5 research outputs found

    Test of mutually unbiased bases for six-dimensional photonic quantum systems

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    In quantum information, complementarity of quantum mechanical observables plays a key role. If a system resides in an eigenstate of an observable, the probability distribution for the values of a complementary observable is flat. The eigenstates of these two observables form a pair of mutually unbiased bases (MUBs). More generally, a set of MUBs consists of bases that are all pairwise unbiased. Except for specific dimensions of the Hilbert space, the maximal sets of MUBs are unknown in general. Even for a dimension as low as six, the identification of a maximal set of MUBs remains an open problem, although there is strong numerical evidence that no more than three simultaneous MUBs do exist. Here, by exploiting a newly developed holographic technique, we implement and test different sets of three MUBs for a single photon six-dimensional quantum state (a qusix), encoded either in a hybrid polarization-orbital angular momentum or a pure orbital angular momentum Hilbert space. A close agreement is observed between theory and experiments. Our results can find applications in state tomography, quantitative wave-particle duality, quantum key distribution and tests on complementarity and logical indeterminacy.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Engineering spin and orbital angular momentum interactions in a light beam: quantum and classical applications

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    The angular momentum of light is a useful resource for many applications. In specific physical architectures it can be considered as the sum of two independent terms, the spin and the orbital components, in analogy to particle systems. The spin angular momentum is related to the polarization of the optical beam, that is the direction of the oscillating electric field, whereas the orbital angular momentum is associated with the spatial distribution of the field. Being independent, spin and orbital angular momenta have been discovered and explored in separate contexts for many years, while only recently it has been considered the possibility to address both quantities on the same beam (or individual photons). The interaction between these two quantities gives rise to complex structures of the electromagnetic field, or to the so called classical entanglement in the domain of single photons. The research presented in this work aimed to show that combining spin and orbital angular momenta in light beams or single photons may be a useful tool for a variety of applications, with particular interest to the case of architectures characterized by spin-orbit interaction. This concept was made concrete through the design and the realization of several experiments, in the framework of singular optics, foundations of quantum mechanics, quantum information theory and quantum simulation