179,509 research outputs found

    Analisa Quality Of Service (QoS) Trafik Multimedia pada Pemodelan Jaringan Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Menggunakan Router Mikrotik

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    Quality of Service (QoS) is a performance indicator on many communication systems. The Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is a part of the communication system. One of approach to find out QoS performance indicator for MPLS is using of a Mikrotik router. The network testing scenario using bus topology, where different types of traffic is delivered audio and video streaming that has a variety of different file sizes. The first scenario involving 1 client to send and the other scenario involving 2 client to send. The result show that MPLS network meets ITU-T G.114 standards where the average accepted delay for packet data transmission is less than 150 ms, in the simulation results indicates that the delay value is below of 150 ms in both scenarios. The value of packet loss based on ITU-T G.1010 standard is less than 1% where the simulation results indicate that packet loss value is below 1% in both scenarios. Overall, the MPLS network is proven to serve a heavy multimedia traffic

    Performansi Quality of Service (Qos) Framework Antara Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing-time Division Multiple Access (Ofdm-tdma) Dan Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (Ofdma) Pada Ieee 802.16

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    Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) merupakan asosiasi profeisonal yang mendedikasikan diri dalam pengembangan teknologi bidang kelistrikan dan elektronika. IEEE menetapkan standar Broadband Wireless Access (BWA) yang disebut standar IEEE 802.16 pada 1998. Dalam sistem komunikasi multi akses seperti teknologi WiMAX, diperlukan adanya sebuah manajemen data. OFDM-TDMA dan OFDMA merupakan dua sistem multi akses yang diadopsi oleh IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX) sebagai opsi pentransmisian data pada kanal 2-11 GHz. OFDM-TDMA dan OFDMA merupakan hasil penggabungan sistem OFDM dengan TDMA (pada OFDM-TDMA) dan FDMA (pada OFDMA). OFDM-TDMA sebagai sistem muli akses memiliki perbedaan mendasar dibandingkan dengan OFDMA yaitu metode pentransmisiannya yang didasarkan pada pembagian waktu (time division) sedangkan OFDMA menggunakan pembagian frekuensi sebagai metode pentransmisian. Berdasarkan hasil analisis dan simulasi diperoleh bahwa penggunaan skema modulasi yang berbeda-beda pada IEEE 802.16 (WiMAX) berpengaruh pada bit rate dan Bit Error Rate (BER) baik pada sistem OFDM-TDMA maupun OFDMA. Menggunakan modulasi 16-QAM dan 64-QAM, serta target BER sebesar 10-3, sistem OFDM-TDMA dan OFDMA menunjukkan semakin besar nilai SNR, maka semakin besar nilai bit rate. Sebagai contoh pada SNR 23,46 dB (modulasi 16-QAM), bit rate OFDMA = ,× bps (33,4 Mbps), lebih besar dibandingkan bit rate OFDM-TDMA = ,×bps (30,6 Mbps). Pada SNR 29,54 dB (modulasi 64-QAM). bit rate OFDMA = ,× bps (43,6 Mbps). lebih besar dibandingkan bit rate OFDM-TDMA = ,×bps (30,6 Mbps). Analisis BER menggambarkan bahwa baik pada sistem OFDM-TDMA maupun OFDMA semakin besar SNR maka BER semakin kecil dengan target bit rate sebesar ,×bps (40,6 Mbps).Kata Kunci — IEEE 802.16, OFDM-TDMA, OFDM

    Aplikasi Pengaruh Quality of Service (Qos) Video Conference Pada Trafik H.323 Dengan Menggunakan Metode Differentiated Service (Diffserv)

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    Dewasa ini, penggunaan teknologi conferenceberbasis IP dengan menggunakan protokol H.323. Meskidemikian, pada Kenyataannya kualitas teknologi videoconference yang baik belum terjamin. Untuk itu, perlusebuah pelayanan atau service yang dapat memberikanprioritas paket dan menekan gangguan dalam lalu lintasjaringan conference. Salah satu layanan tersebut yaituDifferentiated Service (Diffserv). Layanan ini dibuat untukmembagi aliran IP ke dalam kelas-kelas yang akan langsungditransmisikan dengan cara menentukan kapasitasbandwidth, klasifikasi trafik, pemilihan mekanisme antrian(queueing) dan traffic shapping. Pada penelitian ini, telahdiaplikasikan Quality of Service (QoS) videoconference padatrafik H.323 dengan menggunakan metode DifferentiatedService (DiffServ) dan berhasil mengukur pengaruhbesarnya throughput paket ketika jaringan dalam keadaancongested atau sesak serta dibebankan delay juga jitter.Semakin besar delay dan jitter yang diberikan, semakin besarketidakstabilan throughput yang dihasilkan. Pada trafikcongested, QoS memberikan prioritas pada paket H.323sehingga throughput yang dihasilkan mendekati kondisitanpa sesak dibandingkan paket-paket lain

    Analisis Coverage Dan Quality of Service Jaringan WiFi 2,4 GHz Di STMIK STIKOM Indonesia

