3 research outputs found

    Quantifying The Human-Robot Interaction Forces Between A Lower Limb Exoskeleton And Healthy Users

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    To counter the many disadvantages of prolonged wheelchair use, patients with spinal cord injuries (SCI) are beginning to turn towards robotic exoskeletons. However, we are currently unaware of the magnitude and distribution of forces acting between the user and the exoskeleton. This is a critical issue, as SCI patients have an increased susceptibility to skin lesions and pressure ulcer development. Therefore, we developed a real-time force measuring apparatus, which was placed at the physical human-robot interface (pHRI) of a lower limb robotic exoskeleton. Experiments captured the dynamics of these interaction forces whilst the participants performed a range of typical stepping actions. Our results indicate that peak forces occurred at the anterior aspect of both the left and right legs, areas that are particularly prone to pressure ulcer development. A significant difference was also found between the average force experienced at the anterior and posterior sensors of the right thigh during the swing phase for different movement primitives. These results call for the integration of instrumented straps as standard in lower limb exoskeletons. They also highlight the potential of such straps to be used as an alternative/complementary interface for the high-level control of lower limb exoskeletons in some patient groups

    Muscular Activity and Physical Interaction Forces during Lower Limb Exoskeleton Use

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    Spinal cord injury (SCI) typically manifests with a loss of sensorimotor control of the lower limbs. In order to overcome som e of the disadvantages of chronic wheelchair use by such patients, robotic exoskeletons are an emerging technology that has the pot ential to transform the lives of patients. However, there are a number of points of contact between the robot and the user, which lead to interaction forces. In a recent study, we have shown that peak interaction forces are particularly prominent at the an terior aspect of the right leg. This study uses a similar experimental protocol with additional EMG (electromyography) analysis to examine whether such interaction forces are due to t he muscular activity of the participant or the movement of the exoskeleto n itself. Interestingly, we found that that peak forces preceded peak EMG activity. This study did not find a significant correlation between EMG activity and force data, which would indicate that the interaction f orces can largely be attributed to the mov ement of the exoskeleton itself. However, we also report significantly higher correlation coefficients in muscle/force pairs located at the anterior aspect of the right leg. In our previous research, we have shown peak interaction forces at the same locati ons, which suggests that muscular activity of the participant makes a more significant contribution to the interaction forces at these locations. The findings of this study are of significance for incomplete SCI patients, for whom EMG activity may provide an important input to an intuitive control schema

    Modelling the Physical Human-Exoskeleton Interface

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