515 research outputs found

    Numerical analysis of a transmission problem with Signorini contact using mixed-FEM and BEM

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    © EDP Sciences, SMAI 2011This paper is concerned with the dual formulation of the interface problem consisting of a linear partial differential equation with variable coefficients in some bounded Lipschitz domain Ω in Rn (n ≥ 2) and the Laplace equation with some radiation condition in the unbounded exterior domain Ωc := Rn\ ̄Ω. The two problems are coupled by transmission and Signorini contact conditions on the interface Γ = ∂Ω. The exterior part of the interface problem is rewritten using a Neumann to Dirichlet mapping (NtD) given in terms of boundary integral operators. The resulting variational formulation becomes a variational inequality with a linear operator. Then we treat the corresponding numerical scheme and discuss an approximation of the NtD mapping with an appropriate discretization of the inverse Poincar´e-Steklov operator. In particular, assuming some abstract approximation properties and a discrete inf-sup condition, we show unique solvability of the discrete scheme and obtain the corresponding a-priori error estimate. Next, we prove that these assumptions are satisfied with Raviart- Thomas elements and piecewise constants in Ω, and continuous piecewise linear functions on Γ. We suggest a solver based on a modified Uzawa algorithm and show convergence. Finally we present some numerical results illustrating our theory

    A priori error for unilateral contact problems with Lagrange multiplier and IsoGeometric Analysis

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    In this paper, we consider unilateral contact problem without friction between a rigid body and deformable one in the framework of isogeometric analysis. We present the theoretical analysis of the mixed problem using an active-set strategy and for a primal space of NURBS of degree pp and p2p-2 for a dual space of B-Spline. A inf-sup stability is proved to ensure a good property of the method. An optimal a priori error estimate is demonstrated without assumption on the unknown contact set. Several numerical examples in two- and three-dimensional and in small and large deformation demonstrate the accuracy of the proposed method

    Some energy conservative schemes for vibro-impacts of a beam on rigid obstacles

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    Caused by the problem of unilateral contact during vibrations of satellite solar arrays, the aim of this paper is to better understand such a phenomenon. Therefore, it is studied here a simplified model composed by a beam moving between rigid obstacles. Our purpose is to describe and compare some families of fully discretized approximations and their properties, in the case of non-penetration Signorini’s conditions. For this, starting from the works of Dumont and Paoli, we adapt to our beam model the singular dynamic method introduced by Renard. A particular emphasis is given in the use of a restitution coefficient in the impact law. Finally, various numerical results are presented and energy conservation capabilities of the schemes are investigated

    Duality based error control for the Signorini problem

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    In this paper we study the a posteriori bounds for a conforming piecewise linear finite element approximation of the Signorini problem. We prove new rigorous a posteriori estimates of residual type in LpL^{p}, for p(4,)p \in (4,\infty) in two spatial dimensions. This new analysis treats the positive and negative parts of the discretisation error separately, requiring a novel sign- and bound-preserving interpolant, which is shown to have optimal approximation properties. The estimates rely on the sharp dual stability results on the problem in W2,(4ε)/3W^{2,(4 - \varepsilon)/3} for any ε1\varepsilon \ll 1. We summarise extensive numerical experiments aimed at testing the robustness of the estimator to validate the theory