13,997 research outputs found

    Quantum Cryptography in Practice

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    BBN, Harvard, and Boston University are building the DARPA Quantum Network, the world's first network that delivers end-to-end network security via high-speed Quantum Key Distribution, and testing that Network against sophisticated eavesdropping attacks. The first network link has been up and steadily operational in our laboratory since December 2002. It provides a Virtual Private Network between private enclaves, with user traffic protected by a weak-coherent implementation of quantum cryptography. This prototype is suitable for deployment in metro-size areas via standard telecom (dark) fiber. In this paper, we introduce quantum cryptography, discuss its relation to modern secure networks, and describe its unusual physical layer, its specialized quantum cryptographic protocol suite (quite interesting in its own right), and our extensions to IPsec to integrate it with quantum cryptography.Comment: Preprint of SIGCOMM 2003 pape

    Consciousness as information system of the human body

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    Starting from the observation of the binary character YES/NOT of our decisions in relation to the information received from the environment, determining both our life and specie evolution by adaptation, it is defined the info-creational field and thought as an information operator on this field, allowing to describe the individual EGO as a receiver and producer information system, based on an operational and a programmed informational subsystem. Consciousness appears thus be an integrated information system which allows the adaptation to the environment and survival of specie, supported by informed matter (physical body) to maintain functionality of the whole. On this basis, there were identified two main informational circuits of the human body controlled by the consciousness: (i) the attitude as a short-time reaction circuit allowing the immediate adaptation to the environment; (ii) the informational genetic transmission as a large-time process assuring both the evolution by the transference of the new adaptation characteristics to the next generations and the survival of the specie. Observing the anti-entropic nature of the information activity mobilized to support the living structure, there were identified the anti-entropic, antigravitational and reverse temporal arrow features that the thought could access under special focusing conditions, similar to those of antimatter, explaining the paranormal capacities like premonition, psychotherapy, telekinesis and levitation, particularly the cloud dissipation, induced/supported by the mind power

    Query Based Location Aware Energy Efficient Secure Multicast Routing for Wireless Sensor Networks Using Fuzzy Logic

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    In Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), balancing authentication and energy is a major concern while deploying for wireless applications. Due to the presence of attackers, node consumes excessive energy for packet replication or transmission. In existing work, it is observed that attention was not done on balancing energy and data authentication. Location aided routing will also support for achieving high network lifetime. Fuzzy decision approach was widely used in sensor network for ensuring quality of routing and transmission. In the proposed work, Fuzzy enhanced query based secure energy efficient multicast routing is implemented. Query based location based cluster formation is done for quick packet arrival. Optimal multicast routes are found to forward the packets with reliability. The reliable routes are identified using reliable index. Fuzzy decision model is integrated to provide secure and energy based network model for packet transmission. Network Simulator (NS2.35) is used for simulation for analyzing the performance of proposed protocol in terms of various network parameters


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    Neurons are highly specialized cells that input, process, store and output information. Interneuronal communication is achieved in four basic ways: (i) Ca2+ evoked exocytosis with chemical neurotransmission, (ii) gap junction electrotonic coupling, (iii) secretion of neurosteroids, nitric oxide and derivatives of the arachidonic acid acting in paracrine manner, and (iv) cellular adhesive protein interactions with scaffold protein reorganization. Central structure integrating these anisomorphic signals is the neuronal cytoskeleton that is considered to be both sensitive to the local electromagnetic field and prone to intense biochemical modification. With the use of biophysical modeling we have shown that the local electromagnetic field interaction with neuronal microtubules could result in formation of dissipationless waves (solitons) of tubulin tail conformational states that propagate along the microtubule outer surface. Soliton collisions may subserve the function of elementary computational gates and the output of the computation performed by the microtubules may be achieved by the energase action of the tubulin tails that control microtubule-associated protein and motor protein attachment/detachment on the microtubule outer surface