888 research outputs found


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    This paper analyses the modalities according to which a large European university collaborates with firms by exploring its relational portfolio. We address this issue by exploiting a database listing more than 1000 firms having collaborated with the University Louis Pasteur between 1990 and 2002. First, using multi-correspondence analysis, we derive a four-classes typology of collaborative behaviours, each of them presenting a strong internal coherence. We obtain four distinct collaboration patterms, for which the frequency of interactions and the exclusive vs. open character of the relationships are discriminating features. Second, using a multinomial logit estimation, we show how this diversity is connected to some individual attributes of the firms: size, legal status, industrial sector and geographic distance from the public partner.Science-industry collaborations; Typology; Industrial collaboration patterns.

    Towards New Strategies for Improving the Transfer of Innovation Between University and the Food Industry

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    All commerce relies on effective strategies for completing a deal, but conducting the transaction at the university-industry interface with an intangible asset represented by research results remains a difficult proposition. Beyond differences of mission and culture, it is usually assumed that the established language of technology transfer can permit productive communication by a university across a wide diversity of industries. However, the experience of the authors indicates that an appreciation of aspects such as subtleties of language, conflicting goals, and market understanding must also be brought to bear in successfully completing a transaction. Information asymmetry remains a key challenge to overcome in this task, and the example of the food industry represents a special case. This article reviews key developments in technology transfer of food innovation across the university-industry interface in Ireland and suggests possible new directions for exploration in order to improve the effectiveness of this process

    International Scientist Mobility and the Locus of Technology Transfer

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    University technology transfer has attracted considerable attention in the literature with a focus on the institutions, the agents involved in technology commercialisation or the differentiation between formal and informal technology transfer mechanisms. There has, however, been little systematic research on how the mobility of university scientists influences their propensity to engage in technology transfer activities and, particularly, on how mobility influences the locus of such activities. This paper therefore analyses the link between university scientists' technology transfer activities and their international mobility patterns. We characterise scientist mobility along the two dimensions frequency' and intensity' resulting in an individual mobility pattern. We argue that the mobility pattern as well as the scientist's personal characteristics affects the likelihood whether a transfer of technology occurs to a firm in the scientist's home and/or host country. Based on a sample of more than 500 German university scientists, our results indicate that a substantial share of scientists engages in technology transfer both to the home as well as to the host country. There are, however, considerable differences regarding the factors influencing the locus of technology transfer. --scientist mobility,university technology transfer,internationalisation

    Study on open science: The general state of the play in Open Science principles and practices at European life sciences institutes

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    Nowadays, open science is a hot topic on all levels and also is one of the priorities of the European Research Area. Components that are commonly associated with open science are open access, open data, open methodology, open source, open peer review, open science policies and citizen science. Open science may a great potential to connect and influence the practices of researchers, funding institutions and the public. In this paper, we evaluate the level of openness based on public surveys at four European life sciences institute

    Essays on dynamic capabilities: the role of intellectual human capital in firm innovation

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    Following the dynamic capabilities perspective, I suggest that antecedents to innovation can be found at the individual, firm, and network level. Thus, I challenge two assumptions common in prior research: (1) that significant variance exists at the focal level of analysis, while other levels of analysis are assumed to be homogeneous, and (2) that the focal level of analysis is independent from other levels of analysis. Accordingly, I advance a set of hypotheses to simultaneously assess the direct effects of antecedents at the individual, firm, and network level on innovation output. I then investigate whether a firm s antecedents to innovation lie across different levels. To accomplish this, I propose two competing interaction hypotheses. I juxtapose the hypothesis that the individual, firm, and network-level antecedents to innovation are substitutes versus the proposition that these innovation mechanisms are complements. I test my multi-level theoretical model using an unusually comprehensive and detailed panel dataset that documents the innovation attempts of global pharmaceutical companies within biotechnology over a 22-year time period (1980-2001). I find evidence that the antecedents to innovation lie across different levels of analysis and can have compensating or reinforcing effects on firm-level innovative output.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Frank T. Rothaermel; Committee Member: J. Jeongsik Lee; Committee Member: John Walsh; Committee Member: Luis Martins; Committee Member: Matt Higgin

