2 research outputs found

    Quantum Cyber-Attack on Blockchain-based VANET

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    Blockchain-based Vehicular Ad-hoc Network (VANET) is widely considered as secure communication architecture for a connected transportation system. With the advent of quantum computing, there are concerns regarding the vulnerability of this architecture against cyber-attacks. In this study, a potential threat is investigated in a blockchain-based VANET, and a corresponding quantum cyber-attack is developed. Specifically, a quantum impersonation attack using Quantum-Shor algorithm is developed to break the Rivest-Shamir-Adleman (RSA) encrypted digital signatures of VANET and thus create a threat for the trust-based blockchain scheme of VANET. A blockchain-based VANET, vehicle-to-everything (V2X) communication, and vehicular mobility are simulated using OMNET++, the extended INET library, and vehicles-in-network simulation (VEINS) along with simulation of urban mobility (SUMO), respectively. A small key RSA based message encryption is implemented using IBM Qiskit, which is an open-source quantum software development kit. The findings reveal that the quantum cyber-attack, example, impersonation attack is able to successfully break the trust chain of a blockchain-based VANET. This highlights the need for a quantum secured blockchain.Comment: This paper consists of 10 pages with 7 figures. It has been submitted to IEEE Internet of Things Journa

    Mapeo sistemático sobre la seguridad de los datos utilizando blockchain en áreas de dominio no económicas

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    Blockchain una herramienta para seguridad de datos, fue creado con el fin de resguardar datos en el área económica, pero existen varias formas de utilizarlo y de proteger información no relevante al tema no monetario donde la información no va a ser importante para la economía del usuario pero si para resguardar datos como identidad personal, archivos de la nube, fotos y videos personales, etc. En este documento se evalúa los usos de blockchain para la seguridad de datos en áreas de dominio no económicas a través de una revisión exhaustiva del mapeo. La investigación se lleva acabo mediante la formulación de 1 pregunta de estudio mapeo sistemático y 2 preguntas de investigación, estas abordan los avances actuales en la tecnología blockchain bajo el contexto no monetario, en las cuales se evalúan aspectos como el alcance de blockchain en otros dominios, ¿en que área no monetaria se utiliza con frecuencia blockchain? y ¿cuáles son las soluciones mas innovadoras?. Este artículo ayudará a los investigadores entender los usos que se le puede dar a la tecnología blockchain sin que intervenga un aspecto económicoBlockchain is a tool for data security, it was created to save information that is related to economics, but there are several ways to use it in order to save data that is not relevant to the monetary issue where the information will not be relevant to the user’s economy. but effective to protect data such as personal identity, cloud files, personal photos and videos, etc. This paper evaluates the uses of blockchain for data security in non-economic domain areas through a comprehensive mapping review. The research is carried out through the formulation of 1 systematic mapping study question and 2 research questions that address current developments in blockchain technology in the non-monetary context, in which aspects such as the reach of blockchain in other domains are evaluated, In which non-monetary area is blockchain frequently used? And what are the most innovative solutions and how do they contribute to the data security of these domains? This article will help researchers understand the uses that blockchain technology can be put to