2 research outputs found

    AL-FEC for streaming services in LTE E-MBMS

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    3rd Generation Partnership Project specified Application Layer - Forward Error Correction (AL-FEC) to be used for Enhanced Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Services (E-MBMS) in Long Term Evolution (LTE) networks. Specifically, Raptor coding is applied to both streaming and file delivery services. This article focuses on streaming services and investigates the optimum configuration of the AL-FEC mechanism depending on the signal-to-interference plus noise power ratio conditions. These configurations are compared with a scenario without an application layer protection to obtain the potential gain that can be achieved by means of AL-FEC. This article also studies the multiplexing of services within the AL-FEC time interleaving. These analyses were performed using a proprietary system level simulator and assuming both pedestrian and vehicular users. Different quality criterions were used to ensure the completeness of the study. Results show the significant benefit of using AL-FEC in E-MBMS in terms of coverage and service quality.This study was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science under the project TEC2011-27723-C02-02.Calabuig Gaspar, J.; Monserrat Del Río, JF.; Gozálvez Serrano, D.; Gómez Barquero, D. (2013). AL-FEC for streaming services in LTE E-MBMS. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking. 2013(73):1-12. https://doi.org/10.1186/1687-1499-2013-73S1122013733GPP TS 25.346 V6.4.0, Introduction of the Multimedia Broadcast Multicast Service (MBMS) in the Radio Access Network (RAN); Stage 2, 2005.Deng H, Tao X, Lu J: Qos-aware resource allocation for mixed multicast and unicast traffic in OFDMA networks. EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2012, 2012(195):1-10. 10.1186/1687-1499-2012-1953GPP TS 26.346 V9.5.0, Multimedia Broadcast/Multicast Service (MBMS); Protocols and codecs, 2011.Shokrollahi A: Raptor codes. 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IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. 2012, 58(2):157-167. 10.1109/TBC.2012.2191030Alexiou A, Bouras C, Kokkinos V, Papazois A, Tsichritzis G: Wireless Multi-Access Environments and Quality of Service Provisioning: Solutions and Application, Multimedia broadcasting in LTE networks. Edited by: Muntean GM, Trestian R. Hershey, PA: IGI Global; 2012:269-289.Wang N, Zhang Z: The impact of application layer Raptor FEC on the coverage of MBMS. Radio and Wireless Symposium, 2008 IEEE 2008, 223-226. 10.1109/RWS.2008.4463469Gomez-Barquero D, Fernandez-Aguilella A, Cardona N: Multicast delivery of file download services in evolved 3G mobile networks with HSDPA and MBMS. IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting. 2009, 55(4):742-751. 10.1109/TBC.2009.2032800Stockhammer T, Shokrollahi A, Watson M, Luby M, Gasiba T: Handbook of Mobile Broadcasting: DVB-H, DMB, ISDB-T and Media FLO, Application layer forward error correction for mobile multimedia broadcasting. Edited by: Furhet B, Ahson S. 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    Virtualization of multicast services in WiMAX networks

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    Multicast service is one of the methods used to efficiently manage bandwidth when sending multimedia content. To improve bandwidth utilisation, virtualization is often invoked because of its additional features such as bandwidth sharing and support of services that require high volumes of transactional data. Currently, network providers are concerned with the bandwidth amount for efficient use of the limited wireless network capabilities and the provision of a better quality of service. The virtualization design of a multicast service framework should satisfy several objectives. For example, it should enable the interchange of service delivery between multiple networks with one shareable network infrastructure. Also, it should ensure efficient use of network resources and guarantee users' demands of Quality of Service (QoS). Thus, the design of virtualization of multicast service framework is a complex research study. Due to the bandwidth-related arguments, a strong focus has been put on technical issues that facilitate virtualization in wireless networks. A well-designed virtualized network guarantees users with the required quality service. Similarly, virtualization of multicast service is invoked to improve efficient utilisation of bandwidth in wireless networks. As wireless links prove to be unstable, packet loss is unavoidable when multicast service-oriented virtual artefacts are incorporated in wireless networks. In this thesis, a virtualized multicast framework was modelled by using Generalized Assignment Problem (GAP) methodology. Mixed Integer Linear Programing (MILP) was implemented in MATLAB to solve the GAP model. This was to optimise the allocation of multicast traffic to the appropriate virtual networks. Thus, the developed model allows users to have interchangeable services offered by multiple networks. Furthermore, Network Simulator version 3 (NS-3) was used to evaluate the performance of the virtualized multicast framework. Three applications, namely, voice over IP (VoIP), video streaming, and file download have been used to evaluate the performance of a multicast service virtualization framework in Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access (WiMAX) networks using NS-3. The performance evaluation was based on whether MILP is used or not used. The results of experimentation have revealed that there is good performance of virtual networks when multicast traffic is sent over one single virtual network instead of sending it over multiple virtual networks. Similarly, the results show that the bandwidth is efficiently used because the multicast traffic is not delivered through multiple virtual networks. Overall, the concepts, the investigations and the model presented in this thesis can enable mobile network providers to achieve efficient use of bandwidth and provide the necessary means to support services for QoS differentiations and guarantees. Also, the multicast service virtualization framework provides an excellent tool that can enable network providers to interchange services. The developed model can serve as a basis for further extension. Specifically, the extension of the model can boost load balancing in the flow allocation problem and activate a virtual network to deliver traffic. This may rely on the QoS policy between network providers. Therefore, the model should consider the number of users in order to guarantee improved QoS