21 research outputs found

    Orthogonality for Quantum Latin Isometry Squares

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    Goyeneche et al recently proposed a notion of orthogonality for quantum Latin squares, and showed that orthogonal quantum Latin squares yield quantum codes. We give a simplified characterization of orthogonality for quantum Latin squares, which we show is equivalent to the existing notion. We use this simplified characterization to give an upper bound for the number of mutually orthogonal quantum Latin squares of a given size, and to give the first examples of orthogonal quantum Latin squares that do not arise from ordinary Latin squares. We then discuss quantum Latin isometry squares, generalizations of quantum Latin squares recently introduced by Benoist and Nechita, and define a new orthogonality property for these objects, showing that it also allows the construction of quantum codes. We give a new characterization of unitary error bases using these structures.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2018, arXiv:1901.0947

    Shaded Tangles for the Design and Verification of Quantum Programs (Extended Abstract)

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    We give a scheme for interpreting shaded tangles as quantum programs, with the property that isotopic tangles yield equivalent programs. We analyze many known quantum programs in this way -- including entanglement manipulation and error correction -- and in each case present a fully-topological formal verification, yielding in several cases substantial new insight into how the program works. We also use our methods to identify several new or generalized procedures.Comment: In Proceedings QPL 2017, arXiv:1802.0973

    Magic squares: Latin, Semiclassical and Quantum

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    Quantum magic squares were recently introduced as a 'magical' combination of quantum measurements. In contrast to quantum measurements, they cannot be purified (i.e. dilated to a quantum permutation matrix) -- only the so-called semiclassical ones can. Purifying establishes a relation to an ideal world of fundamental theoretical and practical importance; the opposite of purifying is described by the matrix convex hull. In this work, we prove that semiclassical magic squares can be purified to quantum Latin squares, which are 'magical' combinations of orthonormal bases. Conversely, we prove that the matrix convex hull of quantum Latin squares is larger than the semiclassical ones. This tension is resolved by our third result: We prove that the quantum Latin squares that are semiclassical are precisely those constructed from a classical Latin square. Our work sheds light on the internal structure of quantum magic squares, on how this is affected by the matrix convex hull, and, more generally, on the nature of the 'magical' composition rule, both at the semiclassical and quantum level.Comment: v1: 17 pages, 5 figures. v2: contains Remark 16, pointed out to us by David Roberso

    A Categorical Model for Classical and Quantum Block Designs

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    Classical block designs are important combinatorial structures with a wide range of applications in Computer Science and Statistics. Here we give a new abstract description of block designs based on the arrow category construction. We show that models of this structure in the category of matrices and natural numbers recover the traditional classical combinatorial objects, while models in the category of completely positive maps yield a new definition of quantum designs. We show that this generalizes both a previous notion of quantum designs given by Zauner and the traditional description of block designs. Furthermore, we demonstrate that there exists a functor which relates every categorical block design to a quantum one.Comment: In Proceedings ACT 2023, arXiv:2312.08138. 19 page

    SudoQ -- a quantum variant of the popular game

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    We introduce SudoQ, a quantum version of the classical game Sudoku. Allowing the entries of the grid to be (non-commutative) projections instead of integers, the solution set of SudoQ puzzles can be much larger than in the classical (commutative) setting. We introduce and analyze a randomized algorithm for computing solutions of SudoQ puzzles. Finally, we state two important conjectures relating the quantum and the classical solutions of SudoQ puzzles, corroborated by analytical and numerical evidence.Comment: Python code and examples available at https://github.com/inechita/Sudo