152 research outputs found

    A Dynamic Multimedia User-Weight Classification Scheme for IEEE_802.11 WLANs

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    In this paper we expose a dynamic traffic-classification scheme to support multimedia applications such as voice and broadband video transmissions over IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs). Obviously, over a Wi-Fi link and to better serve these applications - which normally have strict bounded transmission delay or minimum link rate requirement - a service differentiation technique can be applied to the media traffic transmitted by the same mobile node using the well-known 802.11e Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) protocol. However, the given EDCA mode does not offer user differentiation, which can be viewed as a deficiency in multi-access wireless networks. Accordingly, we propose a new inter-node priority access scheme for IEEE 802.11e networks which is compatible with the EDCA scheme. The proposed scheme joins a dynamic user-weight to each mobile station depending on its outgoing data, and therefore deploys inter-node priority for the channel access to complement the existing EDCA inter-frame priority. This provides efficient quality of service control across multiple users within the same coverage area of an access point. We provide performance evaluations to compare the proposed access model with the basic EDCA 802.11 MAC protocol mode to elucidate the quality improvement achieved for multimedia communication over 802.11 WLANs.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables, International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC

    Service differentiation in multihop wireless packet networks

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    This work explores the potential of link layer scheduling combined with MAC layer prioritization for providing service differentiation in multihop wireless packet networks. As a result of limited power, multihop characteristic and mobility, packet loss ratio in wireless ad hoc networks tends to be high compared to wireline and one-hop mobile data networks. Therefore, for wireless ad hoc networks, DiffServ-like distributed service differentiation schemes are more viable than hard QoS solutions, which are mainly designed for wireline networks. The choice and implementation of proper queuing and scheduling methods, which determine how packets will use the channel when bandwidth becomes available, contributes significantly to this differentiation. Due to the broadcast nature of wireless communication, media access is one of the main resources that needs to be shared among different flows. Thus, one can design and implement algorithms also at MAC level for service differentiation. In this study, in addition to the scheduling discipline, IEEE 802.11 Distributed Coordination Function is used to increase the media access probability of a specific class of traffic. It is shown that the service requirements of a class can be better met using this two level approach compared to the cases where either of these schemes used alone

    Study of QoS Management In IEEE 802.11 and 802.11e MAC Layer Protocols

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    Wireless networks have become increasingly popular in recent times and it has become a pressing need to ensure that the various applications using it get the necessary Quality of service. Wireless networks being inherently different from wired networks and pose a unique set of challenges . Quality of Service(QoS) is dened as the performance oered by a network to its users in terms of providing resource assurance and service dierentiation to dierent kinds of trac ows .Due to scarcity of bandwidth and high rate of packet loss in wireless networks providing QoS to time critical applications is a challeng- ing task .In this thesis we attempt to study the QoS management strategies applied by the wireless networks at the MAC layer .The most common QoS provisioning strategy is to prioritize the dierent classes of trac and make sure that the high priority trac gets preferential access to the channel .In this thesis ,a study of the binary exponential back-o algorithm which is used by the wireless MAC protocols has been done and an improvement has been proposed in which the Contention Window(CW) is varied in a non-uniform manner for dierent access categories with an aim to improve the performance parameters. The CW denes the range[0,CW] from which a random no of slots are chosen by a station in case of a failure in transmission for backing o before attempt- ing to transmit again. To demonstrate the eect of the modied contention window variation scheme simulations have been carried out using the Qualnet Simulator designed by Scalable Network Technologies, Inc. After implementing the proposed modication a performance comparison has been carried out for parameters such as packet delivery ratio, throughput and jitter

    Internet Access and QoS in Ad Hoc Networks

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    It is likely that the increased popularity of wireless local area networks (WLANs) together with the continuous technological advances in wireless communication, also increase the interest for ad hoc networks. An ad hoc network is a wireless, autonomous, infrastructure-less network composed of stations that communicate with each other directly in a peer-to-peer fashion. When discussing mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), we often refer to an ad hoc network where the stations cooperate in forwarding packets on behalf of each other to allow communication beyond their transmission range over multi-hop paths. In order to realize the practical benefits of ad hoc networks, two challenges (among others) need to be considered: distributed quality of service (QoS) guarantees and multi-hop Internet access. This thesis presents conceivable solutions to both of these problems. The first two papers focus on the network layer and consider the provisioning of Internet access to ad hoc networks whereas the last two papers focus on the data link layer and investigate the provisioning of QoS to ad hoc networks. The first paper studies the interconnection between a MANET and the Internet. In addition, it evaluates three approaches for gateway discovery, which can be initiated by the gateway (proactive method), by the mobile station (reactive method) or by mixing these two approaches (hybrid method). The second paper also studies Internet access for MANETs, but with focus on micro mobility, i.e. mobile stations moving from one gateway to another. In particular, it evaluates a solution that allows mobile stations to access the Internet and roam from gateway to gateway. The third paper, gives an overview of the medium access mechanisms in IEEE 802.11 and their QoS limitations. Moreover, it proposes an enhancement to the contention-free medium access mechanism of IEEE 802.11e to provide QoS guarantees in WLANs operating in ad hoc network configuration. The fourth paper continues the work from the third paper by enhancing the scheme and dealing with the problems that occur due to hidden stations. Furthermore, it discusses how to deal with the problems that occur when moving from single-hop ad hoc networks (i.e. WLANs in ad hoc network configuration) to multi-hop ad hoc networks

