7 research outputs found

    Boosting Paired Comparison methodology in measuring visual discomfort of 3DTV: performances of three di erent designs

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    International audienceThe pair comparison method is often recommended in subjective experiments because of the reliability of the obtained results. However, a drawback of this method is that the number of comparisons increases exponentially with the number of stimuli, which limits its usability for a large number of stimuli. Several design methods that aim to reduce the number of comparisons were proposed in the literature. However, their performances in the context of 3DTV should be evaluated carefully due to the fact that the results obtained from a paired comparison experiment in 3DTV may be in uenced by two important factors. One is the observation error from observer's attentiveness, in particular inverting the vote. The second factor concerns the dependence on the context in which the evaluation takes place. In this study, three design methods, namely Full Paired Comparison method (FPC), Square Design method (SD) and the Adaptive Square Design method (ASD) were evaluated by subjective visual discomfort experiment in 3DTV. The results from the FPC method were considered as the ground truth. Comparing with the ground truth, the ASD method provided the most accurate results with a given number of trials. It also showed the highest robustness against observation errors and interdependence of comparisons. Due to the e ciency of the ASD method, paired comparison experiments become feasible with a reasonably large number of stimuli for measuring 3DTV visual discomfort

    Hybrid-MST: A hybrid active sampling strategy for pairwise preference aggregation

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    In this paper we present a hybrid active sampling strategy for pairwise preference aggregation, which aims at recovering the underlying rating of the test candidates from sparse and noisy pairwise labelling. Our method employs Bayesian optimization framework and Bradley-Terry model to construct the utility function, then to obtain the Expected Information Gain (EIG) of each pair. For computational efficiency, Gaussian-Hermite quadrature is used for estimation of EIG. In this work, a hybrid active sampling strategy is proposed, either using Global Maximum (GM) EIG sampling or Minimum Spanning Tree (MST) sampling in each trial, which is determined by the test budget. The proposed method has been validated on both simulated and real-world datasets, where it shows higher preference aggregation ability than the state-of-the-art methods

    Subjective quality evaluation via paired comparison: application to scalable video coding

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    Scalable video coding is a powerful solution for content delivery in many interactive multimedia services due to its adaptability to varying terminal and network constraints. In order to successfully exploit such adaptability, it is necessary to understand users' preference among various scalability options and consequently develop an optimal bit rate adaptation strategy. In this paper, we present a study of subjective quality assessment of scalable video coding, which investigates the influence of the combination of scalability options on perceived quality with the goal of providing guidelines for an adaptive strategy that selects the optimal combination for a given bandwidth constraint. In particular, the study is based on paired comparison of stimuli that is suitable for our goal due to its simplicity and easiness. We propose a new method, called Paired Evaluation via Analysis of Reliability (PEAR), which analyzes paired comparison results and produces not only quality scores but also intuitive measures of confidence of the scores for significance analysis. Results and analysis of extensive subjective tests for two different scalable video codecs and high definition contents are described, from which general consistent conclusions are drawn. The video and subjective data used in the paper are publicly available to the research community. (http://mmspg.epfl.ch/svd

    Qualitätstaxonomie für skalierbare Algorithmen von Free Viewpoint Video Objekten

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    Diese Dissertation beabsichtigt einen Beitrag zur Qualitätsbeurteilung von Algorithmen für Bildanalyse und Bildsynthese im Anwendungskontext Videokommunikationssysteme zu leisten. In der vorliegenden Arbeit werden Möglichkeiten und Hindernisse der nutzerzentrierten Definition von subjektiver Qualitätswahrnehmung in diesem speziellen Anwendungsfall untersucht. Qualitätsbeurteilung von aufkommender Visualisierungs-Technologie und neuen Verfahren zur Erzeugung einer dreidimensionalen Repräsentation unter der Nutzung von Bildinformation zweier Kameras für Videokommunikationssysteme wurde bisher noch nicht umfangreich behandelt und passende Ansätze dazu fehlen. Die Herausforderungen sind es qualitätsbeeinflussende Faktoren zu definieren, passende Maße zu formulieren, sowie die Qualitätsevaluierung mit den Erstellungsalgorithmen, welche noch in Entwicklung sind, zu verbinden. Der Vorteil der Verlinkung von Qualitätswahrnehmung und Servicequalität ist die Unterstützung der technischen Realisierungsprozesse hinsichtlich ihrer Anpassungsfähigkeit (z.B. an das vom Nutzer verwendete System) und Skalierbarkeit (z.B. Beachtung eines Aufwands- oder Ressourcenlimits) unter Berücksichtigung des Endnutzers und dessen Qualitätsanforderungen. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschreibt den theoretischen Hintergrund und einen Vorschlag für eine Qualitätstaxonomie als verlinkendes Modell. Diese Arbeit beinhaltet eine Beschreibung des Projektes Skalalgo3d, welches den Rahmen der Anwendung darstellt. Präsentierte Ergebnisse bestehen aus einer systematischen Definition von qualitätsbeeinflussenden Faktoren inklusive eines Forschungsrahmens und Evaluierungsaktivitäten die mehr als 350 Testteilnehmer inkludieren, sowie daraus heraus definierte Qualitätsmerkmale der evaluierten Qualität der visuellen Repräsentation für Videokommunikationsanwendungen. Ein darauf basierendes Modell um diese Ergebnisse mit den technischen Erstellungsschritten zu verlinken wird zum Schluss anhand eines formalisierten Qualitätsmaßes präsentiert. Ein Flussdiagramm und ein Richtungsfeld zur grafischen Annäherung an eine differenzierbare Funktion möglicher Zusammenhänge werden daraufhin für weitere Untersuchungen vorgeschlagen.The thesis intends to make a contribution to the quality assessment of free viewpoint video objects within the context of video communication systems. The current work analyzes opportunities and obstacles, focusing on users' subjective quality of experience in this special case. Quality estimation of emerging free viewpoint video object technology in video communication has not yet been assessed and adequate approaches are missing. The challenges are to define factors that influence quality, to formulate an adequate measure of quality, and to link the quality of experience to the technical realization within an undefined and ever-changing technical realization process. There are two advantages of interlinking the quality of experience with the quality of service: First, it can benefit the technical realization process, in order to allow adaptability (e.g., based on systems used by the end users). Second, it provides an opportunity to support scalability in a user-centered way, e.g., based on a cost or resources limitation. The thesis outlines the theoretical background and introduces a user-centered quality taxonomy in the form of an interlinking model. A description of the related project Skalalgo3d is included, which offered a framework for application. The outlined results consist of a systematic definition of factors that influence quality, including a research framework, and evaluation activities involving more than 350 participants. The thesis includes the presentation of quality features, defined by evaluations of free viewpoint video object quality, for video communication application. Based on these quality features, a model that links these results with the technical creation process, including a formalized quality measure, is presented. Based on this, a flow chart and slope field are proposed. These intend the visualization of these potential relationships and may work as a starting point for further investigations thereon and to differentiate relations in form of functions

