6 research outputs found

    Photonic Engineering for CV-QKD over Earth-Satellite Channels

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    Quantum Key Distribution (QKD) via satellite offers up the possibility of unconditionally secure communications on a global scale. Increasing the secret key rate in such systems, via photonic engineering at the source, is a topic of much ongoing research. In this work we investigate the use of photon-added states and photon-subtracted states, derived from two mode squeezed vacuum states, as examples of such photonic engineering. Specifically, we determine which engineered-photonic state provides for better QKD performance when implemented over channels connecting terrestrial receivers with Low-Earth-Orbit satellites. We quantify the impact the number of photons that are added or subtracted has, and highlight the role played by the adopted model for atmospheric turbulence and loss on the predicted key rates. Our results are presented in terms of the complexity of deployment used, with the simplest deployments ignoring any estimate of the channel, and the more sophisticated deployments involving a feedback loop that is used to optimize the key rate for each channel estimation. The optimal quantum state is identified for each deployment scenario investigated.Comment: Updated reference lis

    Applications of Quantum Optics: From the Quantum Internet to Analogue Gravity

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    The aim of this thesis is to highlight applications of quantum optics in two very distinct fields: space-based quantum communication and the Hawking effect in analogue gravity. Regarding the former: We simulate and analyze a constellation of satellites, equipped with entangled photon-pair sources, which provide on-demand entanglement distribution ser- vices to terrestrial receiver stations. Satellite services are especially relevant for long-distance quantum-communication scenarios, as the loss in satellite-based schemes scales more favor- ably with distance than in optical fibers or in atmospheric links, though establishing quantum resources in the space-domain is expensive. We thus develop an optimization technique which balances both the number of satellites in the constellation and the entanglement-distribution rates that they provide. Comparisons to ground-based quantum-repeater rates are also made. Overall, our results suggest that satellite-based quantum networks are a viable option for establishing the backbone of future quantum internet. Regarding the latter: The Hawking effect was discussed in the astrophysical context of the spontaneous decay of black holes into blackbody radiation, i.e. Hawking radiation. However, this effect seems to be universal, appearing anywhere that an event horizon (a region which restricts the flow of information to one direction) forms. Here, we analyze the Hawking effect in an optical-analogue gravity system, building on prior theoretical results regarding this effect in dielectric media. We provide a simplification of the process via the Bloch- Messiah decomposition, which allows us to decompose the Hawking effect into a discrete set of elementary processes. With this simplification and utilizing a popular entanglement measure (the logarithmic negativity), we examine the quantum correlations of the stimulated Hawking effect, explicitly showing that an environmental background temperature, along with backscattering, can lead to entanglement “sudden-death , even when the number of entangled Hawking-pairs is comparatively large. We also discuss the prospect of enhancing and “reviving entanglement using single-mode, non-classical resources at the input. Though much of the discussion is phrased in terms of an optical-analogue model, the methods used and results obtained apply just as well to a variety of other systems supporting this effect. Finally, we provide decompositions of more exotic scenarios consisting of e.g. a white-hole– black-hole pair which share an interior region

    Towards a General Framework for Practical Quantum Network Protocols

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    The quantum internet is one of the frontiers of quantum information science. It will revolutionize the way we communicate and do other tasks, and it will allow for tasks that are not possible using the current, classical internet. The backbone of a quantum internet is entanglement distributed globally in order to allow for such novel applications to be performed over long distances. Experimental progress is currently being made to realize quantum networks on a small scale, but much theoretical work is still needed in order to understand how best to distribute entanglement and to guide the realization of large-scale quantum networks, and eventually the quantum internet, especially with the limitations of near-term quantum technologies. This work provides an initial step towards this goal. The main contribution of this thesis is a mathematical framework for entanglement distribution protocols in a quantum network, which allows for discovering optimal protocols using reinforcement learning. We start with a general development of quantum decision processes, which is the theoretical backdrop of reinforcement learning. Then, we define the general task of entanglement distribution in a quantum network, and we present ground- and satellite-based quantum network architectures that incorporate practical aspects of entanglement distribution. We combine the theory of decision processes and the practical quantum network architectures into an overall entanglement distribution protocol. We also define practical figures of merit to evaluate entanglement distribution protocols, which help to guide experimental implementations