    Cross-layer signalling and middleware: a survey for inelastic soft real-time applications in MANETs

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    This paper provides a review of the different cross-layer design and protocol tuning approaches that may be used to meet a growing need to support inelastic soft real-time streams in MANETs. These streams are characterised by critical timing and throughput requirements and low packet loss tolerance levels. Many cross-layer approaches exist either for provision of QoS to soft real-time streams in static wireless networks or to improve the performance of real and non-real-time transmissions in MANETs. The common ground and lessons learned from these approaches, with a view to the potential provision of much needed support to real-time applications in MANETs, is therefore discussed

    Supporting Internet Access and Quality of Service in Distributed Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

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    In this era of wireless hysteria, with continuous technological advances in wireless communication and new wireless technologies becoming standardized at a fast rate, we can expect an increased interest for wireless networks, such as ad hoc and mesh networks. These networks operate in a distributed manner, independent of any centralized device. In order to realize the practical benefits of ad hoc networks, two challenges (among others) need to be considered: distributed QoS guarantees and multi-hop Internet access. In this thesis we present conceivable solutions to both of these problems. An autonomous, stand-alone ad hoc network is useful in many cases, such as search and rescue operations and meetings where participants wish to quickly share information. However, an ad hoc network connected to the Internet is even more desirable. This is because Internet plays an important role in the daily life of many people by offering a broad range of services. In this thesis we present AODV+, which is our solution to achieve this network interconnection between a wireless ad hoc network and the wired Internet. Providing QoS in distributed wireless networks is another challenging, but yet important, task mainly because there is no central device controlling the medium access. In this thesis we propose EDCA with Resource Reservation (EDCA/RR), which is a fully distributed MAC scheme that provides QoS guarantees by allowing applications with strict QoS requirements to reserve transmission time for contention-free medium access. Our scheme is compatible with existing standards and provides both parameterized and prioritized QoS. In addition, we present the Distributed Deterministic Channel Access (DDCA) scheme, which is a multi-hop extension of EDCA/RR and can be used in wireless mesh networks. Finally, we have complemented our simulation studies with real-world ad hoc and mesh network experiments. With the experience from these experiments, we obtained a clear insight into the limitations of wireless channels. We could conclude that a wise design of the network architecture that limits the number of consecutive wireless hops may result in a wireless mesh network that is able to satisfy users’ needs. Moreover, by using QoS mechanisms like EDCA/RR or DDCA we are able to provide different priorities to traffic flows and reserve resources for the most time-critical applications

    A cross-layer middleware architecture for time and safety critical applications in MANETs

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    Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANETs) can be deployed instantaneously and adaptively, making them highly suitable to military, medical and disaster-response scenarios. Using real-time applications for provision of instantaneous and dependable communications, media streaming, and device control in these scenarios is a growing research field. Realising timing requirements in packet delivery is essential to safety-critical real-time applications that are both delay- and loss-sensitive. Safety of these applications is compromised by packet loss, both on the network and by the applications themselves that will drop packets exceeding delay bounds. However, the provision of this required Quality of Service (QoS) must overcome issues relating to the lack of reliable existing infrastructure, conservation of safety-certified functionality. It must also overcome issues relating to the layer-2 dynamics with causal factors including hidden transmitters and fading channels. This thesis proposes that bounded maximum delay and safety-critical application support can be achieved by using cross-layer middleware. Such an approach benefits from the use of established protocols without requiring modifications to safety-certified ones. This research proposes ROAM: a novel, adaptive and scalable cross-layer Real-time Optimising Ad hoc Middleware framework for the provision and maintenance of performance guarantees in self-configuring MANETs. The ROAM framework is designed to be scalable to new optimisers and MANET protocols and requires no modifications of protocol functionality. Four original contributions are proposed: (1) ROAM, a middleware entity abstracts information from the protocol stack using application programming interfaces (APIs) and that implements optimisers to monitor and autonomously tune conditions at protocol layers in response to dynamic network conditions. The cross-layer approach is MANET protocol generic, using minimal imposition on the protocol stack, without protocol modification requirements. (2) A horizontal handoff optimiser that responds to time-varying link quality to ensure optimal and most robust channel usage. (3) A distributed contention reduction optimiser that reduces channel contention and related delay, in response to detection of the presence of a hidden transmitter. (4) A feasibility evaluation of the ROAM architecture to bound maximum delay and jitter in a comprehensive range of ns2-MIRACLE simulation scenarios that demonstrate independence from the key causes of network dynamics: application setting and MANET configuration; including mobility or topology. Experimental results show that ROAM can constrain end-to-end delay, jitter and packet loss, to support real-time applications with critical timing requirements