    Méthodes pour l'évaluation et la prédiction de la Qualité d'expérience, la préférence et l'inconfort visuel dans les applications multimédia. Focus sur la TV 3D stéréoscopique

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    Multimedia technology is aiming to improve people's viewing experience, seeking for better immersiveness and naturalness. The development of HDTV, 3DTV, and Ultra HDTV are recent illustrative examples of this trend. The Quality of Experience (QoE) in multimedia encompass multiple perceptual dimensions. For instance, in 3DTV, three primary dimensions have been identified in literature: image quality, depth quality and visual comfort. In this thesis, focusing on the 3DTV, two basic questions about QoE are studied. One is "how to subjectively assess QoE taking care of its multidimensional aspect?". The other is dedicated to one particular dimension, i.e., "what would induce visual discomfort and how to predict it?". In the first part, the challenges of the subjective assessment on QoE are introduced, and a possible solution called "Paired Comparison" is analyzed. To overcome drawbacks of Paired Comparison method, a new formalism based on a set of optimized paired comparison designs is proposed and evaluated by different subjective experiments. The test results verified efficiency and robustness of this new formalism. An application is the described focusing on the evaluation of the influence factor on 3D QoE. In the second part, the influence of 3D motion on visual discomfort is studied. An objective visual discomfort model is proposed. The model showed high correlation with the subjective data obtained through various experimental conditions. Finally, a physiological study on the relationship between visual discomfort and eye blinking rate is presented.La technologie multimédia vise à améliorer l'expérience visuelle des spectateurs, notamment sur le plan de l'immersion. Les développements récents de la TV HD, TV 3D, et TV Ultra HD s'inscrivent dans cette logique. La qualité d'expérience (QoE) multimédia implique plusieurs dimensions perceptuelles. Dans le cas particulier de la TV 3D stéréoscopique, trois dimensions primaires ont été identifiées dans la littérature: qualité d'image, qualité de la profondeur et confort visuel. Dans cette thèse, deux questions fondamentales sur la QoE sont étudiés. L'une a pour objet "comment évaluer subjectivement le caractère multidimensionnel de la QoE". L'autre s'intéresse à une dimension particuliére de QoE, "la mesure de l'inconfort et sa prédiction?". Dans la première partie, les difficultés de l'évaluation subjective de la QoE sont introduites, les mérites de méthodes de type "Comparaison par paire" (Paired Comparison en anglais) sont analysés. Compte tenu des inconvénients de la méthode de Comparaison par paires, un nouveau formalisme basé sur un ensemble de comparaisons par paires optimisées, est proposé. Celui-ci est évalué au travers de différentes expériences subjectives. Les résultats des tests confirment l'efficacité et la robustesse de ce formalisme. Un exemple d'application dans le cas de l'étude de l'évaluation des facteurs influençant la QoE est ensuite présenté. Dans la seconde partie, l'influence du mouvement tri-dimensionnel (3D) sur l'inconfort visuel est étudié. Un modèle objectif de l'inconfort visuel est proposé. Pour évaluer ce modèle, une expérience subjective de comparaison par paires a été conduite. Ce modèle de prédiction conduit à des corrélations élevées avec les données subjectives. Enfin, une étude sur des mesures physiologiques tentant de relier inconfort visuel et fréquence de clignements des yeux présentée