356 research outputs found

    QBF with Soft Variables

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    QBF formulae are usually considered in prenex form, i.e. the quantifierblock is completely separated from the propositional part of the QBF.Among others, the semantics of the QBF is defined by the sequence ofthe variables within the prefix, where existentially quantifiedvariables depend on all universally quantified variables stated to theleft.In this paper we extend that classical definition and consider a newquantification type which we call soft variable. The idea is toallow a flexible position and quantifier type for these variables.Hence the type of quantifier of the soft variable can also bealtered. Based on this concept, we present an optimization problemseeking an optimal prefix as defined by user-given preferences. We statean algorithm based on MaxQBF, and present several applications – mainlyfrom verification area – which can be naturally translated into theoptimization problem for QBF with soft variables. We further implementeda prototype solver for this formalism, and compare our approach toprevious work, that differently from ours does not guarantee optimalityand completeness

    QRAT+: Generalizing QRAT by a More Powerful QBF Redundancy Property

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    The QRAT (quantified resolution asymmetric tautology) proof system simulates virtually all inference rules applied in state of the art quantified Boolean formula (QBF) reasoning tools. It consists of rules to rewrite a QBF by adding and deleting clauses and universal literals that have a certain redundancy property. To check for this redundancy property in QRAT, propositional unit propagation (UP) is applied to the quantifier free, i.e., propositional part of the QBF. We generalize the redundancy property in the QRAT system by QBF specific UP (QUP). QUP extends UP by the universal reduction operation to eliminate universal literals from clauses. We apply QUP to an abstraction of the QBF where certain universal quantifiers are converted into existential ones. This way, we obtain a generalization of QRAT we call QRAT+. The redundancy property in QRAT+ based on QUP is more powerful than the one in QRAT based on UP. We report on proof theoretical improvements and experimental results to illustrate the benefits of QRAT+ for QBF preprocessing.Comment: preprint of a paper to be published at IJCAR 2018, LNCS, Springer, including appendi

    Planar inviscid flows in a channel of finite length : washout, trapping and self-oscillations of vorticity

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    The paper addresses the nonlinear dynamics of planar inviscid incompressible flows in the straight channel of a finite length. Our attention is focused on the effects of boundary conditions on vorticity dynamics. The renowned Yudovich's boundary conditions (YBC) are the normal component of velocity given at all boundaries, while vorticity is prescribed at an inlet only. The YBC are fully justified mathematically: the well posedness of the problem is proven. In this paper we study general nonlinear properties of channel flows with YBC. There are 10 main results in this paper: (i) the trapping phenomenon of a point vortex has been discovered, explained and generalized to continuously distributed vorticity such as vortex patches and harmonic perturbations; (ii) the conditions sufficient for decreasing Arnold's and enstrophy functionals have been found, these conditions lead us to the washout property of channel flows; (iii) we have shown that only YBC provide the decrease of Arnold's functional; (iv) three criteria of nonlinear stability of steady channel flows have been formulated and proven; (v) the counterbalance between the washout and trapping has been recognized as the main factor in the dynamics of vorticity; (vi) a physical analogy between the properties of inviscid channel flows with YBC, viscous flows and dissipative dynamical systems has been proposed; (vii) this analogy allows us to formulate two major conjectures (C1 and C2) which are related to the relaxation of arbitrary initial data to C1: steady flows, and C2: steady, self-oscillating or chaotic flows; (viii) a sufficient condition for the complete washout of fluid particles has been established; (ix) the nonlinear asymptotic stability of selected steady flows is proven and the related thresholds have been evaluated; (x) computational solutions that clarify C1 and C2 and discover three qualitatively different scenarios of flow relaxation have been obtained

    Incremental Cardinality Constraints for MaxSAT

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    Maximum Satisfiability (MaxSAT) is an optimization variant of the Boolean Satisfiability (SAT) problem. In general, MaxSAT algorithms perform a succession of SAT solver calls to reach an optimum solution making extensive use of cardinality constraints. Many of these algorithms are non-incremental in nature, i.e. at each iteration the formula is rebuilt and no knowledge is reused from one iteration to another. In this paper, we exploit the knowledge acquired across iterations using novel schemes to use cardinality constraints in an incremental fashion. We integrate these schemes with several MaxSAT algorithms. Our experimental results show a significant performance boost for these algo- rithms as compared to their non-incremental counterparts. These results suggest that incremental cardinality constraints could be beneficial for other constraint solving domains.Comment: 18 pages, 4 figures, 1 table. Final version published in Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP) 201
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