40 research outputs found

    Energy efficient strategies for deployment of a two-level wireless sensor network

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    Energy efficient organization and modeling of wireless sensor networks

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    With their focus on applications requiring tight coupling with the physical world, as opposed to the personal communication focus of conventional wireless networks, wireless sensor networks pose significantly different design, implementation and deployment challenges. Wireless sensor networks can be used for environmental parameter monitoring, boundary surveillance, target detection and classification, and the facilitation of the decision making process. Multiple sensors provide better monitoring capabilities about parameters that present both spatial and temporal variances, and can deliver valuable inferences about the physical world to the end user. In this dissertation, the problem of the energy efficient organization and modeling of dynamic wireless sensor networks is investigated and analyzed. First, a connectivity distribution model that characterizes the corresponding sensor connectivity distribution for a multi-hop sensor networking system is introduced. Based on this model, the impact of node connectivity on system reliability is analyzed, and several tradeoffs among various sleeping strategies, node connectivity and power consumption, are evaluated. Motivated by the commonality encountered in the mobile sensor wireless networks, their self-organizing and random nature, and some concepts developed by the continuum theory, a model is introduced that gives a more realistic description of the various processes and their effects on a large-scale topology as the mobile wireless sensor network evolves. Furthermore, the issue of developing an energy-efficient organization and operation of a randomly deployed multi-hop sensor network, by extending the lifetime of the communication critical nodes and as a result the overall network\u27s operation, is considered and studied. Based on the data-centric characteristic of wireless sensor networks, an efficient Quality of Service (QoS)-constrained data aggregation and processing approach for distributed wireless sensor networks is investigated and analyzed. One of the key features of the proposed approach is that the task QoS requirements are taken into account to determine when and where to perform the aggregation in a distributed fashion, based on the availability of local only information. Data aggregation is performed on the fly at intermediate sensor nodes, while at the same time the end-to-end latency constraints are satisfied. An analytical model to represent the data aggregation and report delivery process in sensor networks, with specific delivery quality requirements in terms of the achievable end-to-end delay and the successful report delivery probability, is also presented. Based on this model, some insights about the impact on the achievable system performance, of the various designs parameters and the tradeoffs involved in the process of data aggregation and the proposed strategy, are gained. Furthermore, a localized adaptive data collection algorithm performed at the source nodes is developed that balances the design tradeoffs of delay, measurement accuracy and buffer overflow, for given QoS requirements. The performance of the proposed approach is analyzed and evaluated, through modeling and simulation, under different data aggregation scenarios and traffic loads. The impact of several design parameters and tradeoffs on various critical network and application related performance metrics, such as energy efficiency, network lifetime, end-to-end latency, and data loss are also evaluated and discussed

    Real-Time and Energy-Efficient Routing for Industrial Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks

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    With the emergence of industrial standards such as WirelessHART, process industries are adopting Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks (WSANs) that enable sensors and actuators to communicate through low-power wireless mesh networks. Industrial monitoring and control applications require real-time communication among sensors, controllers and actuators within end-to-end deadlines. Deadline misses may lead to production inefficiency, equipment destruction to irreparable financial and environmental impacts. Moreover, due to the large geographic area and harsh conditions of many industrial plants, it is labor-intensive or dan- gerous to change batteries of field devices. It is therefore important to achieve long network lifetime with battery-powered devices. This dissertation tackles these challenges and make a series of contributions. (1) We present a new end-to-end delay analysis for feedback control loops whose transmissions are scheduled based on the Earliest Deadline First policy. (2) We propose a new real-time routing algorithm that increases the real-time capacity of WSANs by exploiting the insights of the delay analysis. (3) We develop an energy-efficient routing algorithm to improve the network lifetime while maintaining path diversity for reliable communication. (4) Finally, we design a distributed game-theoretic algorithm to allocate sensing applications with near-optimal quality of sensing

    A Tabu Search WSN Deployment Method for Monitoring Geographically Irregular Distributed Events

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    In this paper, we address the Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) deployment issue. We assume that the observed area is characterized by the geographical irregularity of the sensed events. Formally, we consider that each point in the deployment area is associated a differentiated detection probability threshold, which must be satisfied by our deployment method. Our resulting WSN deployment problem is formulated as a Multi-Objectives Optimization problem, which seeks to reduce the gap between the generated events detection probabilities and the required thresholds while minimizing the number of deployed sensors. To overcome the computational complexity of an exact resolution, we propose an original pseudo-random approach based on the Tabu Search heuristic. Simulations show that our proposal achieves better performances than several other approaches proposed in the literature. In the last part of this paper, we generalize the deployment problem by including the wireless communication network connectivity constraint. Thus, we extend our proposal to ensure that the resulting WSN topology is connected even if a sensor communication range takes small values

