not the efficient solution of intractable problems. It therefore follows, if this assumption is a basic principle of physics, either that it must be supplemented with additional assumptions to prohibit such gates, or, improbably, that no-signaling is not a universal condition. Yet, a gate of this kind is possibly implicit, though not recognized as such, in a decade-old quantum optical experiment involving position-momentum entangled photons. Here we describe a feasible modified version of the experiment that appears to explicitly demonstrate the action of this gate. Some obvious counter-claims are shown to be invalid. We believe that the unexpected possibility of polynomial superluminal operations arises because some practically measured quantum optical quantities are not describable as standard quantum mechanical observables.Comment: 17 pages, 2 figures (REVTeX 4