77 research outputs found

    Quantifying unique information

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    We propose new measures of shared information, unique information and synergistic information that can be used to decompose the multi-information of a pair of random variables (Y,Z)(Y,Z) with a third random variable XX. Our measures are motivated by an operational idea of unique information which suggests that shared information and unique information should depend only on the pair marginal distributions of (X,Y)(X,Y) and (X,Z)(X,Z). Although this invariance property has not been studied before, it is satisfied by other proposed measures of shared information. The invariance property does not uniquely determine our new measures, but it implies that the functions that we define are bounds to any other measures satisfying the same invariance property. We study properties of our measures and compare them to other candidate measures.Comment: 24 pages, 2 figures. Version 2 contains less typos than version

    A Perspective on Unique Information: Directionality, Intuitions, and Secret Key Agreement

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    Recently, the partial information decomposition emerged as a promising framework for identifying the meaningful components of the information contained in a joint distribution. Its adoption and practical application, however, have been stymied by the lack of a generally-accepted method of quantifying its components. Here, we briefly discuss the bivariate (two-source) partial information decomposition and two implicitly directional interpretations used to intuitively motivate alternative component definitions. Drawing parallels with secret key agreement rates from information-theoretic cryptography, we demonstrate that these intuitions are mutually incompatible and suggest that this underlies the persistence of competing definitions and interpretations. Having highlighted this hitherto unacknowledged issue, we outline several possible solutions.Comment: 5 pages, 3 tables; http://csc.ucdavis.edu/~cmg/compmech/pubs/pid_intuition.ht

    Unique Information and Secret Key Agreement

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    The partial information decomposition (PID) is a promising framework for decomposing a joint random variable into the amount of influence each source variable Xi has on a target variable Y, relative to the other sources. For two sources, influence breaks down into the information that both X0 and X1 redundantly share with Y, what X0 uniquely shares with Y, what X1 uniquely shares with Y, and finally what X0 and X1 synergistically share with Y. Unfortunately, considerable disagreement has arisen as to how these four components should be quantified. Drawing from cryptography, we consider the secret key agreement rate as an operational method of quantifying unique informations. Secret key agreement rate comes in several forms, depending upon which parties are permitted to communicate. We demonstrate that three of these four forms are inconsistent with the PID. The remaining form implies certain interpretations as to the PID's meaning---interpretations not present in PID's definition but that, we argue, need to be explicit. These reveal an inconsistency between third-order connected information, two-way secret key agreement rate, and synergy. Similar difficulties arise with a popular PID measure in light the results here as well as from a maximum entropy viewpoint. We close by reviewing the challenges facing the PID.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figures, 4 tables; http://csc.ucdavis.edu/~cmg/compmech/pubs/pid_skar.htm. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1808.0860

    Unique Information via Dependency Constraints

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    The partial information decomposition (PID) is perhaps the leading proposal for resolving information shared between a set of sources and a target into redundant, synergistic, and unique constituents. Unfortunately, the PID framework has been hindered by a lack of a generally agreed-upon, multivariate method of quantifying the constituents. Here, we take a step toward rectifying this by developing a decomposition based on a new method that quantifies unique information. We first develop a broadly applicable method---the dependency decomposition---that delineates how statistical dependencies influence the structure of a joint distribution. The dependency decomposition then allows us to define a measure of the information about a target that can be uniquely attributed to a particular source as the least amount which the source-target statistical dependency can influence the information shared between the sources and the target. The result is the first measure that satisfies the core axioms of the PID framework while not satisfying the Blackwell relation, which depends on a particular interpretation of how the variables are related. This makes a key step forward to a practical PID.Comment: 15 pages, 7 figures, 2 tables, 3 appendices; http://csc.ucdavis.edu/~cmg/compmech/pubs/idep.ht

    The Blackwell relation defines no lattice

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    Blackwell's theorem shows the equivalence of two preorders on the set of information channels. Here, we restate, and slightly generalize, his result in terms of random variables. Furthermore, we prove that the corresponding partial order is not a lattice; that is, least upper bounds and greatest lower bounds do not exist.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figur

    Unique Information and Secret Key Decompositions

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    The unique information (UIUI) is an information measure that quantifies a deviation from the Blackwell order. We have recently shown that this quantity is an upper bound on the one-way secret key rate. In this paper, we prove a triangle inequality for the UIUI, which implies that the UIUI is never greater than one of the best known upper bounds on the two-way secret key rate. We conjecture that the UIUI lower bounds the two-way rate and discuss implications of the conjecture.Comment: 7 page

    Secret Sharing and Shared Information

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    Secret sharing is a cryptographic discipline in which the goal is to distribute information about a secret over a set of participants in such a way that only specific authorized combinations of participants together can reconstruct the secret. Thus, secret sharing schemes are systems of variables in which it is very clearly specified which subsets have information about the secret. As such, they provide perfect model systems for information decompositions. However, following this intuition too far leads to an information decomposition with negative partial information terms, which are difficult to interpret. One possible explanation is that the partial information lattice proposed by Williams and Beer is incomplete and has to be extended to incorporate terms corresponding to higher order redundancy. These results put bounds on information decompositions that follow the partial information framework, and they hint at where the partial information lattice needs to be improved.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure. The material was presented at a Workshop on information decompositions at FIAS, Frankfurt, in 12/2016. The revision includes changes in the definition of combinations of secret sharing schemes. Section 3 and Appendix now discusses in how far existing measures satisfy the proposed properties. The concluding section is considerably revise

    Computing the Unique Information

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    Given a pair of predictor variables and a response variable, how much information do the predictors have about the response, and how is this information distributed between unique, redundant, and synergistic components? Recent work has proposed to quantify the unique component of the decomposition as the minimum value of the conditional mutual information over a constrained set of information channels. We present an efficient iterative divergence minimization algorithm to solve this optimization problem with convergence guarantees and evaluate its performance against other techniques.Comment: To appear in 2018 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT); 18 pages; 4 figures, 1 Table; Github link to source code: https://github.com/infodeco/computeU