74 research outputs found

    Quality Indicators for Learning Analytics

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    This article proposes a framework of quality indicators for learning analytics that aims to standardise the evaluation of learning analytics tools and to provide a mean to capture evidence for the impact of learning analytics on educational practices in a standardised manner. The criteria of the framework and its quality indicators are based on the results of a Group Concept Mapping study conducted with experts from the field of learning analytics. The outcomes of this study are further extended with findings from a focused literature review

    A Framework of Quality Indicators for Learning Analytics

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    The LACE project has established a first version of a framework of quality indicators for learning analytics, based on a group concept mapping study with experts. The group concept mapping approach is explained, and steps in the framework creation process described, as well as the framework itself. The framework was turned into an applicable tool and evaluated with a group of learning analytics experts. The results of the evaluation revealed several weak points in the first version of the framework, and the experts supplied several suggestions and recommendations on how to improve the framework further

    Developing an Evaluation Framework of Quality Indicators for Learning Analytics

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    This paper presents results from the continuous process of developing an evaluation framework of quality indicators for learning analytics (LA). Building on a previous study, a group concept mapping approach that uses multidimensional scaling and hierarchical clustering, the study presented here applies the framework to a collection of LA tools in order to evaluate the framework. Using the quantitative and qualitative results of this study, the rst version of the framework was revisited so as to allow work towards an improved version of the evaluation framework of quality indicators for LA

    D3.1 Framework of Quality Indicators

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    D3.1 Framework of Quality Indicators. LACE Projec

    User-modelled ambient feedback for self-regulated learning

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    A fundamental objective of human-computer interaction research is to make systems that are seamlessly integrated into daily life activities. Hence, the challenge is not only to make information available to people at any time, at any place, and in any form, but specifically to say the right thing at the right time in the right way. On the other hand, the proliferation of sensor technology is facilitating the scaffolding and customization of smart learning environments. This manuscript presents an ecology of resources comprising NFC, BLE and Arduino technology, orchestrated in the context of a learning environment to provide smoothly integrated feedback via ambient displays. This ecology is proposed as a suitable solution for self-regulated learning, providing support for setting goals, setting aside time to learn, tracking study time and monitoring the progress. Hereby, the ecology is described and intriguing research questions are introduced

    Digital humanistic pedagogy of open education-summary

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    У статті схарактеризовано теоретико - методологічні засади цифрової гуманістичної педагогіки - науки про закономірності створення позитивної інтегрованої педагогічної реальності за умови конвергенції фізичного та віртуального (створеного за допомогою ІКТ) навчальних просторів (середовищ) у реаліях відкритої освіти. На основі використання сучасних ІКТ навчальна діяльність (формальна, неформальна та інформальна) відбувається на перетині двох світів: реального і віртуального. Методологія й методи педагогічних досліджень класичної педагогіки потребують перегляду й удосконалення в контексті сучасних реалій навчально-виховного процесу, потреб та інтересів усіх його суб’єктів. У статті проаналізовано розвиток цифрової гуманістики у міжнародному освітньому просторі, окреслено зміст нової галузі педагогічного знання як складової цифрових гуманістичних досліджень, визначено методи й актуальні напрями наукового пошуку. Подальшого дослідження потребують проблеми розвитку цифрової гуманістичної педагогіки, осмислення її як важливого методологічного компонента системи відкритої освіти, реалізації її освітнього потенціалу в інформаційному суспільстві.In the article theoretical and methodological bases of digital humanistic pedagogy - the science about the principles of creating a positive integrated educational reality as a result of the convergence of physical and virtual (created using ICT) training spaces (environments) in the coordinates of open educational systems are determined. Based on the use of modern ICT learning activity (formal, nonformal and informal) is at the intersection of two worlds: the real and the virtual. Methodology and research methods of classical pedagogy require review and improvement in the context of current realities of the educational process, needs and interests of all its subjects. The development of digital humanities in the international educational space is analyzed; the content of the new field of pedagogical knowledge as part of digital humanistic is outlined; research methods and directions of current scientific research are defined. Problems of digital humanist pedagogy development need further studying as well as understanding it as an important methodological basis of an open education system and implementation of its educational potential in the information society

    LACE Project Exit Action Plan

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    Integrating Competency-Based Education in Interactive Learning Systems

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    Artemis is an interactive learning system that organizes courses, hosts lecture content and interactive exercises, conducts exams, and creates automatic assessments with individual feedback. Research shows that students have unique capabilities, previous experiences, and expectations. However, the course content on current learning systems, including Artemis, is not tailored to a student's competencies. The main goal of this paper is to describe how to make Artemis capable of competency-based education and provide individual course content based on the unique characteristics of every student. We show how instructors can define relations between competencies to create a competency relation graph, how Artemis measures and visualizes the student's progress toward mastering a competency, and how the progress can generate a personalized learning path for students that recommends relevant learning resources. Finally, we present the results of a user study regarding the usability of the newly designed competency visualization and give an outlook on possible improvements and future visions.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. Best Practitioner Report Awar

    LACE Project Exit Action Plan

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    This document describes a series of practical actions to secure long-term impact for LACE project outputs and to conserve community momentum beyond the project end. In this deliverable, we provide a first version of an exit and sustainability plan that covers key issues central to the exploitation of the LACE results. This includes tools, knowledge and key events developed for building up the European LACE community