    The emergence and diffusion of DNA microarray technology

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    The network model of innovation widely adopted among researchers in the economics of science and technology posits relatively porous boundaries between firms and academic research programs and a bi-directional flow of inventions, personnel, and tacit knowledge between sites of university and industry innovation. Moreover, the model suggests that these bi-directional flows should be considered as mutual stimulation of research and invention in both industry and academe, operating as a positive feedback loop. One side of this bi-directional flow – namely; the flow of inventions into industry through the licensing of university-based technologies – has been well studied; but the reverse phenomenon of the stimulation of university research through the absorption of new directions emanating from industry has yet to be investigated in much detail. We discuss the role of federal funding of academic research in the microarray field, and the multiple pathways through which federally supported development of commercial microarray technologies have transformed core academic research fields. Our study confirms the picture put forward by several scholars that the open character of networked economies is what makes them truly innovative. In an open system innovations emerge from the network. The emergence and diffusion of microarray technologies we have traced here provides an excellent example of an open system of innovation in action. Whether they originated in a startup company environment that operated like a think-tank, such as Affymax, the research labs of a large firm, such as Agilent, or within a research university, the inventors we have followed drew heavily on knowledge resources from all parts of the network in bringing microarray platforms to light. Federal funding for high-tech startups and new industrial development was important at several phases in the early history of microarrays, and federal funding of academic researchers using microarrays was fundamental to transforming the research agendas of several fields within academe. The typical story told about the role of federal funding emphasizes the spillovers from federally funded academic research to industry. Our study shows that the knowledge spillovers worked both ways, with federal funding of non-university research providing the impetus for reshaping the research agendas of several academic fields

    Analysis of orthopaedic device development in South Africa: Mapping the landscape and understanding the drivers of knowledge development and knowledge diffusion through networks

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    An orthopaedic medical device refers to a part, implant, prosthetic or orthotic which is used to address damage to the body's musculoskeletal system, primarily by providing stability and mobility. Orthopaedic medical devices play a role in injury-related disorders, which have been highlighted as a key element of the quadruple burden of disease in South Africa. In this thesis, orthopaedic devices are conceptualised as a technological field and a technological innovation system (TIS) framework is applied to understand orthopaedic device development in South Africa. Knowledge development and knowledge diffusion are fundamental components of any innovation system. The thesis hypothesises that the functions “knowledge development” and “knowledge diffusion through networks” of the orthopaedic devices TIS are influenced by contextual factors. The objectives of the study are: to identify the actors who generate knowledge for orthopaedic device development and to characterise the relationships between them; to identify focus areas of orthopaedic device development; to provide insight into the drivers and barriers to knowledge development and diffusion in the TIS; and to identify the contextual factors that influence knowledge dynamics in the TIS. These objectives are investigated using social network analysis based on bibliometric data (scientific publications and patents), keyword networks, a review of institutions, and a set of case studies where the primary data source are interviews with actors. Actors producing knowledge were from the university, healthcare, industry and science council sectors, although science councils played a small role. International actors were shown to bring new ideas into the TIS. The networks were fragmented, illustrating that knowledge diffusion through the networks was limited. This was especially the case in the patent networks as many actors patent in isolation. The keyword networks highlighted unrealised collaboration potential between actors based on their common research interests. The case studies revealed features of cross-sector interaction for orthopaedic device development not evident from network analysis based on bibliometric data. Drivers of knowledge development and knowledge diffusion were: inter-sectoral collaboration; the availability of resources; the affordability of available devices; and the positive externalities of allied TISs. The main barrier to knowledge development and diffusion was in the form of barriers to intersectoral collaboration. These include unmatched expectations from partners in collaboration, different views on intellectual property ownership, and burdensome university administrative processes. The orthopaedic devices TIS was structurally coupled to the embedded TIS and sectoral contexts, and externally linked and structurally coupled to its political context. Knowledge development and diffusion was found to be positively enhanced by innovation in the additive manufacturing TIS, with shared structural elements and resources. Knowledge development and diffusion was influenced by sectoral dynamics of the university, healthcare and industry sectors. This thesis makes the following contributions. First, it applies the TIS framework to a new focus area, namely medical device development, in a developing country context. Second, it makes two unique methodological contributions: it presents an index to capture the extent of sectoral collaboration in a network; and it develops a method for determining the collaboration potential of actors in a network based on cognitive distance