8 research outputs found

    On Steane-Enlargement of Quantum Codes from Cartesian Product Point Sets

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    In this work, we study quantum error-correcting codes obtained by using Steane-enlargement. We apply this technique to certain codes defined from Cartesian products previously considered by Galindo et al. in [4]. We give bounds on the dimension increase obtained via enlargement, and additionally give an algorithm to compute the true increase. A number of examples of codes are provided, and their parameters are compared to relevant codes in the literature, which shows that the parameters of the enlarged codes are advantageous. Furthermore, comparison with the Gilbert-Varshamov bound for stabilizer quantum codes shows that several of the enlarged codes match or exceed the parameters promised by the bound.Comment: 12 page

    Linear programming bounds for quantum amplitude damping codes

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    Given that approximate quantum error-correcting (AQEC) codes have a potentially better performance than perfect quantum error correction codes, it is pertinent to quantify their performance. While quantum weight enumerators establish some of the best upper bounds on the minimum distance of quantum error-correcting codes, these bounds do not directly apply to AQEC codes. Herein, we introduce quantum weight enumerators for amplitude damping (AD) errors and work within the framework of approximate quantum error correction. In particular, we introduce an auxiliary exact weight enumerator that is intrinsic to a code space and moreover, we establish a linear relationship between the quantum weight enumerators for AD errors and this auxiliary exact weight enumerator. This allows us to establish a linear program that is infeasible only when AQEC AD codes with corresponding parameters do not exist. To illustrate our linear program, we numerically rule out the existence of three-qubit AD codes that are capable of correcting an arbitrary AD error.Comment: 5 page

    Weight Distribution of Classical Codes Influences Robust Quantum Metrology

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    Quantum metrology (QM) is expected to be a prominent use-case of quantum technologies. However, noise easily degrades these quantum probe states, and negates the quantum advantage they would have offered in a noiseless setting. Although quantum error correction (QEC) can help tackle noise, fault-tolerant methods are too resource intensive for near-term use. Hence, a strategy for (near-term) robust QM that is easily adaptable to future QEC-based QM is desirable. Here, we propose such an architecture by studying the performance of quantum probe states that are constructed from [n,k,d][n,k,d] binary block codes of minimum distance d≥t+1d \geq t+1. Such states can be interpreted as a logical state of a CSS code whose logical XX group is defined by the aforesaid binary code. When a constant, tt, number of qubits of the quantum probe state are erased, using the quantum Fisher information (QFI) we show that the resultant noisy probe can give an estimate of the magnetic field with a precision that scales inversely with the variances of the weight distributions of the corresponding 2t2^t shortened codes. If CC is any code concatenated with inner repetition codes of length linear in nn, a quantum advantage in QM is possible. Hence, given any CSS code of constant length, concatenation with repetition codes of length linear in nn is asymptotically optimal for QM with a constant number of erasure errors. We also explicitly construct an observable that when measured on such noisy code-inspired probe states, yields a precision on the magnetic field strength that also exhibits a quantum advantage in the limit of vanishing magnetic field strength. We emphasize that, despite the use of coding-theoretic methods, our results do not involve syndrome measurements or error correction. We complement our results with examples of probe states constructed from Reed-Muller codes.Comment: 21 pages, 3 figure

    Characterization and mass formulas of symplectic self-orthogonal and LCD codes and their application

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    The object of this paper is to study two very important classes of codes in coding theory, namely self-orthogonal (SO) and linear complementary dual (LCD) codes under the symplectic inner product, involving characterization, constructions, and their application. Using such a characterization, we determine the mass formulas of symplectic SO and LCD codes by considering the action of the symplectic group, and further obtain some asymptotic results. Finally, under the Hamming distance, we obtain some symplectic SO (resp. LCD) codes with improved parameters directly compared with Euclidean SO (resp. LCD) codes. Under the symplectic distance, we obtain some additive SO (resp. additive complementary dual) codes with improved parameters directly compared with Hermitian SO (resp. LCD) codes. Further, we also construct many good additive codes outperform the best-known linear codes in Grassl's code table. As an application, we construct a number of record-breaking (entanglement-assisted) quantum error-correcting codes, which improve Grassl's code table

    Describing quantum metrology with erasure errors using weight distributions of classical codes

