32,433 research outputs found

    On the measure of nonclassicality of field states

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    The degree of nonclassicality of states of a field mode is analysed considering both phase-space and distance-type measures of nonclassicality. By working out some general examples, it is shown explicitly that the phase-space measure is rather sensitive to superposition of states, with finite superpositions possessing maximum nonclassical depth (the highest degree of nonclassicality) irrespective to the nature of the component states. Mixed states are also discussed and examples with nonclassical depth varying between the minimum and the maximum allowed values are exhibited. For pure Gaussian states, it is demonstrated that distance-type measures based on the Hilbert-Schmidt metric are equivalent to the phase-space measure. Analyzing some examples, it is shown that distance-type measures are efficient to quantify the degree of nonclassicality of non-Gaussian pure states.Comment: Latex, 21 pages, 1 figur

    A Potential Foundation for Emergent Space-Time

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    We present a novel derivation of both the Minkowski metric and Lorentz transformations from the consistent quantification of a causally ordered set of events with respect to an embedded observer. Unlike past derivations, which have relied on assumptions such as the existence of a 4-dimensional manifold, symmetries of space-time, or the constant speed of light, we demonstrate that these now familiar mathematics can be derived as the unique means to consistently quantify a network of events. This suggests that space-time need not be physical, but instead the mathematics of space and time emerges as the unique way in which an observer can consistently quantify events and their relationships to one another. The result is a potential foundation for emergent space-time.Comment: The paper was originally titled "The Physics of Events: A Potential Foundation for Emergent Space-Time". We changed the title (and abstract) to be more direct when the paper was accepted for publication at the Journal of Mathematical Physics. 24 pages, 15 figure

    Exact and Asymptotic Measures of Multipartite Pure State Entanglement

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    In an effort to simplify the classification of pure entangled states of multi (m) -partite quantum systems, we study exactly and asymptotically (in n) reversible transformations among n'th tensor powers of such states (ie n copies of the state shared among the same m parties) under local quantum operations and classical communication (LOCC). With regard to exact transformations, we show that two states whose 1-party entropies agree are either locally-unitarily (LU) equivalent or else LOCC-incomparable. In particular we show that two tripartite Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger (GHZ) states are LOCC-incomparable to three bipartite Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen (EPR) states symmetrically shared among the three parties. Asymptotic transformations result in a simpler classification than exact transformations. We show that m-partite pure states having an m-way Schmidt decomposition are simply parameterizable, with the partial entropy across any nontrivial partition representing the number of standard ``Cat'' states (|0^m>+|1^m>) asymptotically interconvertible to the state in question. For general m-partite states, partial entropies across different partitions need not be equal, and since partial entropies are conserved by asymptotically reversible LOCC operations, a multicomponent entanglement measure is needed, with each scalar component representing a different kind of entanglement, not asymptotically interconvertible to the other kinds. In particular the m=4 Cat state is not isentropic to, and therefore not asymptotically interconvertible to, any combination of bipartite and tripartite states shared among the four parties. Thus, although the m=4 cat state can be prepared from bipartite EPR states, the preparation process is necessarily irreversible, and remains so even asymptotically.Comment: 13 pages including 3 PostScript figures. v3 has updated references and discussion, to appear Phys. Rev.

    A Case Study on Logical Relations using Contextual Types

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    Proofs by logical relations play a key role to establish rich properties such as normalization or contextual equivalence. They are also challenging to mechanize. In this paper, we describe the completeness proof of algorithmic equality for simply typed lambda-terms by Crary where we reason about logically equivalent terms in the proof environment Beluga. There are three key aspects we rely upon: 1) we encode lambda-terms together with their operational semantics and algorithmic equality using higher-order abstract syntax 2) we directly encode the corresponding logical equivalence of well-typed lambda-terms using recursive types and higher-order functions 3) we exploit Beluga's support for contexts and the equational theory of simultaneous substitutions. This leads to a direct and compact mechanization, demonstrating Beluga's strength at formalizing logical relations proofs.Comment: In Proceedings LFMTP 2015, arXiv:1507.0759

    A Control-Oriented Notion of Finite State Approximation

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    We consider the problem of approximating discrete-time plants with finite-valued sensors and actu- ators by deterministic finite memory systems for the purpose of certified-by-design controller synthesis. Building on ideas from robust control, we propose a control-oriented notion of finite state approximation for these systems, demonstrate its relevance to the control synthesis problem, and discuss its key features.Comment: IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, to appea

    Non-equivalence of antibiotic generic drugs and risk for intensive care patients

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    Background: The underlying axiom in applying generic drugs is the equivalence of their active ingredient with the (usually more expensive) innovator product, an all-embracing statement with the insidious result that physicians assume that the generic products have been subjected to the same rigorous testing regimens as the brand-name products. The present paper presents novel experimental data on an investigator-blinded comparison between the innovator imipenem antibiotic, and a number of its generics. Methods: Particulate matter contamination of each group was visualized by means of a membrane filter method. Functional studies in an animal model–the dorsal skinfold chamber technique in mice-designed to simulate the state of microcirculatory dysfunction in intensive care patients was performed, in order to assess the influence of the particulate matter of each group on the functional capillary density of the striated skin muscle, after their intravenous injection. Results: The results showed massive particulate contamination of the generics, in a size range relevant for impacting the microcirculation. The particulate contamination contributed in some generic groups to a significant shutdown of tissue perfusion. Conclusion: The presented data underscore the need to raise the regulatory barriers for the entry of generics to the market, well beyond the simplistic proof of “bioequivalence”, which in no measure deals with the essential questions of quality and patient safety. If generics are used, they should be tested by a filter technique and optical microscopy, to ensure the absence especially of small particulate contaminants and their purity
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