7,350 research outputs found

    Lower Bounds for Matrix Factorization

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    We study the problem of constructing explicit families of matrices which cannot be expressed as a product of a few sparse matrices. In addition to being a natural mathematical question on its own, this problem appears in various incarnations in computer science; the most significant being in the context of lower bounds for algebraic circuits which compute linear transformations, matrix rigidity and data structure lower bounds. We first show, for every constant dd, a deterministic construction in subexponential time of a family {Mn}\{M_n\} of n×nn \times n matrices which cannot be expressed as a product Mn=A1AdM_n = A_1 \cdots A_d where the total sparsity of A1,,AdA_1,\ldots,A_d is less than n1+1/(2d)n^{1+1/(2d)}. In other words, any depth-dd linear circuit computing the linear transformation MnxM_n\cdot x has size at least n1+Ω(1/d)n^{1+\Omega(1/d)}. This improves upon the prior best lower bounds for this problem, which are barely super-linear, and were obtained by a long line of research based on the study of super-concentrators (albeit at the cost of a blow up in the time required to construct these matrices). We then outline an approach for proving improved lower bounds through a certain derandomization problem, and use this approach to prove asymptotically optimal quadratic lower bounds for natural special cases, which generalize many of the common matrix decompositions

    Lower Bounds on the Bounded Coefficient Complexity of Bilinear Maps

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    We prove lower bounds of order nlognn\log n for both the problem to multiply polynomials of degree nn, and to divide polynomials with remainder, in the model of bounded coefficient arithmetic circuits over the complex numbers. These lower bounds are optimal up to order of magnitude. The proof uses a recent idea of R. Raz [Proc. 34th STOC 2002] proposed for matrix multiplication. It reduces the linear problem to multiply a random circulant matrix with a vector to the bilinear problem of cyclic convolution. We treat the arising linear problem by extending J. Morgenstern's bound [J. ACM 20, pp. 305-306, 1973] in a unitarily invariant way. This establishes a new lower bound on the bounded coefficient complexity of linear forms in terms of the singular values of the corresponding matrix. In addition, we extend these lower bounds for linear and bilinear maps to a model of circuits that allows a restricted number of unbounded scalar multiplications.Comment: 19 page

    Improved rank bounds for design matrices and a new proof of Kelly's theorem

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    We study the rank of complex sparse matrices in which the supports of different columns have small intersections. The rank of these matrices, called design matrices, was the focus of a recent work by Barak et. al. (BDWY11) in which they were used to answer questions regarding point configurations. In this work we derive near-optimal rank bounds for these matrices and use them to obtain asymptotically tight bounds in many of the geometric applications. As a consequence of our improved analysis, we also obtain a new, linear algebraic, proof of Kelly's theorem, which is the complex analog of the Sylvester-Gallai theorem

    On analog quantum algorithms for the mixing of Markov chains

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    The problem of sampling from the stationary distribution of a Markov chain finds widespread applications in a variety of fields. The time required for a Markov chain to converge to its stationary distribution is known as the classical mixing time. In this article, we deal with analog quantum algorithms for mixing. First, we provide an analog quantum algorithm that given a Markov chain, allows us to sample from its stationary distribution in a time that scales as the sum of the square root of the classical mixing time and the square root of the classical hitting time. Our algorithm makes use of the framework of interpolated quantum walks and relies on Hamiltonian evolution in conjunction with von Neumann measurements. There also exists a different notion for quantum mixing: the problem of sampling from the limiting distribution of quantum walks, defined in a time-averaged sense. In this scenario, the quantum mixing time is defined as the time required to sample from a distribution that is close to this limiting distribution. Recently we provided an upper bound on the quantum mixing time for Erd\"os-Renyi random graphs [Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 050501 (2020)]. Here, we also extend and expand upon our findings therein. Namely, we provide an intuitive understanding of the state-of-the-art random matrix theory tools used to derive our results. In particular, for our analysis we require information about macroscopic, mesoscopic and microscopic statistics of eigenvalues of random matrices which we highlight here. Furthermore, we provide numerical simulations that corroborate our analytical findings and extend this notion of mixing from simple graphs to any ergodic, reversible, Markov chain.Comment: The section concerning time-averaged mixing (Sec VIII) has been updated: Now contains numerical plots and an intuitive discussion on the random matrix theory results used to derive the results of arXiv:2001.0630

    Universality for general Wigner-type matrices

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    We consider the local eigenvalue distribution of large self-adjoint N×NN\times N random matrices H=H\mathbf{H}=\mathbf{H}^* with centered independent entries. In contrast to previous works the matrix of variances sij=Ehij2s_{ij} = \mathbb{E}\, |h_{ij}|^2 is not assumed to be stochastic. Hence the density of states is not the Wigner semicircle law. Its possible shapes are described in the companion paper [1]. We show that as NN grows, the resolvent, G(z)=(Hz)1\mathbf{G}(z)=(\mathbf{H}-z)^{-1}, converges to a diagonal matrix, diag(m(z)) \mathrm{diag}(\mathbf{m}(z)) , where m(z)=(m1(z),,mN(z))\mathbf{m}(z)=(m_1(z),\dots,m_N(z)) solves the vector equation 1/mi(z)=z+jsijmj(z) -1/m_i(z) = z + \sum_j s_{ij} m_j(z) that has been analyzed in [1]. We prove a local law down to the smallest spectral resolution scale, and bulk universality for both real symmetric and complex hermitian symmetry classes.Comment: Changes in version 3: The format of pictures was changed to resolve a conflict with certain pdf viewer