4,689 research outputs found

    Rate-independent soft crawlers

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    This paper applies the theory of rate-independent systems to model the locomotion of bio-mimetic soft crawlers. We prove the well-posedness of the approach and illustrate how the various strategies adopted by crawlers to achieve locomotion, such as friction anisotropy, complex shape changes and control on the friction coefficients, can be effectively described in terms of stasis domains. Compared to other rate-independent systems, locomotion models do not present any Dirichlet boundary condition, so that all rigid translations are admissible displacements, resulting in a non-coercivity of the energy term. We prove that existence and uniqueness of solution are guaranteed under suitable assumptions on the dissipation potential. Such results are then extended to the case of time-dependent dissipation

    Hydrodynamics of flagellated microswimmers near free-slip interfaces

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    The hydrodynamics of a flagellated microorganism is investigated when swimming close to a planar free-slip surface by means of numerical solu- tions of the Stokes equations obtained via a Boundary Element Method. Depending on the initial condition, the swimmer can either escape from the free-slip surface or collide with the boundary. Interestingly, the mi- croorganism does not exhibit a stable orbit. Independently of escape or attraction to the interface, close to a free-slip surface, the swimmer fol- lows a counter-clockwise trajectory, in agreement with experimental find- ings, [15]. The hydrodynamics is indeed modified by the free-surface. In fact, when the same swimmer moves close to a no-slip wall, a set of initial conditions exists which result in stable orbits. Moreover when moving close to a free-slip or a no-slip boundary the swimmer assumes a different orientation with respect to its trajectory. Taken together, these results contribute to shed light on the hydrodynamical behaviour of microorgan- isms close to liquid-air interfaces which are relevant for the formation of interfacial biofilms of aerobic bacteria

    Virtual Constraints and Hybrid Zero Dynamics for Realizing Underactuated Bipedal Locomotion

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    Underactuation is ubiquitous in human locomotion and should be ubiquitous in bipedal robotic locomotion as well. This chapter presents a coherent theory for the design of feedback controllers that achieve stable walking gaits in underactuated bipedal robots. Two fundamental tools are introduced, virtual constraints and hybrid zero dynamics. Virtual constraints are relations on the state variables of a mechanical model that are imposed through a time-invariant feedback controller. One of their roles is to synchronize the robot's joints to an internal gait phasing variable. A second role is to induce a low dimensional system, the zero dynamics, that captures the underactuated aspects of a robot's model, without any approximations. To enhance intuition, the relation between physical constraints and virtual constraints is first established. From here, the hybrid zero dynamics of an underactuated bipedal model is developed, and its fundamental role in the design of asymptotically stable walking motions is established. The chapter includes numerous references to robots on which the highlighted techniques have been implemented.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, bookchapte

    Qualitative kinematics of planar robots: Intelligent connection

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    AbstractThis paper proposes a qualitative representation for robot kinematics in order to close the gap, raised by the perception–action problem, with a focus on intelligent connection of qualitative states to their corresponding numeric data in a robotic system. First, qualitative geometric primitives are introduced by combining a qualitative orientation component and qualitative translation component using normalisation techniques. A position in Cartesian space can be mathematically described by the scalable primitives. Secondly, qualitative robot kinematics of an n-link planar robot is derived in terms of the qualitative geometry primitives. Finally, it shows how to connect quantitativeness and qualitativeness of a robotic system. On the one hand, the integration of normalisation and domain knowledge generates normalised labels to introduce the meaningful parameters into the proposed representation. On the other hand, the normalised labels of this representation can be converted to a quantitative description using aggregation operators, whose numeric outputs can be used to generate desired trajectories based on mature interpolation techniques

    Analysis of underwater snake robot locomotion based on a control-oriented model

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    This paper presents an analysis of planar underwater snake robot locomotion in the presence of ocean currents. The robot is assumed to be neutrally buoyant and move fully submerged with a planar sinusoidal gait and limited link angles. As a basis for the analysis, an existing, controloriented model is further simplified and extended to general sinusoidal gaits. Averaging theory is then employed to derive the averaged velocity dynamics of the underwater snake robot from that model. It is proven that the averaged velocity converges exponentially to an equilibrium, and an analytical expression for calculating the forward velocity of the robot in steady state is derived. A simulation study that validates both the proposed modelling approach and the theoretical results is presented.Prepint - (c) 2015 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other users, including reprinting/ republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted components of this work in other works
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