1 research outputs found

    A Deterministic Improved Q-Learning for Path Planning of a Mobile Robot

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    This paper provides a new deterministic Q-learning with a presumed knowledge about the distance from the current state to both the next state and the goal. This knowledge is efficiently used to update the entries in the Q-table once only by utilizing four derived properties of the Q-learning, instead of repeatedly updating them like the classical Q-learning. Naturally, the proposed algorithm has an insignificantly small time complexity in comparison to its classical counterpart. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm stores the Q-value for the best possible action at a state and thus saves significant storage. Experiments undertaken on simulated maze and real platforms confirm that the Q-table obtained by the proposed Q-learning when used for the path-planning application of mobile robots outperforms both the classical and the extended Q-learning with respect to three metrics: traversal time, number of states traversed, and 90° turns required. The reduction in 90° turnings minimizes the energy consumption and thus has importance in the robotics literature