    Performance of Linear Field Reconstruction Techniques with Noise and Uncertain Sensor Locations

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    We consider a wireless sensor network, sampling a bandlimited field, described by a limited number of harmonics. Sensor nodes are irregularly deployed over the area of interest or subject to random motion; in addition sensors measurements are affected by noise. Our goal is to obtain a high quality reconstruction of the field, with the mean square error (MSE) of the estimate as performance metric. In particular, we analytically derive the performance of several reconstruction/estimation techniques based on linear filtering. For each technique, we obtain the MSE, as well as its asymptotic expression in the case where the field number of harmonics and the number of sensors grow to infinity, while their ratio is kept constant. Through numerical simulations, we show the validity of the asymptotic analysis, even for a small number of sensors. We provide some novel guidelines for the design of sensor networks when many parameters, such as field bandwidth, number of sensors, reconstruction quality, sensor motion characteristics, and noise level of the measures, have to be traded off

    An enhanced evolutionary algorithm for requested coverage in wireless sensor networks

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    Wireless sensor nodes with specific and new sensing capabilities and application requirements have affected the behaviour of wireless sensor networks and created problems. Placement of the nodes in an application area is a wellknown problem in the field. In addition, high per-node cost as well as need to produce a requested coverage and guaranteed connectivity features is a must in some applications. Conventional deployments and methods of modelling the behaviour of coverage and connectivity cannot satisfy the application needs and increase the network lifetime. Thus, the research designed and developed an effective node deployment evaluation parameter, produced a more efficient node deployment algorithm to reduce cost, and proposed an evolutionary algorithm to increase network lifetime while optimising deployment cost in relation to the requested coverage scheme. This research presents Accumulative Path Reception Rate (APRR) as a new method to evaluate node connectivity in a network. APRR, a node deployment evaluation parameter was used as the quality of routing path from a sensing node to sink node to evaluate the quality of a network deployment strategy. Simulation results showed that the behaviour of the network is close to the prediction of the APRR. Besides that, a discrete imperialist competitive algorithm, an extension of the Imperialist Competitive Algorithm (ICA) evolutionary algorithm was used to produce a network deployment plan according to the requested event detection probability with a more efficient APRR. It was used to reduce deployment cost in comparison to the use of Multi-Objective Evolutionary Algorithm (MOEA) and Multi-Objective Deployment Algorithm (MODA) algorithms. Finally, a Repulsion Force and Bottleneck Handling (RFBH) evolutionary-based algorithm was proposed to prepare a higher APRR and increase network lifetime as well as reduce deployment cost. Experimental results from simulations showed that the lifetime and communication quality of the output network strategies have proven the accuracy of the RFBH algorithm performance

    Robust deployment and control of sensors in wireless monitoring networks

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    Advances in Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) technology, including MEMS sensors, have allowed the deployment of small, inexpensive, energy-efficient sensors with wireless networking capabilities. The continuing development of these technologies has given rise to increased interest in the concept of wireless sensor networks (WSNs). A WSN is composed of a large number (hundreds, even thousands) of sensor nodes, each consisting of sensing, data processing, and communication components. The sensors are deployed onto a region of interest and form a network to directly sense and report on physical phenomena. The goal of a monitoring wireless sensor network is to gather sensor data from a specified region and relay this information to a designated base station (BSt). In this study, we focus on deploying and replenishing wireless sensor nodes onto an area such that a given mission lifetime is met subject to constraints on cost, connectivity, and coverage of the area of interest. The major contributions of this work are (1) a technique for differential deployment (meaning that nodes are deployed with different densities depending on their distance from the base station); the resulting clustered architecture extends lifetime beyond network lifetime experienced with a uniform deployment and other existing differential techniques; (2) a characterization of the energy consumption in a clustered network and the energy remaining after network failure, this characterization includes the overhead costs associated with creating hierarchies and retrieving data from all sensors ; (3) a characterization of the effects and costs associated with hop counts in the network; (4) a strategy for replenishing nodes consisting of determining the optimal order size and the allocation over the deployment region. The impact of replenishment is also integrated into the network control model using intervention analysis. The result is a set of algorithms that provide differential deployment densities for nodes (clusterhead and non-clusterhead) that maximize network lifetime and minimize wasted energy. If a single deployment is not feasible, the optimal replenishment strategy that minimizes deployment costs and penalties is calculated.Ph.D., Electrical Engineering -- Drexel University, 201