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    Quantum sensors are expected to be a prominent use-case of quantum technologies, but in practice, noise easily degrades their performance. Quantum sensors can for instance be afflicted with erasure errors. Here, we consider using quantum probe states with a structure that corresponds to classical [n,k,d][n,k,d] binary block codes of minimum distance d≥t+1d \geq t+1. We obtain bounds on the ultimate precision that these probe states can give for estimating the unknown magnitude of a classical field after at most tt qubits of the quantum probe state are erased. We show that the quantum Fisher information is proportional to the variances of the weight distributions of the corresponding 2t2^t shortened codes. If the shortened codes of a fixed code with d≥t+1d \geq t+1 have a non-trivial weight distribution, then the probe states obtained by concatenating this code with repetition codes of increasing length enable asymptotically optimal field-sensing that passively tolerates up to tt erasure errors

    Transmitting Quantum Information Reliably across Various Quantum Channels

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    Transmitting quantum information across quantum channels is an important task. However quantum information is delicate, and is easily corrupted. We address the task of protecting quantum information from an information theoretic perspective -- we encode some message qudits into a quantum code, send the encoded quantum information across the noisy quantum channel, then recover the message qudits by decoding. In this dissertation, we discuss the coding problem from several perspectives.} The noisy quantum channel is one of the central aspects of the quantum coding problem, and hence quantifying the noisy quantum channel from the physical model is an important problem. We work with an explicit physical model -- a pair of initially decoupled quantum harmonic oscillators interacting with a spring-like coupling, where the bath oscillator is initially in a thermal-like state. In particular, we treat the completely positive and trace preserving map on the system as a quantum channel, and study the truncation of the channel by truncating its Kraus set. We thereby derive the matrix elements of the Choi-Jamiolkowski operator of the corresponding truncated channel, which are truncated transition amplitudes. Finally, we give a computable approximation for these truncated transition amplitudes with explicit error bounds, and perform a case study of the oscillators in the off-resonant and weakly-coupled regime numerically. In the context of truncated noisy channels, we revisit the notion of approximate error correction of finite dimension codes. We derive a computationally simple lower bound on the worst case entanglement fidelity of a quantum code, when the truncated recovery map of Leung et. al. is rescaled. As an application, we apply our bound to construct a family of multi-error correcting amplitude damping codes that are permutation-invariant. This demonstrates an explicit example where the specific structure of the noisy channel allows code design out of the stabilizer formalism via purely algebraic means. We study lower bounds on the quantum capacity of adversarial channels, where we restrict the selection of quantum codes to the set of concatenated quantum codes. The adversarial channel is a quantum channel where an adversary corrupts a fixed fraction of qudits sent across a quantum channel in the most malicious way possible. The best known rates of communicating over adversarial channels are given by the quantum Gilbert-Varshamov (GV) bound, that is known to be attainable with random quantum codes. We generalize the classical result of Thommesen to the quantum case, thereby demonstrating the existence of concatenated quantum codes that can asymptotically attain the quantum GV bound. The outer codes are quantum generalized Reed-Solomon codes, and the inner codes are random independently chosen stabilizer codes, where the rates of the inner and outer codes lie in a specified feasible region. We next study upper bounds on the quantum capacity of some low dimension quantum channels. The quantum capacity of a quantum channel is the maximum rate at which quantum information can be transmitted reliably across it, given arbitrarily many uses of it. While it is known that random quantum codes can be used to attain the quantum capacity, the quantum capacity of many classes of channels is undetermined, even for channels of low input and output dimension. For example, depolarizing channels are important quantum channels, but do not have tight numerical bounds. We obtain upper bounds on the quantum capacity of some unital and non-unital channels -- two-qubit Pauli channels, two-qubit depolarizing channels, two-qubit locally symmetric channels, shifted qubit depolarizing channels, and shifted two-qubit Pauli channels -- using the coherent information of some degradable channels. We use the notion of twirling quantum channels, and Smith and Smolin's method of constructing degradable extensions of quantum channels extensively. The degradable channels we introduce, study and use are two-qubit amplitude damping channels. Exploiting the notion of covariant quantum channels, we give sufficient conditions for the quantum capacity of a degradable channel to be the optimal value of a concave program with linear constraints, and show that our two-qubit degradable amplitude damping channels have this property