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    The rapid development of technology, especially mobile technology requires a network infrastructure that supports mobile devices. One of them is a wireless device that is WiFi (wireless Fidelity). STMIK STIKOM (STIKI) Indonesia is one of the campuses that have implemented WiFi technology to support teaching and learning activities. STIKI has installed 8 access points that are used to serve the civitas internet users. To know the performance of WiFi network in STIKI Indonesia, it is necessary to analyze the performance of WiFi network by measuring signal coverage and quality of service (QOS) analysis. In this research, coverage measurement is done by using android application WiFi Heat Mapper and QOS measurement is done by using wireshark application. The measured parameters of QOS are throughput, delay, jitter, and packet loss. Based on the measurements made the results obtained for signal coverage there are still some areas covered by a very small signal strength. Then for QOS measurement it is found that performance of WiFi network based on parameter of throughput, delay, jitter, and packet loss are in good category

    Analisis Qos (Quality of Service) Pada Jaringan Internet (Studi Kasus : Upt Loka Uji Teknik Penambangan Jampang Kulon – Lipi)

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    – Technical Implementation Unit for Mine's Technology Assessment Jampang Kulon - LIPI, organizationally under and responsible to the Head of Geotechnology Research Center, Deputy of Earth Sciences, Indonesian Institute of Sciences. To support research and development activities, administration and cooperation is in need of Internet-based information systems. Quality of Service (QoS) is defined as a measure of how well the network and is an attempt to define the characteristics and nature of the service. In an Internet Protocol (IP), IP QoS refers to the performance of the -Package IP packets passing through one or more networks. QoS is designed to help end users become more productive by ensuring that end users get reliable performance of network-based applications. QoS refers to the ability of a network to provide better service at a specific network traffic through different technologies. Computer network performance can vary due to several problems, such as problems of bandwidth, latency and jitter, which can make the effect is large enough for many applications. Features Quality of Service (QoS) can make the bandwidth, latency and jitter are predictable and matched to the needs of applications that are used in the existing network. Keywords – Quality of Service, Internet Protocol, Bandwith, latency, jitte

    Analisis Quality of Service (QoS) Pada Jaringan Hotspot SMA Negeri XYZ

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    Jaringan yang baik harus memperhatikan kualitas layanan yang akan diberikan kepada pengguna. Ketika membangun sebuah jaringan harus memperhitungkan Quality of Service (QoS). Quality of Service (QoS) merupakan metode pengukuran seberapa baik suatu layanan jaringan. parameter-parameter Quality of Service (QoS) yaitu troughput,delay,jitter,dan packet loss menurut standart THIPON.Pada SMA Negeri XYZ untuk mendukung proses pembelajaran menyediakan sarana dan prasarana tambahan, salah satunya ialah tersedianya jaringan internet. Layanan internet pada sekolah ini mengguakan Internet Service Provider (ISP) dari PT Telkom Indonesia dan bandwidth yang di sewa sebesar 40Mbps. SMA Negeri XYZ menyediakan jaringan hotspot sebagai sarana untuk guru atau siswa menggunakan jaringan internet. Oleh karena itu sangat diperlukan pengukuran untuk mengetahui seberapa baik kualitas layanan yang telah diberikan. Hasil dari pengukuran Quality of Service (QoS) pada jaringan hotspot SMA Negeri XYZ dapat diketahui bahwa troughputnya sebesar “3,94 bps”, delay sebesar “0 ms”, Jitter sebesar “0 ms”, dan packet loss sebesar ” 11,46 %”. Maka dapat di simpulkan bahwa kualitas jaringan hotspot pada SMA Negeri XYZ menurut standart THIPON masuk dalam kategori “Sedang”

    Effect of Price and Quality of Service Customer Loyalty (Study on Railway Passenger Blora Jaya PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Daop IV Semarang)

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    Development and transportation services business competition is increasing rapidly. They compete in providing the best service to retain customers. This research was conducted at PT.Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) Regional Operations IV Semarang object KA (train) Blora Jaya. Of user data KA Blora Jaya known of the fluctuations in the number of service users KA Blora Jaya and their number of user complaints Blora Jaya train services relating to facilities, infrastructure, and operational support services. As a company engaged in the field of services, PT.KAI (Persero) DAOP IV Semarang must provide good service to customers, good service offset by price according to what is given by PT. KAI (Persero) DAOP IV Semarang.This study aims to determine the effect of price (X1) and quality of service (X2) on customer loyalty (Y) railway services Blora Jaya. This type of research uses explanatory research with data collection method using interviews and data collection tools used questionnaires to a sample of 100 respondents KA customers Blora Jaya using purposive sampling method. Using analytical techniques validity, reliability, simple linear regression, multiple linear regression, t test and F test by means of SPSS 16.The results showed that the quality of service has a strong influence on customer loyalty by 49.4%, while the price is quite a strong effect on customer loyalty by 21,7%. This indicates that the variable quality of service to customer loyalty variable effect is higher than the variable price.Advice can be given to increase customer loyalty is to improve the quality of railway services Blora Jaya which is considered important by the service user, but still less attention from the company such as the availability of bins, seating capacity, the slow ticket officer in providing service that is the least number of counters that opened and have not been applied to tickets purchased online services