2,078 research outputs found

    Optimization of 2-d lattice cellular automata for pseudorandom number generation

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    This paper proposes a generalized approach to 2-d CA PRNGs – the 2-d lattice CA PRNG – by introducing vertical connections to arrays of 1-d CA. The structure of a 2-d lattice CA PRNG lies in between that of 1-d CA and 2-d CA grid PRNGs. With the generalized approach, 2-d lattice CA PRNG offers more 2-d CA PRNG variations. It is found that they can do better than the conventional 2-d CA grid PRNGs. In this paper, the structure and properties of 2-d lattice CA are explored by varying the number and location of vertical connections, and by searching for different 2-d array settings that can give good randomness based on Diehard test. To get the most out of 2-d lattice CA PRNGs, genetic algorithm is employed in searching for good neighborhood characteristics. By adopting an evolutionary approach, the randomness quality of 2-d lattice CA PRNGs is optimized. In this paper, a new metric, #rn is introduced as a way of finding a 2-d lattice CA PRNG with the least number of cells required to pass Diehard test. Following the introduction of the new metric #rn, a cropping technique is presented to further boost the CA PRNG performance. The cost and efficiency of 2-d lattice CA PRNG is compared with past works on CA PRNGs

    A Self-Repairing Execution Unit for Microprogrammed Processors

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    Describes a processor which dynamically reconfigures its internal microcode to execute each instruction using only fault-free blocks from the execution unit. Working without redundant or spare computational blocks, this self-repair approach permits a graceful performance degradatio

    DFT and BIST of a multichip module for high-energy physics experiments

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    Engineers at Politecnico di Torino designed a multichip module for high-energy physics experiments conducted on the Large Hadron Collider. An array of these MCMs handles multichannel data acquisition and signal processing. Testing the MCM from board to die level required a combination of DFT strategie

    Bit-error-rate testing of fiber optic data links for MMIC-based phased array antennas

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    The measured bit-error-rate (BER) performance of a fiber optic data link to be used in satellite communications systems is presented and discussed. In the testing, the link was measured for its ability to carry high burst rate, serial-minimum shift keyed (SMSK) digital data similar to those used in actual space communications systems. The fiber optic data link, as part of a dual-segment injection-locked RF fiber optic link system, offers a means to distribute these signals to the many radiating elements of a phased array antenna. Test procedures, experimental arrangements, and test results are presented

    Stan: A Probabilistic Programming Language

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    Stan is a probabilistic programming language for specifying statistical models. A Stan program imperatively defines a log probability function over parameters conditioned on specified data and constants. As of version 2.14.0, Stan provides full Bayesian inference for continuous-variable models through Markov chain Monte Carlo methods such as the No-U-Turn sampler, an adaptive form of Hamiltonian Monte Carlo sampling. Penalized maximum likelihood estimates are calculated using optimization methods such as the limited memory Broyden-Fletcher-Goldfarb-Shanno algorithm. Stan is also a platform for computing log densities and their gradients and Hessians, which can be used in alternative algorithms such as variational Bayes, expectation propagation, and marginal inference using approximate integration. To this end, Stan is set up so that the densities, gradients, and Hessians, along with intermediate quantities of the algorithm such as acceptance probabilities, are easily accessible. Stan can be called from the command line using the cmdstan package, through R using the rstan package, and through Python using the pystan package. All three interfaces support sampling and optimization-based inference with diagnostics and posterior analysis. rstan and pystan also provide access to log probabilities, gradients, Hessians, parameter transforms, and specialized plotting

    Encog: Library of Interchangeable Machine Learning Models for Java and C#

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    This paper introduces the Encog library for Java and C#, a scalable, adaptable, multiplatform machine learning framework that was 1st released in 2008. Encog allows a variety of machine learning models to be applied to datasets using regression, classification, and clustering. Various supported machine learning models can be used interchangeably with minimal recoding. Encog uses efficient multithreaded code to reduce training time by exploiting modern multicore processors. The current version of Encog can be downloaded from http://www.encog.org